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Posts posted by METAL_BAWKSES

  1. 1 hour ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

    Imagine you casually playing the game and then the lodtus pops up,

    "Tenno, something ins't right. I am detecting sentient fighters, and lots of them!"

    And from that point on x nodes on x planets are invaded by sentients, untill the whole starchart excluding void and kuva forstess probably is only sentient missions.

    Midway through they could have the Hive Mind of the Infested go nuts and start a all out war against the Sentient. Pushing the Tenno, Corpus and Grineer in the middle in a fight to simply survive. 

  2. I think they do need to be looked at and more than a few need a stat buff to be brought more in line with their non-Infested counter parts. Now is also a good time for this because we should be getting the Infested Warframe before the end of the year and I imagine that a lot of players (like myself) will be using one or more Infested weapons with the frame.

  3. While I'm a pretty big fan of the frame over all, I would like to see the "flaps" on the back of his upper arms become removable. They clip into the shoulder sections of his upper arm, can obscure your view when making fast moves or during melee and can clip into and become stuck in the Nekros model. I actually had the left arm flap get stuck in the back of Nekros during a missing and spent the rest of the mission with the arm flap sticking out of his chest right below his pecks. I tried jumping around and rolling in order to unstick the arm flap to no avail.  

  4. 7 hours ago, Hesyol said:

    Well I do Corpus missions same as all else. Will never understand what's so different about them. But yeah windows are kinda stupid. Especially when they can cover them after you break them with no problems. Why do they exist then? For the beautiful view?

    If I was stuck on a ship for months or years on end, I'd hate staring at the same walls day in, day out. Also, it helps them react quicker to an oncoming threat, because they can see the threat coming and are not completely reliant on radar that could be subverted. 

  5. I'd like to see the Infested more prominently featured in the next few chapters. I would really like to see DE dive deep into the infested. How the infection process works, if their is a "main" infested controlling the hive mind and what kind of long term effect is Alad V's experiments and infestation going to do to the infested over all. Also, I think the Infested from a lore perspective and a gameplay stand point the infested are less restrictive than the other factions. 

  6. Only thing I could add is

    11) Give us a mute button for The Lotus. I never really had an issue with her before. But now that endless missions are back, hearing her same canned speech over and over can get really old really quick. Especially when you are doing an endless mission to open relics. I swear I don't need to hear her talk about reactant over and over again the entire time I'm on an endless mission.  

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