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Posts posted by METAL_BAWKSES

  1. Nidus represents the forward progress in development that DE has made over the years in terms of Warframes. So it's only natural that older frames with long standing issues would pale in comparison. So, DE should bring the frames that need a rework up to the level of frames like Nidus, Chroma and Inaros instead of nerfing Nidus. Doing so would also ensure that Damage 3.0 isn't a total bust. Because DE would have solid bench mark in terms of all of the Warframes being on par with one another. 

  2. WTB XXX for 35p.

    I have XXX, but the price is 100p.

    Sorry, but I'm only willing to pay 35p.

    The price is 100p #@*&$@ now pay me 100p for XXX

    Being a jerk is not going to get me to pay you 64 extra p for something I'm only willing to pay 35p for. Also 35p is only 5 below the price for it on warframe trader. So it's not like I'm trying to  screw people over.

    The price is 100p #@*&$@, buy xxx from me or I'm going to report you, 

    Go ahead I already sent in a report ticket because of your attitude.


    My exact experience in trade chat last night. 


  3. I rand the Index part of it quest last night and I can not proceed onto the final round of The Index. Whenever I go into the quest tab on the Star Map and hit The Glast Gambit, nothing happens. When ever I go into The Index via the star map node, The Index rounds are not tied to the quest. Also, in the quest tab it simply shows the quest title beside the quest picture and nothing else. 

  4. I can understand DE's logic behind the resource cost fostering cooperation with in a clan. But, the execution and feedback we have gotten from DE is what screwed the pooch. If DE would have asked for community input and worked with guilds of all tier's to come up with a resource cost that was not completely unobtainable for a lot of clans, we wouldn't be looking at a 72+ page thread where 90% of it is people frustrated with the absurd resource cost. The response we got where DE is assuming that every clan is full of 100% active members also shows a huge disconnect between the Dev team and the actual player base. Because DE didn't handle this properly they are getting a tide of flack from the player base that in a lot of cases is completely justifiable and we are undoubtedly seeing a negative impact on clans.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Buff00n said:

    It's a worrying trend.  The justification is basically that the Hema has a new and unique mechanic and is somehow "worth more effort" to acquire.  However, DE has stated that they want to start making more weapons with new and unique mechanics.  My take away is that this is only the beginning of a new era in outrageous research/build requirements.  

    I kept my mouth shut with Knux, and Wukong, and Sibear, and Vauban Prime.  But Hema represents a several orders of magnitude resource creep, trivializing all other things that need Mutagen Samples or Neurodes.

    Can't help but start thinking about the shotgun that was teased a week or so back when I read this. Especially given the fact that the concept art had different types of shells. Could be the next weapon in the new trend of stupidly high research requirements for guns with unique mechanics . 

  6. 11 hours ago, k05h said:

    For me this is actually a valid point and it is something were DE clearly did wrong. If the whole riven mod system was (and is) still undergoing changes removing it from trade would have been the best way to show this.

    But I do not think keeping rivens in trade was malicious intend to increase platinum sales. I guess nobody did think about it in the first place. They were pressed to deliver The War Within. And the fantasy prices for a single mod for a single weapon are something noone could foresee. 

    But if they trade locked them, people would flip about them not being able to trade them. 

    11 hours ago, Omega22 said:

    You mean to say people are so ignorant of the fact that they are buying stuff with a Nerf tag attached to it. Are we that stupid that we will buy stuff for such horrendous plats knowing it will be nerfed.  

    I look at my Soma Rivens Now  and I cry my Heart Out... It Hurts me , truly  Its like a feeling when you break up with your girlfriend .


    If the changes to the Soma Rivens make you that upset, you probably need a LONG break from video games 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Ageless_Emperion said:

    Oh did I offend your delicate sensibilities, I am so sowwy... /sarcasm

    Playing unfun content for years will do that to you. Also I don't care if you "like" the faction, the way its spreading across the solar system clearly shows people in the majority do not, even when there is no direct incentive for them to side with the Corpus.

    Last time I checked no one is forcing you to play said "Unfun Content." Also, you should really check your attitude at the door. 

  8. I remember reading that their chief  R & D graphic engineer jumped ship to id Software when the id Tech 6 engine was being built. So this does not surprise me too much. When you see high level staff jumping ship, it's typically a sure sign that a developer is in trouble. 

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