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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. know it looked sarcastic, but my point was that it's the new order in gaming now : grinding and micro transactions.  this is the new formula for Game devs to make money, way more efficient than coming with a new episode of the game in between years.  I have a specific theory about warfare's rng but its my personal opinion.  To me something with absolute randomness cannot be created by mankind, it's in nature :)  whatever people are calling RNG is something elaborated by people.  Since it can be modified, since you can inject variables in it, it is not absolute. therefor it is not pure randomness.  A number generator acts on what it has,  so if you remove one item, as it is done manually you have to reconfigure the generator, either make it less random or dilute it.  and that's just one part of what i think, the other part has to do with certain times during the day.  you'd  to have played 20 hours in one day to catch up on that.  

  2. First off, I am a very intense Warframe player.  I have started as a noob, did noob things.  In my pas noob life i didn't know how to get plat so i constantly sold my stuff to get new ones since i got the hang of how mastery worked.  With time i figured how to make plat, i bought slots and realized how new advanced player life was so empty.  I had sold everything in the past so i had to rebuild them again, including that loki prime systems nobody still won't sell.


    I have literally rebuilt 99% of frames and weapons at least 3 times.  You can imagine the amount of forma,  forma cycles, boosters i have been through. but thats not the problem, i love this game.  But with time i noticed something that I'm sure a lot of you are not too happy about too. Applolodorus used to be grineer, i loved it.  for any new player it was the best place to level, then it turned to infestation while I'm a very good fan of headshots...

      Moving on, Old Draco  was the God of leveling missions, you could still go in solo and get your gear leveled up but you'd probably have to do it at least twice.  I was never fan of interceptions except Draco. then it became a survival, a low level one. so i had to find something else, hydroid maps too much jumping and moving around different sections.... Aaaaah yes : AKKAD

    And this is where the things get complicated for me.  

    See,  Akkad is known by everyone, even mr0's get taxied there.  Sometimes you want to level more gear together which will require a  few more waves, but i'm smart enough to level all my gear with a maxed frame :)  But for some reason some people just want to be salty, even if they haven't maxed out everything, they leave at wave 5.  So now I decide to run survivals, as a more fun way to level.  but I need a decent enemy level to do it faster.  I can choose from Ophelia, Selkie,  Maybe ANI, ill get to MOT later in the thread.

    these are my personal preferences, anybody can choose any mission to do their leveling depending on the time they are willing to spend in the game.  But see, no matter what mission type choose there is always an issue to end it properly : 


    Defense missions :  Most players do not exceed 10 waves. Some will go 15 20 but that's about it.  Keep in mind that I don't buy boosters every 3 days and it may occur i ant to level up while I don't have one.


    Survivals :  

     - Ophellia is where people come farm for polymer or try to get condition overload, so if I make it to 20 minutes without having someone wanting to leave i will get lucky.  don't get me wrong, I've met cool player who stayed in there for 2 hours with me just for the fun of it, but it's occasional and not  constant.


    - Whenever I go to selkie I either fall into a squad where everybody is just unlocking the mission for 5 minutes or.....that's it.

     - ANI is the official sponsor of Argon crystals for people who don't like to be stationary in void defense.  someone will extract anytime. between 5 10 waves. occasional players will stay 20 but again its not constant.

     - MOT should be the right place for me but now players who want to unlock harrow quest have to unlock MOT in 5 min, argon farmers get in there too to try to simulate lifeofrio. whenever they die a couple of times they either leave squad or go straight to extraction.


    I'm trying to take advantage of enemy spawn and affinity xp share rate when in full squad and this is the only reason i go public to level my gear.  Everybody is watching youtube videos for god builds endurance tips  but i can't find a tight squad to go in in serious gameplay these days.  I'm either caught up between players credit farming or farming resources, or prefer redoing 10 waves or 5 10 minutes over and over again.  New player don't know this but, there was a time in the game where your revives had a cool down. If you didn't finish calling down you would go in missions with one life, ONE.  everybody now is saving their precious non cooled down revives and leaving missions faster...Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy?  Where is leveling going  right now :(





  3. Why would you buy the quest again if you did it before?  If a friend needs help all you have to do is equip your last vessel and your friend just has to launch the missions.  If your friend doesn't even have the quest maybe its not time for him or her to do it yet if your friend doesn't know how to farm ducats.  that's what you should help with first.

  4. I would leave the game.  all the plat you want to have is to buy new gear, new frames right?  what would be the point of buying cosmetics if you can only see them in your arsenal and reduce visuals to only what you're holding?  Warframe is appealing to many players because of what you can see, manipulate what you can see.  yeah, i would leave the game right away.

  5. I've read on threads here people saying warfare.market isn't verified or certified by DE. I can't talk about what i don't know, but i do know that in order to use market site you have to link it with the warframe.com account.  For people who don't know, when you are not on the site you appear offline, when you are finally on the site you get to choose your status between online on site or online in game.  So IF market site is ok with DE why not link market to your game account (with authentication methods etc)  and as soon as you come online in the game you would appear online in game on the site?  this would resolve the AFK issue.  

  6. 15 hours ago, Dark_Sp00n said:

    The community being more satisfied, increasing the number of players, decreasing the amount of quitting players. This doesn't mean they make it easier to acquire ingame items, it means they make it guaranteed that some day, you will get them, being true to the moto "ninjas play free", as for now, I really feel like RNG is set out to enver give me harrow systems and I simply will "have" to buy him for plats.

    more satisfaction according to your theory is getting things faster. . equation would be :

    getting things faster = easy game

    easy game = bored player

    bored player = leave game

    leave game = not good for DE

    not good for DE <  it will never happen

  7. let's agree that you can only take advantage of any mod (in exception of corrupted ones in certain scenarios) when its maxed? ok.  So whatever fractions you calculate on, that's not the logic for mods.  but this is :


    Pressure point maxed < Primed pressure point maxed

    Easy as that.  

  8. Saying DE makes the game easier for new players is very subjective.  whoever says this right now isn't a new player anymore.  there is no weapon or frame in your load out that can't nuke the whole star chart, so your opinion is compromised by your experience.  Players are still asking for help in region chat for missions you laugh at.  The REAL issue is that LOR and JV are still beta and have a cool down.  Experienced players and veterans are not kept busy with content fitting their experience and put it on DE.  


     - The corrupted bombard reusable blueprint, I second that.



      - "mastery is useless" is a public opinion and not a fact.

    I will hear this everyday that players stop at 13 or 18, well I'm sorry but either of these players is not a good reference to someone asking how a weapon or frame is good or bad, or what are the pros and cons.  your load out is limited and you can only speculate on what you have built and modded.


     - Damage reduction decrease : Why?

    End game content starts at 100+ Sortie 3 category.  End game is not an overall preference, even certain veterans don't care about it.  Reducing enemy resistance just makes everything easy for everyone, even the ones who don't understand anything in the game.  if there's no challenge there is no game, tetris 101.


     - Nobody cares about scanning because the codex don't really do anything ut remind you about you already know.  For the unexperienced, codex doesn't mean anything because there is nothing really tied to it if you can just ask someone who knows which mob drops what mod.  you only start caring when theres almost nothing to build and your mastery rank progress bar won't move, that's what happened to me.  they can just introduce a melee mod just like astral autopsy for arch melee.  They can also move drop tables from a website and just integrate it in the codex, posted about this before, don't know if they will think about it.  As for rewards for scanning, well helios is in the game now, theres no point to reward when there a sentinel that does the job.


     - "Login rewards, bring back the ultra rare 50% WITH +30 plat."  

    Plat only useable in market, i'll b fine with that, that only.  Only this will require a little more diluting in the cycle.  wether it was for market use or universal, I can already hear sellers complaining about the plat economy and how sales would go down.  Micro currency is "real money" in the game.  just like real money it's earned after a lot of effort, buying it with real money is also real life effort.  RNG, plat earning, farming, nitain, mastery rank cool down are intended to slow you down. whatever you're asking for would be the sam reason you would want to leave the game labeling it as boring and poor.


    Now theres a difference between fixing a game and making it more convenient to you.  Fixing is balancing, correcting. you want advantaging.



  9. The only think i think needs to be reworked is for her 1 to be linked with her 4, so theres a little work to get the overshileds.  After 2 nerfs she is still very powerful. Transfer overshileds to her 4 and only effective if 1 is casted.  I see it like this because almost nobody uses her 1 in the kit.  Warframe is a team co-op, having infinite range would only resume not to maintain that motto.

  10. There isn't any problem.  if a player is obsessed with certain weapons or  they can't grind enough to get others, you get this kind of debate.  Because nobody can expect a mr0 with a tigris prime or palatine to start off the star chart missions.  Yeah mastery is still meaningful no matter what the majority thinks.  We have all studied something to get a masters degree and learned something we didn't need, mastery kinda works like that when it comes to crafting weapons. The mentality of always having the strongest weapon in the game is like a substitute for not being able to cheat the game and bypass its challenges.  


    buff/nerfs are not systematic. meaning just because there were a few buffs doesn't mean nerfs tag along, it's not based on someones preferences, its based on balancing the game referring to player based  usage/abuse, ability clunkiness/synergy  and/or enemy scaling and more often revisiting a few old weapons outdated.  If you can come on forums and post about what you want to be nerfed its probably because you've seen it in action, very often.  that's because alof players like nukes and others like to work for the kill, love a little resistance and challenge.  And what sense would it make to have every weapon type to deal damage relatively the same way?  Where does that even exist?  A hammer can crush and deal a lot of damage, a heavy blade also deals damage but can you say the heavy blade needs a nerf?  impact and slash are just 2 different damage types.  A rifles pellet is nothing like a shotgun shell.  at the end everything kills, its more about what the community like to kill faster or better with.  Ever wondered why th gelatine never got a nerf?  because it's slow and reduces your KPS, but nothing shreds like it in the game.  Convenience abuse and misbalance lead to nerfs.

  11. it will depend on the frame and which weapon i will main.  I'm recently playing inaros with strun wraith no secondary, prisma dual cleavers, djinn/stinger, Naramon.  Gas/electricity on stinger,  corrosive/Slash on cleavers and also corrosive heat on stun wraith.  But that's just because it's inaros.  In general i try to bring corrosive slash gas/viral distributed in my full load out.  Arcane enhancements...not really a fan, i sustain perfectly without them.  But whenever I feel like using them , deflection is my all purpose arcane for more slash resistance, thats about it.

  12. This situation has created more saltiness into the community than anything else.  i am glad I'm not the only one observing this.  But this isn't just about kuva or Taxi'ing , but it's about everything.  I am the type who likes to help out random players i meet new to the game.  I take the time to answer questions, but the moment the answer is a long definition they skip what i was saying like i was an idiot talking to myself.  Eventually they become very rude and devalue my help.  The amount of new players coming to the games has increased massively in 2017.  Skill up just had to review and stream warframe to get player base to 2k new players a day. Skill up only.  So the more these issues take time to get solved the more we are plunging in this chaos, it is chaos when you look at this wonderful game with so much to learn and appreciate.  

  13. I frankly didn't care about cosmetics. Made it to mr22 focusing only on getting as much as gear as possible to get to the next rank.  then you guys started coming up with the cool sysndanas and I dogged, started buying them.  Suddenly after oberon prime your syandanas are now buggy.  It feels like  a scam  when you used to have something looking good and attaching properly, until an updates just messed everything up and you have to stare at your broken syandanas.  I mentioned this the moment these bugs became a thing.  Now I have a load of syandanas i can't use. i just started liking inaros and the ONLY Syandana i  like on him is the Vexilus Cloak.  I won't bother posting screenshots, just try it out yourselves and tell me how "beautiful" it is now.  FIX YOUR SYANDANAS IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KEEP BUYING THEM.

  14. I frankly didn't care about cosmetics. Made it to mr22 focusing only onsetting as much as gear as possible to get to the next rank.  then you guys started coming up with the cool sysndanas and I dogged, started buying them.  Suddenly after oberon prime your syandanas are now buggy.  It feels like  a scam  when you used to have something looking good and attaching properly, until an updates just messed everything up and you have to stare at your broken syandanas.  I mentioned this the moment these bugs became a thing.  Now I have a load of syandanas i can't use. i just started liking intros and the ONLY Syandana i  like on him is the Vexilus Cloak.  I won't bother posting screenshots, just try it out yourselves and tell me how "beautiful" it is now.  FIX YOUR SYANDANAS IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO KEEP BUYING THEM.

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