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Posts posted by Fellas92

  1. 20 minutes ago, Littlelosttank said:

    Gotta love it when a entire group of weapons have their entire purpose nerfed because of a lack of people unable to do basic targeting and trigger discipline. 

    Ooooh you'd be surprised. I usually like to check players stats on accuracy. Some people have ~30% accuracy on hitscan weapons like rubico. That's like 7/10 shots missed.

  2. 7 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

    That's a good point about Chroma. Specially now that people will probably have to go farm more arcanes in eidolons to rank them up to 5 lol.

    You needed 10 arcanes to upgrade to rank 3 (1+2+3+4). Now you'll most likely rank up to 5 per 2 arcanes (2+2+2+2+2) which would make sense. But then again, wouldn't be surprised if the new ranks will require additional arcanes.

  3. 4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Arcane Tanker- 
    On Rank 5: On Archgun Equipped:
    +1800 Armor for 24s
    Cooldown added (cannot re-trigger while active).

    You boosted the armor addition to this arcane, however you only increased the time bonus on guardian. Increase the armor value perhaps ?


    4 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Arcane Guardian
    On Rank 5: On Damaged:
    15% chance for +600 Armor for 30s


  4. DE always released half-assed content, but for some reason it was bearable. However, they seem to have a new trend of releasing literally broken content, which not only has an insane increase in grindiness, but a reduction of rewards. On top of that, the rewards are sh*t.

    For example, I tried to farm the vidar reactor for a week or so. Got 2 drops, but the rolls I got were horrendous. +37 and +39 avionics... In the meantime the Dojo one gives you 50. Good job DE, thanks for giving me an amazing reward which I literally spend hours to get. 

    What's even worse, it feels like DE doesn't even care what players have to say anymore. Players ask for things to be fixed, but DE just goes on a nerf strike. 

  5. 12 hours ago, FreeWilliam said:

    It's new optional content in a free game that didn't exist before you got upset about it.

    Okay so, if I'd take a massive dump and stick a flower into the outcome and give it to you for FREE, would you be happy ? Hey, it's optional, but FREE!

  6. 5 hours ago, NoXHeart said:

    I think having converted liches as crew members was something they were already at least throwing around the idea of?

    Correct me if I'm wrong mind you

    At this point we can only guess what DE changed. The base level of liches was 180 degrees different from what we've got, so I wouldn't be surprised if railjack will differentiate from previous showcases.

  7. 6 minutes ago, wariat117 said:

    would prefer normal maps over huge bullS#&$ that lags 😛

    Well if you have a weak system, you can only blame yourself.

    I for one, prefer open worlds filled with interesting stuff that can be explored. Sadly Fortuna ain't one of those.

  8. Add some punctuation. 

    I'd rather prefer that DE would finally properly rework/buff all of the curent warframes, instead of pumping out mediocre ones every few months. 

    Also why would we need another frame who would have the same ability as chroma ? Aside for the credit boost, his 4 is garbage.

  9. There have been plenty of topics like this, yet DE ignored all of them. I even asked them to add rare containers to PoE/Fortuna so the people could actually explore the map and get something in return. 

    Though at this point, posting feedback is like beating on a dead horse. DE is knee-deep in Empyrian/New War and continues to ignore all what people ask for... At this point it's easier to talk to a wall or just give up.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Miyabi-sama said:

    I'm genuinely shocked. What does chroma do in your list?

    Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that a warframe is fun/good when you basically only use buff abilities while 1 and 4 are trash. But hey, if you find frames perfect when they only have 1-2 great abilities then kudos to you.
    And do tell me how fun grendel is. Oh you can eat up an enemy ? And use a weird rotating buff ability that does jack most of the time ? Or the part where he runs out of energy in a second if he consumes more than 7 enemies ? Or the meatball thing where it can't kill anything past level 50 ? 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    The flaws aren't with the frames. Some could use tweaks sure but mostly the content itself is to blame.

    I do get your point, but imagine how long it takes for them to rework certain single items, now imagine them reworking the core game. Good luck with that lol.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    If I had to guess, it's because Saryn is as far on the problem spectrum, but much easier to fix. She needs numeric tweaks - Zephyr, Chroma, whatnot, they need full reworks and much more attention.

    That's the problem. If we had better working frames, we wouldn't have the need to stick to one or the other. Yet this is the typical DE way of fixing things, stick a band-aid and move on.

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  13. Alright, so... the word is spreading that Saryn might be getting nerfed/reworked soon, while in the meantime Nyx,Chroma,Grendel,Titania,Zephyr are sitting in the corner eating glue. Now don't get me wrong, some of the abilities are decent, but in general, the main arsenal is pretty garbage.

    I don't really understand the logic behind DE. They create something x10 times stronger than the rest of the items in game, then they get surprised people use it and nerf it. Same applies to weapons. I mean nerfing something broken is fine, but we also need other things to get buffed once in a while as well. For example, Hema requires a frick ton of mutagen samples to get, but what do we get in the end ? A mediocre gun at best.

    I won't even start on some of the mods.... warm coat,rifle aptitude, etc... So how about DE instead of reworking the same warframe for several times, you actually look into other things, which haven't been looked at for several years ? 

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