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Posts posted by Kerberos-3

  1. 3 hours ago, Aldain said:

    Nope, just a prime time.

    Honestly though the only way I could see Empyrean dropping before the end of the year is if somehow DE literally managed to secretly work on it all year long and polish it to the point of insanity, which considering they haven't shown much of it throughout the year could go either way.

    To be fair, they have been really secretive about Empyrean this past while.

  2. On 2019-09-26 at 11:33 PM, Yrkul said:


    Want to see the staff commit seppuku with used cutlery?



    Meh. Thats nothing. One of my 5th grade teachers used to eat peanut butter and onion sandwiches. Needless to say, it was quite surprising we made it trough the first day, let alone a year of watching him eat those nasty things/

  3. On 2019-11-13 at 5:40 AM, Dragmod said:

    My understanding is that while originally there were only one of each frame, those being the Primes, the "standard" frames were developed after the fall of the Orokins.

    Though, we know there were also multiple attempts to create Excalibur. Umbra being one of the early attempts and Prime being the final, perfected attempt.

    My understanding was that Primes were simply elite-grade Orokin gear while Normal one were Orokin shovel-tech meant to build up soldiers as fast as possible without eating too many reasources.

  4. On 2019-11-12 at 8:52 AM, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

    So... let me get this straight.

    We straight MERC'D the Elder Queen. Either through Teshin or through our space children. Don't care if you made her rot, let's say for all intents and purposes, you merc'd the old hag.

    After doing so, the Worm Queen spends the last five mainline updates collecting red happy gas in which we THOUGHT was an attempt to revive her ugly-a$$ sister.

    Then, three years later, you're running Cassini, slaughtering people for credits and minding your own business, and some unarmored Grineer clone, high on red cocaine, bum-rushes you, the space ninja/magician/robot/sumo/fairy/whathaveyou, and eats 10,000 bullets to the face. You exit your mission, and the guy who you thought you merc'd turns out to be an invincible super soldier named Bahl Sahk who has a thing against people who tear him limb from limb. 

    So YOU'RE TELLING ME, PERSONALLY, TO MY FACE, that this woman has been collecting Riven Steroids for three years, not only to NOT revive her sister with it, but to make super soldiers?!

    And the worst part is, she's making super soldiers out of NOBODIES! No offense, Bahl Sahk, but no one even knew you existed before you became a Larvling. You could've just been Grineer Lancer #36,432,468 of my hitlist, but NoOoOoO, you wanted to show incentive and get a promotion. Bollocks.

    Let me put it in perspective for you. Captain Vor died. We killed him, canonically. Not just in game, in canon. Imagine an alternate Warframe universe, where instead of Captain Vor giving into the Void, he was converted into Kuva Lich Captain Vor. It would make even more sense considering that his signature pistol, the Seer, HAS A KUVA VARIANT! 

    So, not only has the Worm Queen not done her part in pouring Kool-Aid on her rotting sister's corpse, but she's feeding it to the wrong people?! C'mon! The Elder Queen is punching the air, Corrupted Vor is praising the Void, Tyl Regor would make a badass Lich, Grendel is a 500-pound space ninja, and Tyl Regor would make a badass Lich.



    Well, to be fair, most of the notable NPCs who we'd want to see as Kuva Druggies are massive disappointments and failures as far as the Queen is concerned. Vor? Is a void-corrupted zombie with a mouth that never closes. Vay Hek? Has lost several major operations against the Tenno and even lost to us in combat. Lech Kril? Is dead and his corpse is in a bacta tank aboard the fortress. Sargas Ruk? Failed to stop the reconstruction of Strata Relay and is dead as far as anyone knows. Tyl Regor? Failed to stop us in several operations, is constantly losing Cloning labs to Tenno sabotage and lost badly to us in his fight. Kela de Thaym? Failed to kill us in Rathuum and also lost badly to us in facing us directly.

    The general running theme with her commanders is that they are useless to stop us and turning them into Larvalings would likely be a waste of Kuva as far as the Worm Queen is concerned, so why not try it on Grineer Lancer #306,567,243? After all, they might have to potential to stop us.

  5. 9 minutes ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    Just curious what makes "hardcore" players have such contempt for casual players. Is it some misplaced feeling of superiority that you can't get IRL?


    Because I wouldn't consider myself casual at all, and I don't feel this unbridled hatred for people that don't want to live on the game.

    Probably disappointment. Most "Hard" content is nerfed/dumbed down within a few patches of it's release, and it gets really tiresome after a while.

  6. 1 hour ago, Renegade343 said:

    Nah, Kuva Lich's an equal opportunist. He'll steal plat from anyone.

    Or even better. Make them steal gear right out of your inventory. You want that shiny 5 forma Tigris Prime back? Gotta kill your space orc.

  7. Well, if the complaints I read in another thread are to be believed, then never, since apparently(according to this one guy) they have to be killed by a trio of specific Immortal Mods equipped to the Parazon in a specific order, the specific mods and order are RNG'ed at the Lich's birth, and you only get 10 or so missions to figure things out and kill the Lich, lest you lose any loot the Lich ran off with. In other words, RNG with the potential to lose massive amounts of rare loot.

  8. On 2019-10-19 at 7:32 AM, MarrikBroom said:

    i"m going to go right out and say it. The Kavat feels like it was tacked on because someone in the dev team has a vampire fetish. Same person who designed the cluster#*!% that is Revenant that one of the other devs had to step in at the last minute to try un#*!%ing and they havne't really touched since. This 'OOOHHH LOOKIE LOOKIE VAMPIRES!' bullS#&$ needs to stop.

    The Orokin being quasi vampiric sociopaths makes sense. It fits the theme of a white and god empire rotted at its core wasted and withered. This constant shoving vampires in our face is stupid.

    I would name names, but name and shame. 

    To be honest, an actual, proper vampire frame would be kinda cool, provided it came with a complete overhaul of Revenant's abilities.

  9. 2 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    so basically as someone who did Season 1, the only new things are a decoration and a Liset skin.. disappointed not gonna lie, probably gonna come back later when we get our proper update. good news for anyone who missed out on Season1 one of Course, more power to them, but this ain't for me.


    Also, that Liset skin is worthless to anyone who participated in the Pyrus Project, since Liset Athari was one of the rewards for that event.

  10. 1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

    You're probably wondering who that is, huh?

    Well, if you're brave enough, the answer lies below:

      Reveal hidden contents



    "I am.. Natah. Sentient Destroyer of... Tenno."


    Free at last (?) from the Orokin lies, Natah has quickly mobilized all remaining Sentient forces and begun preparing to end the Old War's forced armistice. Her first target became the Corpus, who pride themselves to be the continuators of the Orokin. Instead of destroying them in a direct fight, she decided to play with her prey a little. Pretending to be a Corpus herself, she joined forces with Osir Alad, however, she quickly realized that he did not need to be lied to. Osir's greed was so great he didn't mind working with a monster. And so, the idea of Amalgam's was born, a union of human and Sentient, perfect soldiers, perhaps even able to defeat the Tenno. And if they won't, Natah is fully prepared (and willing) to finish the job herself.

    Don't think you know her, Tenno. Without her stoic Lotus mask, Natah is quite a different person altogether.

    Where Lotus was calm and methodical, Natah is expressive and fast-to-act. One could say she acts like a youngster, who just got a first taste of independency.

    She will undoubtedly attack you directly at some point. Come prepared.

    Mechanics and Abilities:

    Movement: Teleport: Using their powers, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

    Innate: Always Alerted: This unit cannot be made unalerted and always spawns as alerted.

    Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

    Innate: Lotus Resistance: This unit heavily resists Void damage.

    Innate: Sentient Adaptability: This unit possesses Damage Adaptation capabilities.

    Innate: Esoteric Armour: This unit possesses health and armor regeneration, and resists ability effects.

    Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

    Innate: Juggernaught Health: This unit regenerates hp and has armor-like protection on their health.

    Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

    Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit can hit accurately for a short time after something that should throw it's aim off happens.

    Innate: Diffuse Power: This unit's attack have a high chance to remove all buffs from the target, ignoring all immunities (and potentially removing them as well). This unit leaves a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc, on a Warframe whenever it "kills" an Operator.

    Ability: Superior Invisibility: This unit can become Invisible at will. While Invisible, it's attacks deal increased damage, and it is immune to area damage.

    Ability: Ability Denial: This unit can nullify enemies' abilities on cast, and incur a cooldown penalty on blocked abilities.

    Ability: Dispel: This unit can dispel all abilities cast by it's enemies.

    Ability: Repel Wave: This unit can generate a wall of repelling force, knocking all enemies away from itself (does not knockdown).

    Companion: Summon Sentients: This unit can summon Sentient reinforcements.

    Melee: Finisher: This unit can perform finishers.

    Melee: Bash: This unit can stagger more reliably with it's melee attacks.

    Melee: Parry: This unit can assume a parrying stance. If it is hit with melee during this animation, it will stun the attacker and retaliate with a powerful Finisher attack.

    Melee: Devastator Blade: This unit can impale enemies for high damage and crowd control.

    Melee: Disorienting Strikes: This unit can briefly stun the enemy it's attacking, evading retaliation.

    Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.

    Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.


    Faction: 20?cb=20150805015325 Sentient/ 20?cb=20141025164349 Corpus

    Tileset: Corpus Gas City

    Weapons: Tau Devastator Blade Arm & Tau Devastator Cannon Arm

    Abilities: Superior Invisibility, Ability Denial, Dispel, Summon Sentients

    Base Damage: QUEEN

    Damage Scaling: QUEEN


    Robotic: 1000

    Alloy Armor: 200


    Alloy Armor: 750

    Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

    Base Affinity: 500

    Base Level: 1

    Codex Scans: 3

    Mod Drops: Anti-Sentient damage mods

    Ordis: Operator... Yes, it is another message. I'm afraid I have no idea who sent this one.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Yo, Kiddo.

    How is it? I'm great! Especially now that I finally stopped needing to babysit you all. Feels good to be free.

    Now I'll admit I wouldn't mind never having to see you again, but let's be realistic, that's impossible. So, next time I see you, it will be the last... No, I won't be visiting your grave afterwards.




    Back to the Main Post


    Mid-life crisis there, huh? Ah well, you won't be laughing quite so much after I jam that helmet back on your head....

  11. 36 minutes ago, KnossosTNC said:

    Well, Unvaultings typically last 2 months, so the current Saryn & Valkyr one is due to expire at the beginning of November. That would be the prime (no pun intended) opportunity to do so.

    I'm personally really hoping for a Vauban + Ash Unvault. They're the last two frames I have yet to acquire, Grendel aside, and my spending rules says I can't use Plats to buy them. Also, Ash Prime should come with Vectis Prime, which I also really want.

    I just want Vauban Prime's cosmetics and the Akstiletto Prime. Arcana 11: Justice is looking mighty incomplete without them.

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Aldain said:

    A passive that requires a specific loadout and mod/arcane selection to work doesn't exactly convince me that being able to glue myself to a wall for longer is a good passive, especially when compared to some other Warframe's passives.

    I mean there are many passive abilities that are just in the "Why" zone, Rhino's passive is just...awful for example, and I would put Loki's barely ahead of that.

    It's not much different than building for a single ability. Even then, Loki is simply the most convenient frame to put that loadout on, as his passive frees up a mod slot.

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