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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. Most frames have one or two abilities that are worthwhile late-game, and some don't have any. Early-game everything is viable, but late-game a lot of stuff scales poorly - especially things that do direct damage. For example, Excalibur's Slash Dash seems really effective early game, but by late game all it is is a mobility move since the damage doesn't scratch anything. Excalibur's Radial Javelin (ult) does 1000 damage per hit, which is a lot early game but by late game is meaningless. Rhino's ult, on the other hand, does damage as well as providing CC by holding tons of nearby mobs still, which makes it useful late game as well as early game.


    By late-game, Valkyr's abilities are mostly pretty useless.  Rip line is okay for mobility, Warcry is okay for a weak buff, Paralysis doesn't do much, and Hysteria lets you revive people but does such low damage it's essentially worthless. 


    Basically, by late game you're not going to use most abilities. There's still a lot of variety in the game though, thanks to lots of different (viable) primary/secondary/melee weapons and frames. Even if frames like Ember or Valkyr are pretty much worthless end-game, you can still use them in 90% of the content without being much weaker, especially if you back them up with well-modded weapons. Variety is a bit of a problem in the late game right now though, with Banshee/Frost/Nekros/Nova/Nyx/Trinity/Vauban/Rhino being good or situationally useful and everything else being kind of crappy.

  2. I'd love to see a raid mode like the one you described. Lephantis would be a great example of a raid style boss, if he didn't die from 2 seconds of concentrated fire. Perhaps raids could be tiered by levels (level 50, 75, 100, etc) and completion of each tier for the first time could grant a decent amount of mastery. Gating them with a minimum mastery rank could help prevent power leveling through raids.

  3. To all the people claiming that the RNG is rigged against giving you the last component you need for a frame or weapon - first of all, you're ridiculous. Second of all, what if I need a chassis and I get into a group with someone who needs systems and someone who needs a helmet and do 10 runs? Does the game implode? :P

  4. I'm sorry, a 15 minute survival map is harder to complete than searching for 4 of each jadeleaf? Wat.


    The point I'm making isn't that it's too hard. It's just too much farming that I don't want to do. They can keep it at that difficulty if I don't have to end up farming 4 times as long as the co-op players as well as fight 4 times as hard. There's just no reason to make it that absurdly difficult and repetitive comparatively if they want to make a solo option.


    You don't want to solo. Great. Some people do. I don't want to solo forest foraging for hours.



    Edit re xveganrox: Not the point of the thread. But k. The point is not about the difficulty/defense skills. It's the farming.

    No, the point you're making is that it is too hard, and everybody disagrees with you. You finished the farming and if the defense portion hadn't been too hard for you you wouldn't be here complaining.

  5. Thanks tenno, but I already know what to do in game. I'm just not there to level up my gear, that's not what I need atm. And yeah, you could do that anyway, just don't forget to try to kill those ancients with your new gear or you'll get 100XP at the end of the mission with the new system.

    That new system didn't actually happen, just FYI.

  6. I've been bugged about this way back when they had the double plat promo in November.


    There's a comment down in my old thread on how to transact but honestly, I never bothered because it's kinda messed up.




    Bleh. Thanks for the response. Looks like I'd have to sign up for yet another weird third-party site to get it to work. Guess I'll just stick with Steam =x

  7. Right now there's a triple platinum promo for paying with "iCash" (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/150986-icash-triple-platinum-promotion/). I can't for the life of me get the iCash site to work though. If I hadn't seen it posted on the main forum I would've thought it was some sort of scam, since the site for it is so poorly put together. I was wondering if anyone else has had any luck?

  8. Changes:


    - Doubled chance of getting a Rare plant in your Cicero Crisis mission.

    - Removed plant spawns from first room in Cicero Crisis.


    See, this is why I love DE. This is a good change that eliminates a stupid exploit while also addressing the need for said exploit. Glad you guys are paying attention =) The event just got 100% more reasonable/fun.

  9. You're missing one big complaint for people who already have it coming - er, I mean, people who play in pubs. Random player #4 wants to level his new Jaw Sword on T3 Defense, and the most effective way to do that is get *one* kill with it and *zero* kills for the rest of the match. Let's hope players #1, #2, and #3 aren't also leveling S#&$ty melee weapons!

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