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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. Syndicate Rooms in your Dojo with NPCs doing the same thing
    Darvo Room in your Dojo doing exactly the same thing he does in the a relay
      Clem Room in your Dojo built off of your Darvo room as a requirement cause now your hiding clem and thats his bud.
    Foundry room in your Dojo with access to your foundry with npcs walking around
    Research rooms all have consoles that could be staffed with NPCs

  2. The time gate just ends up hitting you when you should honestly probably take a break and stop playing. some weekends im like, oh dam i should have done that question on Wednesday because now i just queued up my Titania on the app this am.

    The only ones that really suck at eh 24 hours ones because crafting 6 feldtrons means im going to start the next one later then the one i just claimed, really wish those were 23 hours, or i wish i could queue up crafting

  3. Aggro is based on distance and range, if you want the npc to aggro your team mates you run behind them while they shoot at it???

    Granted though: the Rhino's Roar should aggro all npcs with-in X distance if only for a moment before they resume normal target again. it would help in defection missions.


    UO,EQ,AC,AO,SWG,CoH,FE,WOW....MMO Style raids are not fun, fighting 1 boss for 3-4 hours is not fun, a raid missoin that takes 3-4 hours to complete multiple chains on the other hand is fun. im just worried when we say "raid" we basically get more eldions. WoW is also not a FPS they dont have the a time-step-lock like most mmos where results are simulated server side and then synchronized between clients. I would really like to see multiple chain/leg missions that require teams of specific warframes to complete.



  4. Tbh keyboard/mouse on consoles is sorta meh, unless you have a 4k tv with the highest resolution and eagle vision chat is really small or just stupidly big.

    I have a XIM4 that sits in the box, literally ive used it like 4 times, it remapps a keyboard/mouse to what ever input you want but its emulated so its not real kb/ms support. There is the Hori Tac gamepad+mouse coming out for the xbox one, and there is also CronusMax+ dongle that lets you use a keyboard or mouse on console too.

    What ive noticed, and this wont go away with full support, is games aren't really made to be played while sitting on the couch with a keyboard/mouse and if your sitting at a table its not really ideal to be playing a console. There is like no real middle ground, i end up looking like the idiot when my wife plays cod,destiny or warframe with just a controller and im trying to use a keyboard and mouse.

    For what its worth i flip flop between console and pc so i want my control scheme to be the same so i dont screw one or other up.


    the Hori Tac is probably going to be the best middle ground tbh, some keys for one hand and a mouse for the other but not a full gambit of a keyboard... which means well still use a usb wireless keyboard too lol

  5. On 2018-09-01 at 10:20 PM, mastermaniac said:

    I humbly request the removal of the enforced delineation between Keyboard & Mouse and Controller inputs, or at the very least, making auto-detection optional. It's a nightmare for people using the Steam Controller, or other custom mapping systems, because keyboard inputs end up getting locked out. To elaborate, I simply can't use a keyboard to type, because in detecting my x-input mappings, it defaults to presenting a controller-style chat interface that simply refuses to take mouse or keyboard inputs.

    Making the UI detection optional would go a long, long way towards making hybrid xinput/mouse input setups viable again, as they once were. Right now, players like me are really struggling with these new interface changes.

    Also on the controls front, are there any plans to address the longstanding issues with simultaneous sprint/melee inputs? Trying to launch a melee attack while sprinting still reliably causes you to teleport around.

    I posted this in the wrong thread earlier, so I'd like to put it here.

    so i figured out how to get around the chat issue with xbox one controller and steam, i pull the trigger to open the chat window and hit enter on my keyboard to enter chat. if i hit X on my controller to enter chat i get that stupid steam keyboard or the warframe keyboard.

    So in my orbiter is Left trigger on the controller and then enter, type enter.

    In missions its {menu button}, Left trigger on the controller, enter on my keyboard, type type type, enter

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  6. 2 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    As a few other players mentioned, there's a lot of deliberate inconvenience in Warframe, which includes time gates with crafting, excessive grinding, and whatnot, but this is also pretty common fare for a free-to-play game. I think there's an argument to be made that it would be better if DE focused their income around cosmetics and genuinely desirable options, rather than forcing the player to pay to solve a problem the developers themselves created, but that kind of argument itself presumes that more cosmetics and less inconvenience would be able to make up for the loss of income from time gates, which is a fairly conjectural argument considering how we don't have the game or company's financial data.

    Leyou (The parent company that owns DE) had a Gross profit of 110.7mil USD last year with a revenue of 166.7mil USD, so it costs 56mil/2017 to run warframe for all platforms, +The Amazing Eternals, + Startrek, + Sword Coast Legends, + Survived By. Along with any costs/profits from Splash Damage Ltd(which is the other company Leyou) owns.


    Amazing Eternals went defunct and all of the founders were refunded their money. Survived by is in CB.

    They could increase profit if they released more items i could decorate my dojo/orbiter with, they could release skins that were previously only obtainable via quests/events via the store in a similar fashion to vaulted primes. My son picked up an anniversary skin for his excalibur i missed out getting on the xbox, id buy the for plat.

  7. 16 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    Yeah, why not just give us all the gear already, and fast, fully ranked and potatoed. Oh, and all the mods fully upgraded, we need those too. On my Inbox is fine.

    And while you're at it DE, add a button "TO WIN GAME PRESS HERE" so we can be done with it.

    honestly game companies should just release the "I Win" 0-day DLC for every game. Just pay 59.99 + Tax and then download the game, before you even start pop a message that says "Do you want to pay another 59.99+Tax to beat the game?" and if the player clicks yes it just plays the credits with a little bit of code that adds the gamer tag they played with under "Special thanks", done. They can also release the "I Win: Super Special Edition" for 99.99 + Tax that also unlocks the achievements so they don't have to do that either.

  8. So ive started to flip flop between xbox one and pc more this past week. It feel likes the pc controls are a little less responsive then as on the xbox. Im assuming its probably the same for anyone that plays on PS4 and uses the controller on PC for warframe as well.

    Seem LB also breaks wall grapples when attempting to bullet jump.

  9. So i played Warframe last night on my laptop instead of my Xbox, i used the same controller, same headset, heck i even used hdmi out and duplicated the display and used the same tv and honestly, i get the whole ability wheel canceling stuff is the biggest issue with my quick ability not staying on the ability i set it to using the d pad. i mean its cool it updates to what i last used but if I use one ability the most i want that to be my quick ability and remain it.

    12 hours ago, (PS4)haphazardlynamed said:

    It would be Nice if the PS4 TouchPad Swipes could be assigned to Other Actions aside from abilities.

    I currently use my touchpad for abilities, it would be convenient to move them to the D-Pad,

    however as the touchpad cannot currently be assigned to anything else, that move would sacrifice too many buttons. - what's currently on the D-Pad would have no place to move to.

    too bad the ps4 controller doesn't have the touch pad on the underside of it so you could the ring and pinky fingers to control the abilities.

  10. 20 hours ago, Me.Church said:


    This is why i liked the older Warframe updates. They did more for the content that the game already had, as opposed to brand new content. But apparently even people like Steve and Rebecca do not understand this. Can't do much about that.

    gotta keep the cash flow coming in, tbh id upgrade to grand master if they let me lol, ah too bad i waited and missed that boat.

  11. Constructive criticism: In the same vein of OP's suggestion, instead of having a warframe that is owned by players and controlled by other players, perhaps they could add Clan owned and controlled Warframes, ones that have to be built by the clan maybe ones that require some one in the clan hall to help support the players in the mission zones by deploying them. Ones that are stored in the dojo in a special room where you can transference into them and deploy on a mission or deploy them to a squad in your clan that is on a mission.

    It doesn't even have to be a fullblown warframe it could be something similar to the archwing where you get some sort of add on attachment that is sent to you from the clan dojo that enhances you current abilities or supports your mission for a limited amount of time before it extracts before it goes away.


    It could even be a warframe for my warframe, similar to the hulkbuster toy that has iron man still in his suit inside of it. have my clan send it out to the mission, let some one climb inside it with their warframe and have it enhance what ever power set the user currently has think Cerebro from xmen for my warframe abilities in the form of the hulk buster

    See here: hulkbuster


  12. On 2018-09-26 at 11:21 AM, toxic_mutation said:

    Limbo can be the worst frame to play with and ever since the prime there's been more people trolling with him HOWEVER limbo can also be the best frame you can ever play with (besides trinity) it doesn't depend on the frame u play with its the player,personally I use him to help players for example I'd use cataclysm and stasis if a player is down or to weed out the weaker enemy's or to even banish my friends squishy ember so he/she can regen energy faster and use world on fire without constantly dying ,he's a great frame people just need to coordinate and know how to use him to the max 

    Like when your in defense and the limbo wont cast cataclysm because everyone keeps telling him to not play limbo, i hate those limbo players...

    Limbo is literally one of the easiest frames to play with as long as the dude knows what he is doing, i might have a 250 range build but i also have a 250 duration 66% range build.

    Instead of everyone hating on the newbies tell them to stop playing limbo and basically getting discouraged to play tell them go search on youtube for "how to play limbo". there are tons of guides on how to use cataclysm and how not to and what you can break by using it.

  13. On 2018-09-24 at 10:50 AM, (XB1)ObiWanBeernobi said:

    There is nothing wrong with limbo at all. He is a great frame. Don't get salty because either you have been trolled by him or just don't know how to use him properly

    Honestly i think people dont understand that "Alert missions aren't farming missions, we dont want endless capture when i was just joining to get a cosmetic item or nitan"

    If i see a Alert Capture or Spy mission im going to take my limbo and when the objective is achieved im going to extract.

    And when you appear to have problems extracting, as in you're not going towards the extraction point im going to put you in the void so you can get to the extraction point.

  14. On 2018-09-09 at 9:15 AM, VirginForever said:

    I dont know the case with XBox1 but on PC there is no server.. it's just someone else hosting on the other PC..  thats why your ping can be inconsistent, lags because the other persons PC is a potato..

    I dont think you understand how networking works... 


    The same occurs on Xbox, the players with non xbox one consoles hosting missions cause more issues then players hosting on a xbox one S and those caust more issues then those a Xbox one X consoles.

    Then you have players with horrible internet connections, i couldn't connect to a mission cause match making kept wanting to put me into some group where the host had 980ms ping from me. Ive only recently discovered that west coast players cause issues for me in game if they host, but if i can get a host in the mid west im good with them.

    I have since set my match making limit down to 100 to correct this issue, im strongly considering upgrading to 1 gig speed just to be the one with the faster network connection to hopefully be the client picked for hosting.


  15. On 2018-08-23 at 2:48 PM, VigilanteXII said:

    Are you having any issues with the right analog stick, like vertical and horizontal movements having different sensitivities, or it being very slow when doing slight movements, and way too fast when doing larger ones? I'm using the Elite Controller as well, but haven't found a way to fix that without using the Steam Client.

    This is called acceleration, I play with a wired pdp prismatic controller, it has two wheel buttons on the bottom of it that support remapping which solves most of the issues with out having to use an elite controller.  only issue is the stupid quick selection changing my active ability so tapping rb doesnt always trigger the same ability.


    On 2018-09-10 at 2:51 PM, 7.T. said:

    Example: Not sure if there are any rules against the following but there is this um... I'll say 'sub nautical' sandbox game with this little one-person sub that controls like a dream. While they have more functionality, Archwings could be similar I feel.

    probably best way to communicate something to a game developer as they can download the game and test it out or go "yeah i know what this guy means"

  16. 8 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    As of right now:
    PC gets a patch. PC tests the patch. PC finds bugs. DE fixes bugs. DE brings the patch to consoles after 4 weeks or more of cert.

    With crossplay across all platforms:
    DE makes a patch. All platforms get the patch after 4 weeks or more of cert across all the consoles. Players find a bug. DE fixes bug. Bugfixes comes after 4 weeks of cert or more across all consoles.

    Do you know why you consoles never have to deal with huge issues? Because PC tests it for you guys.
    With crossplay, this all would end.
    We would have to deal with a lot of bugs for an stupid amount of time.
    As I said, would be great, wouldn't it?

    Actually cert starts same day but seems to depend on them (MS/Sony) completing it.


    2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    And again, would you want some big whales from PC with 20k plat and more to come to console and buy all the stuff you can't afford, because you only have 1k plat? 

    There are people on console that have 20k plat already, you see trash rivens getting sold for 1-3k plat some times.

    17 hours ago, (PS4)KrazyT101 said:

    I suggest you check out the link in the original post, it’s all about Sony’s most recent response to that situation; it actually puts the honus on DE to actually implement any of these changes. 

    Just saw that pop on my feed yesterday and read over it.

    The TennoGen stuff isn't tradable so really thats not an issue, this brings up more questions about infrastructure and game world changes between platforms to be honest: gamer tags, clan names, the fact that the same relays aren't destroyed across all platforms. Quests that reward platform specific items


  17. 3 hours ago, Godzilla853 said:

    Well cross play then could happen between PlayStation and Xbox but not PC.

    Between Xbox and Switch maybe, playstation and xbox never, thats pretty apparent by the current fortnite situation.

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