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Posts posted by dan.io.wal

  1. 32 minutes ago, Cephalon_Ordis said:

    it took me 2,5 years to get the despair knives.

    RNGesus is rarely your ally in this game.

    Rng only spawns the stalker when I play banshee and I'm leveling weapons. RNG is never a friend. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Artorius-Alter said:

    One could argue that Absorb also needs some work. But largely I agree, Psychic Bolts and her passive are the things that stand out.

    I do agree, personally I wish that they would make the Assimilate augment a permanent part of absorb. Also a little less energy draining. That would be amazing

  3. Just now, Artorius-Alter said:

    Nyx is a lot of fun, but her entire kit needs work really. Not just her passive.

    I agree, however the only part of her kit I really don't use is Psychic Bolts. If that and her passive were changed she'd be much more effective. 

  4. Enemies affected by Nyx's powers may be persuaded to drop their weapons

    This hardly ever happens. I love Nyx, I managed to farm her parts from Phorid pretty easily and I forma'd her twice over the double XP weekend. She's quickly becoming one of my personal favorite frames, alongside Nezha, Mesa, and Banshee. Each of those Frames previously mentioned have somewhat useful passives. Nezha allows fantastic weapon combos with slide attacks and manuverability. Mesa makes certain secondaries usable. Banshee allows me to use a shotgun and be stealthy about it. Nyx's passive is RNG gold. I would love her passive to be more in line with her abilities. For example, an idea that makes sense to me would be called "Persuasion" in which enemies nearby would not register Nyx's presence for five seconds of them seeing her, allowing for finishers from any angle. That's just an idea, but I feel that her current passive needs work. 

  5. The second ability is too much like night form Equinox's second, and the fourth is practically the same as Nekros' shadows of the dead. Shadow form sounds like an altered version of Limbo's rift walk...  I'm all in for an umbra frame though, they showed a concept on PrimeTime152 today. 

  6. Personally I think Equinox is in a good place as is, as well as ember. One being a very versatile frame with massive scaling and potential, the other a glass cannon. if ember takes a hit from a bombard or heavy gunner she's a goner, so it makes sense that her powers are so powerful. With frames like her, banshee, and nyx they have to be. 

  7. I'm frustrated. Honestly. I just did three or four spy missions in a row using the following loadout.

    Banshee, Paris Prime, Sonicor, Atterax

    Due to my use of the shade sentinel, I was able to sneak up on several enemies from behind, getting the prompt to perform a stealth finisher on them. After doing so, I got neither the stealth bonus nor the stealth bonus XP. Was something changed that was not announced in the developer notes? I don't normally do long survival runs, and stealth spy runs are how I level my weapons, mostly due to the bonuses gained when you don't screw up when collecting the data

    Please fix this? This has been going on for a while now in almost every mission I do. 

  8. 34 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

    Yet it's not actually recastable on its own, which is a problem since reducing her Duration just to get one of her abilities to actually work while making every other one of her abilities worse is a no-go.

    Silence becomes useless really fast when only the first couple of seconds apply CC, especially since you can't cancel it early. Duration just makes sense on her, allowing it to be recastable would bump up her survivability immensely, making it possible to continue surviving with her at higher levels. 

    Otherwise, she just gets run through the grinder 90% of the time, especially if she's on a larger map with no real nooks and crannies to hide in.

    I sometimes just use her as a mele frame (crazy I know) so it's just my playstyle I suppose haha

  9. 43 minutes ago, MarkOfMoose said:

    So I've been playing as banshee for a good minute and it doesn't take long to realize she is fragile. Like oh my gosh, if anything above lvl 45 hits her she's close to falling over. Not the abuse taking type ya know? Anyway, her third ability known as her quick cc ability, doesn't cc enough. Its a 2 second lean over for enemies to get their Sugar Honey Ice Tea together. So I'm thinking about a possible tweak to it so her survivability goes up just a wee bit. Maybe instead of it being a double take for enemies, it emits sounds of gunfire in places other than where you are, and since the ability silences everything around you enemies dont see you as a threat rather they look around for where imaginary shots are coming from. A shorter duration is needed otherwise it'd be broken. Kinda like nyx chaos but with sound. And enemies within a certain distance still target you but you have ur first ability to handle them. Good idea or no? 

    16 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Graysmog said:

    It really just needs to be recastable, and it'll be fine.

    The easiest way to combat this and make it kind of recastable is Fleeting Expertise and extra power strength. I advise using less range on your abilities and using a long range weapon like the atterax or orthos prime. I've found this to be a simple solution for the time being until her rework. Hope this helps!


    (Also the change kind of defeats the purpose. Sounds more like something they'd put into bardframe.)

  10. 13 minutes ago, cromignon said:

    Some things would make sense if they were Silent without the Hush or Suppress mods. Dart guns like Acrid (which I understand used to be silent) or gel guns like Stug. Boltor and similar nailgun type weapons ought to have a reduced noise level (kinda like how Twin Gremlins aren't totally silent, but you still have to be durned close to alert baddies). Maybe Panthera too? I mean, what would you call that, "Magnetically driven subsonic bladed disc-launcher"? 'Subsonic' is the key. Even railguns, with no gunpowder, are gonna be loud as all heck because the projectiles break the sound barrier. So Snipetron would be Alarming, but Lanka should stay Silent.


    And so on...

    I do think this is a good point. It's rather generalized right now. 

  11. On 1/26/2017 at 4:12 AM, (PS4)SCRATCH__043 said:

    It is not, it is a valid point when there are many others facing the same problem. Dont be ignorant and discard it. Thats exactly the responce from someone that plays the game with these loadouts

    I can honestly say that I've only encountered one mirage simulor combo in the eight or so months. There are a few fantastic frame+weapon combinations, like a turbulence Zephyr and a tonkor, Ivara and the Zenistar, Ember and the Ignis. My favorite frame weapon combo at the moment is my sonar banshee with the paris prime. The damage numbers I get are incredible! Let's be honest, there's more in warframe to be fixed than your issues and complaints with a powerful, effective strategy. 

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