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Posts posted by Kerberos-3

  1. 11 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    -Elytron should be a Destroyer/heavy Archwing, it's powers need VERY substantial damage buffs and Core Vent could do with replacing.

    I'd like that add to this that Elytron's 1 and 3 could do with replacement and Warhead severely needs a damage buff. At the very least, make Bloomer and Thumper self-guided rather than manually-guided. Manual Guidance makes both those abilities worthless outside of POE/Vallis, and even then I'd much rather use Warhead for immediate results as opposed to a flying C4 or a chain explosive.

  2. 3 hours ago, Vyra said:

    Core game is fine, not sure what needs to be taken care of there apart from some frame and weapon reworks.

    Railjack is a great success, finally something to do in game other than running in mazes...

    Er, I'd say there's more that needs to change with the core game than just a few reworks to weapons. A lot of the older tilesets need updates, Corpus Ship and Europa are especially problematic in this regard.

  3. 1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

    Which is why i'd like to see that "exclusivity" about such a petty thing as Machete get revoked so everyone has easy access to it. It's an MR1 weapon after all.

    Same. The less exclusivity, the better. The only thing I'm not touching is Founder stuff. That horse is long turned to dust, and isn't worth beating anymore.

  4. Just now, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

    True, I think it's a random login reward so there's a chance to get it at least. 

    No, it's not. Login weapons are exclusively BPs from the market or are the Lotus series weapons, so the only way to get regular machete is to have been lucky enough to buy one from the market when they pop up.

  5. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

    I don't own Machete but I do have a Galatine so nobody bullies. 

    Who bullies people for not having a meh melee weapon? Unless you're part of a machete cartel. 

    Exclusivity, aka the problems of material elitism. "I have this rare thing and you don't, therefor I am better than you". Even if the weapon in question isn't that good, it's still rare and they still have it to show off.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Baruuk feels like a concept that was made up way way way way back in WFs history. Before the tenno were the tenno. When the idea of frames may have been that they had more personality. But with how the story of warframe has turned out, I'm not really sure an actual pacifist frame or a frame based on a pacifist host would ever be a thing for the Orokin. Since their design intent was to annihilate sentients. So possibly Baruuk was based on mysterious warrior monks and sent onto the field of battle as a supporting unit for the other frames and his "deadly" fists were used when most needed.

    Which kinda also makes the restraint mechanic kinda odd to say the least, since it wouldnt really be a thing for any frame beyond the first Baruuk ever created because the tenno would control such things later since they'd be the person at the wheel and not the initial host.

    Or, the headcanon I went for is that Warframe design went through three distinctive eras on the Orokin end of things. The first era is stuff like Excalibur, Frost, ect. Simplistic designs meant to turn the tide of the war. The second era began with Saryn, and was more of an era of "ok, what else can these things do besides slaughtering Sentients", with the Warframes of this ear being intended for purposes within the empire alongside squashing Sentients(ie Saryn being an anti-Infested can of Raid on legs, Vauban being a watchdog to keep the mercantile caste in check, ect.). The third phase, from which Baruuk hails from, was more of an era of artistic indulgence, with frames being designed around the idea of looking/performing in weird ways while still functioning as Warframes. Stuff like Garuda, Baruuk, Gauss, ect.

  7. 44 minutes ago, (XB1)XGN DrFeelGood said:

    The nerfs, Grendel and Guass, then the r n g to Railkack deserves the college grade critique it’s getting. This isn’t boarding school gaming like cod. This is critical thinking from the senior and college level. Basically speaking, it’s an adult game. It has it’s rating for a reason.


       For your counter argument it was supported up until harrow and the later WarFrames sunk the game into a grind fest that isn’t enjoyable anymore.

    However, to play devil's advocate with regard for some of the later Frames, it is rather easy to chalk up their difficult grind with a community that just cannot be satisfied with anything. Quests take time to make, but the vocal part of the community is voracious and wants content immediately, and cry content drought when it doesn't come. Locking Frames behind difficult grind to buy to time for said new content results in them crying about said grind. The most vocal parts of the community, the one DE sees the most, are the ones that complain about anything and everything.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Cephalon_Carstairs said:

    Petition for Afuris to get a Prime variant with Titania Prime, and also for the Prime variant to correct the name as Akfuris Prime. EVERY SINGLE set of Tenno akimbo pistols is Ak(name) - Akstilletto, Akmagnus, Akvasto, Akjagara, Akbronco, Akbolto, Aksomati, Akzani, Aklex, Aklato, hell, even Gauss' Akarius. Titania Prime is next after Ivara Prime, and these would work amazingly with Titania as they are similar to the Dex Pixia, and the Furis have a variant similarly named Dex Furis. These just seem like they were made to be Titania's Prime secondary, despite being many years older than Titania herself. The Afuris have a rather high usage on my account, as I used them for a very long time when I first started, so much so that only a few weapons have surpassed them in the time I've been in late game due to constant swapping. I would love to have a Prime variant I can go back and use and they would work well in the upcoming Titania Prime Access.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Strun Prime either. That coffee can gun is as old as Furis/Akfuris and still hasn't gotten it's Prime variant.

  9. 1 hour ago, Frenotx said:

    More than doubling the base status seems pretty significant to me.

    It really depends. For some weapons, sure. For others though, it's a pretty questionable choice. For instance, Destreza vs Destreza Prime. Upped status on a crit rapier. I guarantee you anyone still playing Rapiers is not playing Destreza Prime as a hybrid build.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Anthraxicus said:

    Yes. They have different stats. Not drastically different though. Most of them have lower base damage and higher CC. But base damage is only part of the equation. Mods are 90% of the equation, and the reason normal weapons are and will continue to be vastly superior, and DE hasn't touched them....well, since they were added to the game. Plus, Archwing abilities were left untouched even after adding them to Plains of Eidolon. Cuz a slow moving mini nuke with pathetic 1500 damage will make such a difference. No wonder people only play the Amesha, which I suspect has already been stealth nerfed.

    It doesn't help that the Cryophon has the same damage per shot as base Warhead, with a faster speed.

  11. 1 minute ago, kwlingo said:

    Not sure why they had to build theirs? I'm on right now to see if I needed to craft mine in foundry and didn't see any in foundry. So I thought maybe I didn't get it, bugged out on me. Then I checked in my Upgrade/Polarization and saw it was already in my inventory. Wonder why some have to craft them?

    Who knows? Most people seem to have to craft theirs. Maybe a complete Umbral Forma is a rare drop?

  12. 1 minute ago, BlackVortex said:

    same for me, but I feel like the elytron is pretty slow at times

    For me, it's not the speed thats problematic as far as Elytron is concerned. The missile battery on wings shouldn't flit about like a space ballerina, thats what Itzal is for. It's the fact that the targeting for Elytron's abilities is awful for space combat, and the damage on it's abilities is pitifully low.

  13. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I do blame them. They need to stop fanboying Over the Graxx series.

    You also have to consider the fact that Faven is the only creator to consistently post Grineer-themed skins. Only one other person has done so and that is matzan481 with his Trinity Nightingale skin, which got accepted. I think part of the issue with faction themed skins is that creators aren't willing to try simply because a long time creator has basically monopolized the style due to a lack of competition, which leads to people getting discouraged because they then have to try to compare to the extant ones. Faven with Grineer, FrellingHazmot with Corpus, and Vubjorn with Infested.

  14. 1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

    I came into this thread expecting another "why did they put instant-stop on archwings? Haven't they ever heard of momentum" and me having to explain "the momentum they used to have was bugged and terrible, it wasn't good or fun in any way"

    But as I got to your actual thesis -- DE have written themselves into a corner with Archwing and now the enemies are just better than us -- yeah, I can't disagree at all. In their bid to make Archwing fun again, they have instead screwed it over entirely

    The movement itself is fine as it is now, in my opinion. It's just that the individual Archwings are still incredibly imbalanced between each other. Amesha is still way too powerful, and Elytron is in dire need of changes. For an Archwing advertised as being designed for destruction, it's abilities just don't do anywhere near enough damage, and manual guidance make zero sense for any of it's abilities aside from it's 4. Core vent is completely worthless without it's augment(which is bugged now), and it's far too squishy.

  15. 1 hour ago, Ophmalpulos said:

    Carcinnox is probably the most outright powerful, in my opinion. You can wipe ships in a few bursts and the chem proc makes the ship attack it's allies and lose control.

    I'm going to have to disagree with you here. For my experience Cryophon is stronger, since it does so much damage per shot and it's pretty hard to miss with given that it's a plasmor-style projectile.

  16. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Aneres_Omega said:

    Question, if one parks the ship as others have said and go Arcwing would that protect it from boarding parties and damage it all together?

    Apparently not, if what I've been seeing on the Forums is true. Seems the game has a habit of forcing you to keep the Railjack moving by spawning enemies right on top of it if everyone jumps ship.

  17. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Aneres_Omega said:

    The more I read about the railJack the less I want to waste time on grinding to get the resources or do the missions to get the freaken thing.

    It also doesn't help that I hate arcwing missions and avoid them like the plague.

    I was kinda hoping it would be your ship against the enemy and only need to use arcwings sparingly but from what I am seeing is 'park' ship and use arcwing because the ship is weaker than a new player with an unranked mag.


    Kind of a turn off and a let down at the same time.

    Not really. The first few missions can feel like that, but then again, how many failed runs are you seeing where everyone but the pilot randomly decides to jump into Archwing and do their own thing like it's a normal mission? Seems to happen a lot to me.

  18. Just now, Aldain said:

    So basically the best way to accomplish a mission is to avoid using the very thing that was designed and marketed to be central to the game mode.

    DE went full OMNIVERSE brain with that one.

    Not necessarily. Note that I never said that the Railjack needs to hide, only that the rest of the team needs to stay on it. The most common failure I've noted is when everyone but the pilot jumps ship and starts buzzing around in Archwing. You only need one person in Archwing in that mission, and even then they are only out there long enough to get to the nearest crew ship and  board it. Once in control, they support the Railjack with the crew ship's flak cannons, since most of the PUG rounds I'm in have starter Railjacks with the basic APOC guns, which are fine for fighters but take way too long on their own to deal with crew ships.

  19. 2 hours ago, SECURATYYY said:

    I think the only issue is the first mission. That has three crew ships, and idk how many total fighters spawned at any given time. Lower the enemy count.

    I mean, as long as you have a reasonably upgraded frame and gun, crew ships really aren't that problematic. The best way I've found to run that mission is for one player to deploy in Archwing, board a crew ship, take it over, then destroy the others while the rest of the team stays on the Railjack to keep it alive.

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