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Posts posted by David

  1. I think part of the reason migrations don't exist anymore is exclusives. Imagine buying the PS4 cosmetic exclusives and then migrating to PC. Wouldn't make sense now would it? The only exception to this was Founders migrating from PC to Console as the founders stuff wasn't exclusive to PC, just exclusive to the early adopters of Warframe. However, once you migrated to console from PC, you were not allowed to migrate back. The migration was originally a limited time thing to populate consoles when Warframe launched on them.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

    I had mine muted and got my stuff. I guess desperate streamers now have to resort to lies and deception to increase viewer engagement. 

    To be fair, I don't stream Warframe and prefer having a smaller community. Easier to manage. This just has been an on-going thing with Twitch themselves adding features we didn't really ask for. Example being, Sub-Only streams; which by the way violate many terms of services on many video game platforms such as Steam, Blizzard, etc. I can only assume the whole viewer count thing was a result to combat viewer bots, etc.

    As I said prior, muting the stream could be one of the many possibilities. I don't exactly trust twitch nor do I know how Warframe's drop system works. I'd rather make the post to get the word out about the stream muting thing on Twitch in-case that might be one of the causes. If you got your loot and you were muted, cool and I am happy for ya; but don't assume these are lies.

  3. If you had your stream muted during the Tennocon stream just camp it for drops; I am sorry to say but you likely won't get your drops. This is not DE's fault. It's Twitch. Twitch no longer counts you as a viewer if you mute a stream. I am a Twitch Partner, and I even noticed this in my streams a couple weeks ago as well as a common discussion point among other fellow streamers. The stream will say you have say 40 viewers, but your chat will say it has 60 chatters. Twitch no longer counts you as a viewer of the stream if you mute the video player. It's dumb. :/


    That being said, this could be one of the possibilities of not receiving your loot. I still see people saying in region chat that they had their sound unmuted. I would say wait a couple days, if you still didn't get your twitch drops, to contact Warframe support about it instead of flooding the forums or region chat with complaints.

  4. I've gotten around 300-400 drops since the event started. Still don't have the Sigil however. From what I've been told, the Sigil is still bugged and likely won't be fixed till Monday. But that is just from what a Warframe Partner told me.

  5. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Ginger Bruhv said:

    Ugh. Nothing bugs me more when people complain about the Hema. Nobody puts in the effort. They just see "15,000 mutagen samples" and think "Oh my gosh that's outrageous!"

    No, it isn't. It took me less than 2 days with a 4 person group with boosters (that I bought for them) to complete the Hema research fully. It isn't hard to achieve.

    If you're too lazy to farm it out, get some plat by selling mods or prime parts, and buy it yourself.

    You sir, are a saint for buying boosters for the people who farmed with you.  o7

  6. I mainly just have the Solstice Bundle / Solstice Glyphs on my wishlist but I am also looking at some deluxe skins.

    1. Solstice Bundle

    2. Solstice Glyph Bundle

    3. Ash Deluxe Skin

    4. Banshee Deluxe Skin

    5. Oberon Deluxe Skin

    6. Warframe / Weapon Slots


    Anything is appreciated :) I wish everyone a Happy Holidays and if I can afford some of the things in this form post, I'll try to gift out to some random people. \o/ Will be someone's secret santa this year :D

  7. 3 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

    No, I've never brought them and I don't want to, it's never necessary as I've never struggled in a Sortie.

    Stop clickbaiting me and then preaching how I should play the game >:(

    Not everyone experiences the same thing you do man. :P Some of us need help. I always carry health, energy, and ammo plates on me whether for myself or if a team member needs them. It's always nice to help someone out in a mission and that is what is called being a team player. Regardless of whether you struggle or not in a sortie, it's about being nice to a fellow Tenno. I am not here to attack anyone, even you. I am not telling you how to play. I am just asking people to carry utilities on them that may help out another player. It helps all of us and doesn't hinder you in anyway. :)

  8. Before I continue, this is in no way a thread to name and shame. I have censored out all the names in the screenshot and have not mentioned any names in this thread. This is just a friendly notice out there to be a team player, even if you are in a pug group.


    Was in the excavation mission for Sortie Mission #2. Things got pretty hectic and my partner kept leaving me (the Frost) to defend the point myself. Couldn't do it because I kept getting charged by about 6 different bursas and about 5-10 different nulifiers. I cannot take those on by myself. Eventually the party learned and started sitting on the point with me and helping me defend. This one guy however kept yelling at me to keep the globe up and to keep spamming my globe. By this time, we were about 20 minutes into the mission and I had already spammed my remaining 40 energy plates so I was out of energy and this guy didn't seem to get that my frost globe does not work when there are literally 10 nulifiers sitting on top of you but he kept screaming at me to spam the globe and kept blaming the destruction of our excavators on me. Told him it was his job to take out the nulifiers before they got to my globe.


    Then I proceeded to ask him or any of the party members to drop energy plates for me as I ran out and this is the response I got.

    (I left my name uncensored, marked the screaming Excalibur in black, and marked the dude who didn't carry plates in red.)


    Please do not do this. Always ALWAYS carry plates on hand. Even if you never need them, your party will almost always need them. Be a team player and help your fellow tenno duing a mission. If someone like a frost can't successfully defend a point, then we're all going to have a bad time.

    (Party comp was Me (Frost), a Nova (Not Slow Nova), Rhino, and Excalibur. (Of course, the dude screaming his head off at me was the Excalibur.. kinda had a laugh at that..)

  9. Just now, MorrowDeath said:

    Also so that we can make different choices, but not have it affect our initial one!


    I pretty much support this. I want to be able to replay the quest not because I want to make different choices, but because I absolutely loved the story for this quest and had a lot of fun with it. Definitely make it replayable but keep our choices permanent the first time around. :)

  10. 12 minutes ago, Blitz-Tactic said:

    Some Type of effect that's related to it's prime warframe would be nice similar to how edo has lightning and citadella has smoke just some sort of fx that fits in with the warframe that it was released with would be nice.

    There isn't any need for a 'fix'. All of the accessories have some special quality that make them desirable. I wear the Misa Prime Syandana and the Targis Prime Armor. Thing with the Targis Prime armor is that it has constant particle effects and they become more erratic and bright when you channel with a melee weapon. The Misa Prime Syandana is usually desired due to it being a high quality energy cape with a metallic base to color.


    Example of the Targis Prime Armor effects:

    Without Channeling:


    With Channeling:



    Same goes for the sugatras for melee weapons. They have a unique energy effect for them as well that is not typically found on any other sugatra other than the Pyra Sugatra which is obtained from Baro.


    These accessories don't need any updating as they are unique in design by themselves and sound out very clearly from the rest of the Syandanas currently available. The last thing I'd want is for my warframe to light up like a lightbulb. DE struck a perfect balance with accessories. The only Prime Accessory that should be worked on is the Syandana that came with Rhino Prime. That Syandana is a piece of my crap. xD But over all, we're fine on the accessories.


    Edit: Not my screenshots. Was too lazy to take my own and googled these instead. Do not, the effect for the Targis Prime was updated at one point so it looks different in-game now than it does in these screenshots but it's still relatively the same idea. 

  11. Personally, no. Blacklisting certain frames / weapons from trying to queue into your party will cause issues and split the community. Not everyone has certain weapons or warframes and some people like certain play styles. Blocking someone from that is bad or can be pretty toxic. If you want specific frame or weapon compositions in your party, then you should be responsible for going out and looking for people to fit those roles. Adding a blacklist system only punishes pubbies and does nothing to benefit the community or the game. 

  12. @Racter At this point, they should just remove vacuum in it's entirety and just make it so when you kill mobs, whatever they drop gets automatically added into the loot pool which is then given to you at the end of the match in the Match Results screen. Would sort out problems with loot falling off edges of the map or in the ground or what not and and it just gives Warframes and Companions more breathing room for other features. x.x DE just doesn't get it. They always always try to tack on some negative to a feature. Starting to seem DE is afraid to actually release a feature that has nothing but positives for the community. Carrier was a 100% positive feature but now DE just wants to ruin that to.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Plushy said:

    I think thats the wrong kind of thing to look at. We shouldnt be letting these people have minimum requirements especially when they are so easy to get. We need to look at patterns. Like is it an old account that has very few ranks or weapons and consistently logs on every week or month for only a few seconds. I dont think name purging should happen to an account that has a significant amount of work put into it but hasnt been active at all for a year. For that kind of account the 2 year policy works fine. Suspiciously logging in on a worthless acount that has a cool name is a red flag to me though.

    I've been a founder and player of this game for years. I am a casual player, not hard core. As a result, I am only MR14 (Soon to be 15). That being said, I've burned through all the available content Warframe has to offer. As a result, I will take long breaks from the game until the next content update. Usually logging in for a few seconds to get my daily login reward count up and then log off. There are quite a few people who does this as well. So this approach is not a smart one. Cause these players are still considered active, but on hiatus. Forcing someone to have to log in each day and play content they already played will burn these players out and ultimately force them to actually quit. Some of us don't want to be burned out on the game. This way of thinking you are coming up with is way too strict on players. A game should be a game, not a chore or something you have to maintain. Specially if some of us have dropped a ton of money into this game. I don't need some game telling me how I should play the game or when I should play it.


    Minimum MR / Hour Requirements ontop of minimum amount of money spent in the game (I'd say $20-$40) should allow someone to keep their name permanently. With that, I am done with this discussion. This is my stance on name purging. Like it or not.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Pestilince said:


    I wasnt quite clear with name sniping I suppose, mainly with warframe. There are accounts that have been around since alpha that quite literally do nothing at all in the game. I see where you are coming from though and I completely understand, but this post was more or less a way to get around Name Snipers, the people who wait for a popular name to be free, take it then keep it just to keep it and never actually use that account, in nearly every case the person has a main account that they game on then the alt with the wanted name, keeping it either to spite players or to attempt to sell for money due to its popularity. The only MMO I have ever played was Tera, and in trade chat I would see people auctioning off popular names or characters related to the game, they make a new account, immediately take the name of something announced and hold onto it just to sell it later. It's more or less the same thing that goes on in Warframe. 

    Again, if it doesn't violate Terms of Service, then I don't think they should have their name taken from them. That being said, another requirement to keep your name permanently is if you have played a set amount of hours and/or reached a certain Master Rank such as MR5 just to show you've made some progress in the game. But if the account has say 1 hour in the game, is MR0/1, then yeah they should have their name purged. Also, purging names from permanently banned accounts would also be something I support.

  15. With how Steam Workshop works, it'd be hard for DE to allow platinum purchases for these items. Specially with how strict steam / valve can be with their workshop system. However, a good middle ground would be, if people purchase these items with steam wallet funds, they should become tradeable in game, or via steam inventory for platinum in game through player to player trade. That way, players who want the item but don't have the steam wallet funds, can trade platinum for it from other players.

  16. Honestly, I hate 'name sniping' or devs purging unused names from inactive accounts. I like my name. I use it for everything. Across every game, my email, and what-not. It's an alias I've become known for. To be stripped of that identity just because you either have a real life to attend to, can't exactly have access to a PC certain times (IE: Broken PC or no internet due to financial troubles), or being deployed overseas if you are in the Military. To strip someone's name from them just because the account hasn't be active in awhile is a really dumb idea. I've seen many games do it, and each and every time; they got a lot of hate from their player base for doing it. Including those who weren't affected by the change.


    That being said, if such as thing was needed, and I highly doubt it would ever be needed as Warframe doesn't have enough registered players to possible take up all the name, there is a somewhat decent system in doing so. If a player has not made a purchase on the account (IE: buying a platinum pack, prime vault pack, prime access pack, etc) and has been inactive a minimum of 1-2 years. Then yes, maybe they should have their name cleared up for another player to use. However, if a player has made a purchase, then they should permanently be entitled to that name throughout the games entire lifespan. I also saw someone mention if someone signs in once every 2 weeks but does nothing just to keep the name, then it should be taken from them. No. Just no. If the person is making an active effort to keep the name for whatever reason and it isn't breaking Terms of Service, then they are entitled to keep that name.


    This is a really iffy topic. People want names, they want the prestige that may come with it, etc. They may have names they like they used in other games but joined up far too late to claim that name in Warframe. If that is the case, then they should have to deal with the fact they came in at a later time and find a different name. Overall, a players alias online is part of their identity in the gaming community. Online or In-Game names have become a second name to people since the internet first became a thing and when the first online video game came about. It's also an identity in the roleplay community for those who like to roleplay themselves in the universe in which they are playing in such as World of Warcraft.


    Name purging is a thing I personally will never support no matter the reason. There are ways to get around limited name availability and that is to allow numbers, symbols, spaces, etc. Right now, Warframe allows alphabetical and numeric characters, so there is a nearly infinite amount of names that can be taken. Even if you have to deal with a few numbers after your name or whatever, there isn't a need to purge names in this game.

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