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Posts posted by METAL_BAWKSES

  1. What the system needs more than anything is a whole bunch of Sanity Checks. In its current state there is next to no Sanity Checks and that's why we are getting Rivens that have  - 100% damage or non-elemental damage for purely elemental weapons. If the system had Sanity Checks in place, none of the for mentioned issues would be happening in the first place. Also, I think the reroll system is in place to give us the ability roll better stats and as a band-aid fix for a system that clearly should needed more work before it was shoved out the door. Lastly adding secondary Riven mods now would simply exasperate the issues that the system already has and possibly create more issues. So the core issues should be fixed before DE even thinks of releasing secondary Riven Mods.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, Naftal said:

    What do the different looking ammo mean? Can it switch between different ammo or something?

    I was thinking that or different shells based on what type elemental damage you are using.

  3. I'm itching to get my hands on Nidus. Also, I'm hoping the new pump shotgun isn't a total bust. While the Strun is alright, but it gets outshined by so many other shotguns and has been collecting dust in my weapon collection for awhile.  

  4. 10 minutes ago, achromos said:

    Manic Grustrag Juggernaut Stalker.

    Plated with Grineer armor as well as equipped with War in it's mouth.

    It will go invisible after players deal some damage to it and disappear to re-appear later, if you get downed by it even once you deal 50% less damage AND take 50% more damage vs infested. 


    All in addition to Vermillion Scourge's idea.

    Manic Grustrag  Bursa Juggernaut Stalker

    Has  all three Bursa types fused into it. On top of everything else.

  5. 22 minutes ago, jjadned said:

    But why does red hate hexius and suda? 

    With Hexius it probably comes down to the fact that the Red's want to fight alongside the Tenno to reset everything while Hexius wants the Tenno to become more than simple warriors fighting for a cause. With Suda, it's probably because the Red's want everything to do with the Orokin (besides the Tenno), Corpus and non-Steel Grineer to be erased. Hitting the reset button would of course leave massive holes in Suda's knowledge base.  

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