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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. So this is a wacky topic ofc but an Eidolon Forma BP that let you craft an Eidolon Forma that gave a slot reduction in mod cost for all polarities would be a cool item that didn’t actually cause power creep

  2. Eh, I’ve played since beta — I’ve got Excalibur Prime — and am MR23 and at like 110 daily logins. There were years before the tribute system was even added, and stretches of time when I had every mod and every weapon/frame/companion maxed and didn’t play for a long time. 

    I don’t really care about Zenistar, and I certainly don’t notice when someone has it equipped — one melee weapon instakilling a mob with a massive red crit looks the same as another — but I have a hard time seeing logging in for 30 seconds every day as an accomplishment worthy of exclusives. If lots of people disagree though, why not just give everyone a syandana that gets flashier every 100 logins or something? Locking mastery behind multi-year timewalls is a terrible system. And primed mods is even worse — primed shred is easily BiS on some weapons.

  3. 15 hours ago, (PS4)Imtrex521 said:

    Please give us an Energy pad X 50 bp.  Wasting time building e-pads instead of playing missions.  That is all. Thank you.

    You can make 20 in a minute.. do you really average more than 20 per mission? If so, just get the app and keep it open some time when you’re doing something else and mass produce as many as you need.


    I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d be all for x50 BPs (or better yet, a “build X _____/build until out of resources” button) but this seems like a pretty easy problem to solve.

  4. 1 hour ago, Silvus-Sol said:

    And for what? A couple hundred extra Focus points? That would be nice if most of the upgrades didn't cost over one hundred thousand points each. It's like going out of your way for 300 extra credits. It's simply not worth the trouble in most cases.

    Sure, if you're just running a random alert, but if you're focus farming it could easily be an extra 8k+. Convergence can cut focus farming in like half, which means less time doing the same monotonous grind... which is pretty important because like you mention that grind takes forever already.

  5. I'd like that but I'd also like them to just get rid of Serration/Hornet Strike etc. in general. They're totally boring. Corrupted mods and PvP mods are a much cooler direction than flat bonuses. I don't think powerful weapons are the reason we speed run everything - I think the fact that the core gameplay loop is efficient grinding/farming is what causes that. You could just as easily speedrun with maim Equinox + blood rush melee, or Ember for lower level stuff, or any number of other things. Warframe has never been a game that cared even a little bit about balance, it's always been about insanely overpowered combos. You can run a blood rush naramon build on any frame even without Pressure Point and still destroy almost everything up to and including sorties.

  6. On 02/08/2017 at 5:30 PM, DreamsmithJane said:

    Heh, nah. Rakta Cernos, Lanka, Daikyu, Opticor, Ferrox, Javlok, Zarr, Tonkor, Dex Sybaris/Prime, Sancti Tigris/Prime, Vaykor Hek, and probably quite a few others can outperform Soma Prime when used properly. Even in the realm of automatic primaries, Tenora and Zenith prove their worth with status performance and semi-auto alternate fire modes that beat Soma Prime in DPS, ammo efficiency, or both. Attica and Zhuge both beat Soma Prime in these areas as well, and the latter has 100% status potential. Soma Prime is overrated. Automatic weapons are easy to use. That doesn't mean they're better.

    Sure, but I just said that Soma Prime is the best weapon for clearing all game content quicker. Opticor or whatever is cool but it's really slow, just like sniper rifles or bows - maybe a Mutalist Cernos with a perfect Riven would come close in pre-Sortie content. You just can't kill things as quickly with non-automatic weapons. You might be able to with explosive weapons but mechanically they're less convenient because of self-damage. Soma Prime kills heavies instantly at 100 or below, reloads after 200 rounds, is accurate enough for headshots at medium range with Heavy Caliber, and is def the most efficient weapon. It's not nearly as much fun as the more gimmicky weapons though, and like I said even MK1 Beaton is viable if make it viable.

  7. He should definitely get a base speed boost. I've always thought it was odd that without abilities Volt is the same speed as Rhino Prime (and much slower with arcane vanguard). I don't know if it really needs a redesign though - it's mostly a speed run frame, just like Nekros is mostly a survival/loot farming frame. Volt is still a great choice for capture missions and plenty of other stuff.

  8. It doesn't even do that much damage! I mean, compared to damage 1.0 Acrid /s

    But on the real, it sounds like you just don't like the weapon. That's why there are so many. It's not going to be the fastest room clearing weapon in most situations - just because of how the game works, Soma Prime is the best weapon for all content (up to and including third sortie missions, not counting people who like to stay in Survival for 4 hours maybe) and no sniper rifle or bow can do a better job than the MK1 Braton. Automatic rifles just mechanically beat everything, and automatic sidearms mostly beat everything too. If you want maximum efficiency stick with Soma and Vaykor Marelok, or Naramon and a melee weapon. 

  9. IMO Kubrow are a vanity item when it comes down to it, like cosmetics. Get them if you've got nothing else to do or really like the way they look, and don't mind being handicapped a bit (because let's face it, any companion you use other than Carrier Prime is a relative handicap). With maxed mods and Forma, they don't come close to Braton DPS, and their AI issues mean they won't be attacking very much anyway. They have more health than sentinels but die faster because of that AI. They also don't have Guardian, so they can help you if you're getting hit. Howl being used randomly is annoying and slows missions down, invisibility is neat but available from much better sources, and Sunika does technically "create" pickups, but inconsistently, and you can always just carry around gear restores.

  10. The reason I barely play archwing now is because the lvling process is sooo slow without a booster. Is kinda slow even with one. Now I don't expect to lvl once every ext but its not like I can unequip my melee just so my archgun can lvl just a tiny bit faster.

    Why not though? In the main game I can pick from a dozen Exterminate maps which will level any weapon 3+ times, or an Interception that will level all my gear to max in 15 minutes. Archwing has a tiny fraction of the level and enemy variety, much less loot, much less gear selection, and takes 5-10x as long to level (yes, even if you just play Caelus). It just feels really unrewarding.

  11. As long as WF is in the top ten Steam games (and often in the top 5) I don't think there's any concern of that happening.

    Rule nr1, dont start new moba when you have to grind for characters, no one will play it as they have dota and lol.

    Unless you're Blizzard, lol

  12. Now questions:

    What should be my next warframe that would complement those warframes I already have? Excalibur, Rhino (super-charged), Valkyr and Oberon.

    What should be my next weapon? Should I super-charge Soma or is Tiberon good-enough weapon for now? My other weapons are: Hek and Boltor.

    How should I progress further? Should I focus on clear star chart or farm specific locations for drops?

    I'm a bit lost on Void missions: Should I be staying in them for as long as possible (those that have never-ending spawns)? Is it better to rush them? if yes, which ones?

    Thanks for any help

    I'd suggest Loki for your next frame. He's the stealthiest frame in the game and can go invisible - permanently, with the right mods - so I think he'd complement your frames well. Otherwise Frost is a great choice if you run a lot of defence, and Nova is great if you want to kill everything really quickly plus have decent CC.

    Hek and Soma are the strongest shotgun and non-prime rifle respectively and with the right mods will carry you through all of the solar system and T4. I wouldn't upgrade Soma too much, though, since Soma Prime is even better and worth hunting for.

    As for what to do next - that's up to you. If I were you I would focus on getting parts for new Warframes. The Void offers a bunch of unique loot, including Prime Weapons and Prime Warframes. You can choose to go for those. You don't need to stick around for as long as possible in endless void missions, but you DO need to stick around until at least wave (or minute) 20 for a shot at the rarest gear.

  13. Traditional economics views inflation as an increase in the prices of goods and services.


    Not so traditional economics views inflation as an increase in the supply of money. If more money is available, prices will follow according to the supply of the goods in question.


    If supply is limited, a greater supply of money leads to increasing prices. If supply is easily obtained, the goods have commensurate value. Higher prices can only come about via an increase in the money supply.


    To look at it another way, the total money supply is the *only* absolute limit that can govern how high a price can go.

    Sure, but WF pretty clearly doesn't have plat inflation. If anything there's fairly consistent plat deflation relative to most items, as people understandably find more value in hoarding plat than, say, random prime parts. Hoarded plat that isn't being traded reduces the supply of plat and drives the prices down, They won't drop below an absolute minimum since they're tied to real money, but there's definitely not plat inflation currently.

  14. Draco is cancer. 

    We need that meta killed. 

    Right now my "mid game" is just pushing my limits in a T3S or T4S going past 60mins

    Well, you were saying endgame doesn't happen until high MR, so logically mid game would be getting to that MR... Which unfortunately means running a lot of Draco (or spending 5x as much time on something else). Kill it and it'll come back in another form. I remember when Xini and then ODD were the hot farm spots - at least Draco is about 100x more engaging than they were.

  15. It's called inflation. The rate at which platinum is entering the Warframe platinum economy exceeds the rate at  which it is leaving.


    Items with limited demand (easy to get) remain cheap while items in high demand (thanks RNGesus) experience price inflation.


    DE need more (as in greater numbers of) desirable platinum sinks.

    I actually don't think inflation is a major problem for WF trading - the force distorting the market isn't inflation, but limited supply on exclusive items. Plat inflation isn't a general problem in WF: look at the price of any non exclusive item over time, from new Prime sets and parts to Syndicate weapons to maxed Serration mods. They follow the same downward trajectory until they stabilise at what the market decides is a fair price. That's how markets should work, and is not a sign of high inflation.

    The problem comes from limited supply of exclusive or semi exclusive mods. Primed Chamber doesn't cost 15000 plat because of plat inflation, it does because there are only a few out there. A more realistic example is Arcane Vanguard Helm. I haven't seen them on offer for less than 400p in a long time, but in a few months I've seen the price of Syndicate primaries plummet from 150ish to 40ish, where they've settled. The difference of course is that Arcane Helms can no longer be obtained. As long as there is no replacement for them, their value will only increase as an ever smaller percentage of players have them. It's not inflation, it's exclusive items.

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