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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. thats fixing how melee combat looks, not the melee combat mode itself.  though its a fast paced game  this doesn't mean you have to run all the time.  enemies up close don't attack randomly, they have a delay of response and this gives you time to do you combos properly without having to spam.  And yeah channelling is still a thing.  you don't have to channel at every hit, only the hits you want.  If D2 were as fast you'd probably post the same topic in their forums.

  2. Business on the long run and less predictability when it come to vaulting/unvaulting. They are trying to make primes great again because the relic system messed everything up.  Casual players get more and faster while primes decrease value iconically.  prime accesses increases in money value so there needs to be a sort of justification.  They will unvault 2 primes + accessories more often so more chances to make profit.  And at the rate new frames are coming out it slows down numbers especially if it does around when a prime is to come out.

  3. Im for the void system. never hated it especially now that I'm more advanced.  but heres the thing:


    Casual players used to spending money on a game due to lack of time, buy plat.  I think its kinda too late after all this time to reverse the process guys.

  4. its all about balance.  Overtime a new weapon, frame or enemy comes out there are adjustments to be done.  I can easily give you and example, the new corpus hammer is the new best hammer in the game and its not even a primed variant.  If they're not gonna buff the others they will eventually nerf something on it.  and as it may seem like a logical or easy decision to make, the enemies are to think about too.  they also nerf things because of abuse.  when simulor and tinker where untouched you could squad up and just let one player wipe out everything.  its not an issue until everybody starts using these weapons too much and congesting others on a higher scale.  nerfing is inevitable in a game with constant new content like Warframe.

  5. they ere supposed to add target points on eximus enemies and if you didn't hit that spot they would stay invulnerable.  nullifiers are the only thing keeping OP frames to wipe out the map like they want.  don't ask for something you don't know the outcome.

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