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Posts posted by Fellas92

  1. 3 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    a Flotilla now, UI shows Energize cost 4,000 credits and, in bold print, states "PURCHASED ARCANES ARE UNRANKED"

    He is talking about plat price. Maxed arcane energize can be bought for 630p atm. Imagine the price in a month.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Ghogiel said:

    SS only has common and uncommon arcanes unless I am missing something.

    They added every arcane today. Also doubled all of the credits earned from the event. So now in ~20min you can get 4k + the 8k bonus.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    I don't strictly think about short term changes in a market.

    Check the price on legendary core. Everyone got 1 for free, the price dropped to ~100, after several months the price is just around ~140. Are we getting a steady supply of those ? No. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    And where are players getting this supply to maintain the 15p price? Don't pretend the prices will stay low once the event ends and players buy up all the underpriced arcanes

    You don't get the point do you?...

    • Like 6
  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    You realize that after the event is over, Eidolons will still be the only way to acquire arcanes, right? Many players still won't have rank 5 arcanes, so they will need to trade for them or run Eidolons. Also, Eidolons remain one of the best ways to earn Focus since it is not limited by the daily cap.

    Yeah, the only problem is, why would new players try to do 10-15 hydrolist kills to obtain 1 legendary arcane, while they can just buy it off the market for 15p ? 

    • Like 9
  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    2.5 years of a monopoly on arcanes wasn't enough?

    The point is, eidolons will serve no purpose to the game. I really don't care about the market myself, have more plat than I can spend anyway.

    • Like 8
  7. 4 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

    The events only here for a month, once the event is over the only way to get them will be to trade or farm eidolons.

    The market will be dead by then, since the majority will stock up on arcanes in bulk.

    Then again, not really sure why I bothered with the topic in the first place. DE can't even fix new content and I'm worried about old stuff, which will be forgotten like @8faiNt said.

    • Like 17
  8. Since all of the arcanes have been finally added to scarlet spear store, question is, what will happen to Eidolon hunting ? If they won't get an update, they will literally be dead weight and serve no purpose to the game. Riven transmuters are barely used. As for focus, well, I suppose the majority of players farm ESO for that anyway.

    • Like 3
  9. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    Nidus can be taken down by fire easy. Fire/other elements and ability nullers hurts Nidus the most.  I tested it out alot. Och poor Nidus. I want to buff nidus and other warframes. Since the enemy grows so does the warframes. 

    Man... if you can't survive with Nidus now, I really doubt buffing him would give you any benefit, and you would still fail miserably.


    55 minutes ago, Atsia said:

    Yeah no, it really sounds like you don't know how to play the frames.

    He was complaining his "tank" frost dies from one shot mechanics which he didn't understand need to dodged. By the way his "great" frost build has 1.5k shields. So yeah, pretty much sums up everything, he has no idea how to play different frames.

    In conclusion, OP go read guides and watch videos, learn how everything works instead of asking buffs every single day. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

    if DE brings all weapons up to endgame capacity, then people will complain that all the challenge is lost

    Since when did we have challenge in this game ?

    Also, OP what you on about ? Enemies armor got reworked, so everything is much easier to kill. Poor weapons are actually decent now. If you cannot mod a single weapon properly in order to kill a foe, it's on you.

    Riven disposition on the other hand, is another topic. Though pretty everyone knows that they will changed every 3 months.

    • Like 2
  11. 6 minutes ago, Canach said:

    The Pandolin? what an embarassment, really - the Pandolin??

    Normal gram was a joke. Gram prime became one of the best weapons, so yeah, really. Don't judge it if you haven't tried it out.

    • Like 18
  12. On 2020-03-29 at 4:49 PM, (PS4)Captain_Bonecold said:

    My shields are over 1500

    Yeah... you lost me at this part. Someone who uses a build like this and asks for an enemy nerf. Oh, and don't stand in the laser. 

    • Like 6
  13. 24 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

    ITT:  People who are actively demonstrating that they have absolutely no idea how the development process works, what a "teaser" is, how playable demos work, how live service games work, and the definitions of the words "promise," "fake," and "lie."  Worse, they have decided that it's really really important for some reason to persuade others that they're wrong for not hating everything.

    If you went to a pizza place and ordered a pizza, but instead you would receive a slice of bread. Would you be happy ?

    • Like 6
  14. 4 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    start stating facts then. u comment as if they ONLY worked on railjack and totally forget how many other fixes/additions came to the game in the meantime.

    Maybe that's the problem which was stated a bazillion times ? DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN YOU CAN HANDLE. Then again, done arguing with you, cause I'm just hitting a brick wall.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    thats ur expectations and not what DE also said in multiple dev streams. do u expect content worth a whole new game to drop within 1 year and 1 single update ? really ?

    Railjack was in development for more than 2 years... that's a lot of time for a single expansion. What's the point of showing content if you are going to cut it to 20 pieces and deliver it over 10 years ?

    • Like 2
  16. 8 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    no ur just not understanding what i write as it seems.

    And you don't understand sarcasm.

    And that's the problem with the so called "specific setup". They can add anything they want for show, but if it's not on the final product, that means it is fake. Just like make up. You add a bunch of stuff, you look beautiful. Remove the make up, the look changes entirely.

    If I would take a million euro loan from a bank, post it on social media and say I'm a millionaire, then return the loan and keep the picture. Would I still be a millionaire ? No, I would be a fake.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 minute ago, Xydeth said:

    they did play live what was shown. ofc it was a specific setup to showcase what their goal was. same for railjack/empyrean 2019...they clearly stated its a specific setup.

    Ah, so, we're playing 2 games then. Warframe (normal edition) and Warframe (limited DE edition). How can I enter the limited one ? I can pay no problem. At least I would get to play what was shown.


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  18. 1 minute ago, kevoisvevo said:

    ease up man, you know what the mods are here like. they will put their willy fingers on the abuse button anytime things get heated lol. no point in arguing with em any longer. don't think anyone is changing anyone's opinions.

    Just quoting stuff, that's pretty much it. Besides, already got a warning this morning today, so wouldn't be the first time lol. But hey, they can ban me, less players = less money for DE. Everyone wins !

    • Like 2
  19. 6 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    DE hasnt done fake teasers. ur just picking the small things that fit ur ranting and ingore what DEs has said and written and goes along with whats shown

    Are you that close minded ? Man.. no wonder people are stocking up on toilet paper... Though there is a good quote somewhere where it says something along the lines of "You cannot beat a stupid person in an argument.

    So seems proving to you that railjack demo =/= reality will be impossible. 


    • Like 4
  20. 11 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

    how about u go and add all of that which could basically be another game like shadow of mordor space style in 1 year and then talk as if it was easy. it was a vision DE showed and as the notice on dev stream: work in progress and subject to change.

    Oh I don't know... If your team is not capable of providing what is promised, then maybe, I don't know... don't do FAKE teasers ? Also railjack was first teased in 2018, so they had at least 2 years.

    • Like 5
  21. 15 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    did you hit your head or something as you stated the introductions of railjack were a lie an i pointed out that what we got was much better than what was shown in the teaser.
    it seems like your wanting to make everyone think the way you are an since people are not your attacking them.

    I'm stating facts. And you just post nonsense, without proving anything.

    Teaser - In railjack you can take flight from any planet, explore the vast cosmos, join others via squadlink and fight off liches as main villains. 
    Reality - do exterminate mission 20 times. "much better part"

    Yeah, we're done here.

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