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Posts posted by (PSN)fullblast35

  1. On 8/8/2017 at 10:14 AM, (Xbox One)Zweimander said:

    Meh if a weapon needs a riven to keep up with actual good weapons I won't use it because I try to push my runs as long as I can. For starchart you ca. Use the Karak but even then its outclassed by so many other weapons its not funny. Include the meta weapons as well and it becomes even less desirable as well! To be honest I only own good rivens for the Zarr and Pox... I liked the. For the asthetic though not the stats. They just so happen to be meta, funny how that works right? I do thobk the karak could be good though... But impaxt is just awful so it would still see very little use unless it was buffed to soma primes level and then some.

    The point of rivens was to push a weapon a little further anyways, not necessarily top tier.

  2. Guides of the lotus recruitment frequency is just too low. Whenever a guide is in region alongside the bot, the chat isn't perfect but it's less cancerous.  More guides would mean more monitoring in difeerent timezones and hours of the day.  A guide is also used to get feedback live from users in region chat, the more they had the more opinions they could synthesize together too.

  3. Overextended decreases strength so you can have a fast nova build yes. Range affects M Prime' explosion radius.  Is someone want's specific build you just need the specific mods.  having an augment like that  on slow builds would make enemies faster yes but would actually buff the ability way too much since your strength would not be negative.  you'd have fast enemies coming and exploding way faster leading you with the most damage dealt in any scenario possible.

  4. they should just add rejuvenation passive where shadows get 25% - 30% of your recovery from that aura, not affected by coaction rift. Shadows health would still decay but a little slower.

  5. Just now, Ascythian said:

    This is true but Limbo should still be able to roll, its just laziness not to add a new button for his ability.

    Rolling is cool and any future attempt to add rolling melee attacks wouldn't apply to Limbo. He should be able to do a default move.

    its not a bad idea, I'm just thinking pc get to customize controls on many keyboard and mouse buttons but consoles are limited to a number of buttons :(

  6. 5 minutes ago, Ascythian said:


    when you don't roll with limbo you get into the rift which spares you from all incoming damage. in that perspective i thought of the same mechanic for hydroid to push/drag enemies on his path, but thats just me :)

  7. I'm still waiting for update to actually test him, but from what I've seen this is what I think :


    1 - Passive will be useless for players who use hydroid more for farming (it always has), because they just cast their 4 and stand there.  Hydroid is known for CC and farming. Give him a passive like coolant leak, where if an enemy gets too close they get mini puddled for a short duration.  And just like limbo change his rolling movement to a tidal surge. that would be awesome.

    2 - He needs to deal more damage.  The good thing about a frame is the ability  for it to handle as much  scenarios as possible.  Damage dealer is one of them.  All his abilities need a slight buff.

    3 - the "nerfs" players are pointing out could be compensated by giving hydroid abilities a Cold Proc with a decent duration and a certain radius of effect near puddle.  his movement in the puddle costs energy so if he didn't have to move too much a cold proc would be useful for other players to finish off remaining un-CC'ed enemies and help out with pulling enemies inside the puddle without having to rush.

    4 - He does need animation for charging abilities and please not too much casting duration.  Harrow is already costing players a slot for natural talent.


  8. limbo is just useful for keeping the team alive in specific scenarios and with the right tactics.  You have to deal with 2 visual effects :  banished enemies and the rift.  I play limbo and I can say i'm great with him, but whenever someone else is playing him I simply get out of the way in case the player doesn't know how to handle him.  if he's not good with limbo he will eventually die.  A good limbo player remains in his rift, alone.  his interventions should  be very precise and fast.  if you cast ordering 2, 4, 3, uncast 4 you're slowing down everyone's DPS and KPS for crowd control and imposing other players to get into the rift to kill them, that's it.  I will agree about the visuals being confusing, but i hated limbo only when I didn't understand how he worked.

  9. so why not give every new player everything?  I can understand the frustration of a new player who wants things other advanced players have,  but this isn't argument enough to give them rewards players obtain by login in more than others.  This is precisely to encourage you to keep on playing.   If you're a new player you have more to discover than to sit and hope for these things to happen.  At some point in your progress you will eventually come up with your own builds not even requiring primed shred.   How did other players make it without having it?  Obviously they played a lot.  everybody goes through it.  You don't even have to play that much, as long as you login at the given time which also replenishes your syndicate cap, focus cap and your trades.  Ok yeah, players with this mods could have a little more advantage, but they earned it.  and it's about the same with weapon rewards, sigils, exilus adapters and potatoes.  the game literally lets you bypass mastery locked weapons and frames if you buy them from the market, there had to be somewhere to distinguish players who play intensively and those who play once in a while.  And if you're a new player who already knows about primed shed you're probably youtubing content way ahead your progression status.

  10. kinda encourages you to kill to get more reactants.  it would be too easy to just stand there and wait for others to get them to drop and just vacuum.  You already have the advantage if you slo down and let the whole team rush into enemies, and occasionally when you get into a mission already in progress.

  11. Stealth multiplier increases damage 6X.  Ash is a stealth frame, if your invisibility doesn't have duration ash isn't that useful.  as for your melee , if it's slash based you could use relentless combination in substitute for body count, but drifting contact always helps.  if its also a critical melee or has. decent start at the same time, condition overload and blood rush are a plus.   CO will add +60% damage for every damage type afflicted to the enemy.

  12. Just now, Elvangreen said:

    Hydron Sedna

    you didn't read the part where I said I don't do hydroid because of personal preferences...and there can't be just one convenient way to level in the game when in the past you had more than we have now.

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