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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. I always get so sad when i play octavia, i REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY, wanted her. Like i was border line buying her but i was just missing neuros, so much i went out and learned all the other warframes i needed to get to where i could handle going into derelict survival like nothing....

    then came the day i finally built her..... i was so excited, i started leveling her up and then about 15 waves into hydro i started getting bummed. at least she looks cool with the bundle only sydana 😞

    Honestly wish they would make her 1,2,3 Hold to cast and have tap do an ability related to what it is, like mallet could be a targeted explosion on cast (with some percussion sound that plays with it) and the mallet deplyment on hold to cast.

    Then they should change her 4 to be tap to cast and hold to change to a different saved song.


  2. 39 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    I’m asking this because tomorrow will be two weeks since ForTuna dropped on PC. By that time Revenant and Khora have had like a 3 sets of changes and fixes to them.

    Did you miss the patch notes when the Revenant droped on xbox/ps4 where they said "here is update XXX with some fixes from YYY cherry picked" ?

    Cause i know when Revenany finally came to xbox it had the thrall limit increased to 7 instead of the default 4 it had on pc release...

    Its not as big of a deal for consoles because they need to send the update off for cert by MS and sony for deployment, so what ever fixes they do apply to garuda they are going to try and merge into the update for the consoles.


    Consoles have the benefit of having the PC players beta test everything for them because it doesnt take as much time to get the update approved, with consoles it has to be mostly right every time its deployed.

  3. 5 hours ago, Draknas said:

    if they remove the energy cost from the abilities and replace it with cooldown? 

    We already have cool downs on some abilities & you cant spam abilities that are "in-use".

    3 hours ago, Arcira said:

    Horrible argument. Where is my instantly kill anything in a 100m radius (or better anything in the entire mission) Warframe then? For me interaction and mechanics are the essence of a game if I want to press buttons fast I´d install one of these clicker games and if I only want shiny explosions and action I´d watch matrix .. wait maybe I should create a matrix clicker game. Looks like that´s what everyone wants. 


    34 minutes ago, Arcira said:

    That´s tooooooo slow I want MORE POWER!! I WANT TO BE A GOD!!! 

    This is what the game was sold on.. the only reason you all are complaining is because you play with people online that you didnt choose to play with, if this was borderlands you all wouldn't be screaming to nerf the game.

  4. 2 hours ago, evilChair said:

    Operating System
        Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit SP1
        AMD Athlon X4 750K
        Trinity 32nm Technology
        6.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 663MHz (9-9-10-24)
        Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. F2A55M-DS2 (P0)
        2200W (1920x1080@60Hz)
        3072MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 200 Series (MSI)

    Are you running this on high with everything enabled? Maybe upgrade your ram, 6GB is barely enough for your OS before it starts switching over to your swap file. I haven't had 6gb since 2007. Are you running this all off a single drive? I play fortuna with zero issues on a Dell Inspiron i7559 Laptop 16GB RAM,  GTX 960M but i have a 2nd ssd for just warframe and video games.


  5. 5 hours ago, PenderTheTyrant said:

    I'm not posting a report, i'm just saying that it can be annoying. 

    Hard to say if they were inexperienced and thought they were helping but they were popping me constantly in and out, not sure how that helps. 

    Based on what your saying, they were banishing you but you never stopped to tell them to quit banishing you.

    48 minutes ago, PenderTheTyrant said:

    How is speed buff from volt annoying? It just makes you faster it doesn't prevent you from doing anything

    Have you ever been hit by a 280% volt speed buff when you were already running at 1.49 speed? Or just a loki for that matter, volt royally screws that up when they dont know what they are doing.


    If you make zero effort to tell the other person that they are being annoying then they are going to just continue to annoy you. This is literally like some one getting pissed off at some one not being able to read their mind. Honestly your post is just going to fuel the whole anti limbo players. Like when a player joins a team with an open mic and they have all sorts of noise going on, you tell them they have an open mic or you mute them.

  6. The blood sigil shows up for me all the time, i would submit a bug report:

    Let me see if i can find a screen shot but i changed the color of the sigil i used to yellow and i get a yellow/red mix on my warframe when her health gets low, that is not the built in blood people are claiming to see


  7. There are two issues with Limbo's Cataclysm and Garuda's Blood Altar.

    1. Im unable to Blood Altar enemies when im inside of a Cataclysm bubble.
    2. When i have an enemy on a blood altar and a limbo cast cataclysm it is able to damage the enemy killing them.

    These issues cause problems when grouping with limbo, i would expect to be able to put an enemy on the blood altar as long as they were in the same plane as my warframe. I would also expect the enemy to remain immune to damage while on the altar the same as it is to all other types of damage.

    This pretty much tanks my survive ability as garuda because im unable to heal when playing with a limbo, I play as a limbo on console and pc so i already see multiple ways this kills playing with these classes for me.


  8. On 2018-11-12 at 3:34 AM, TyrianMollusk said:

    it fails to make the frame fun to play, and with 3 already being a dead-boring placeholder ability, that's a big disappointment.

    I Disagree, I find garuda as she is fun, 3 requires a setup of 2s to be effects, honestly the only thing I don't like is how limbo cataclysm breaks garduas 2 which I think is a bug. You can pad 3 with quick thinking

    4 how ever could use a buff because a aoe slash attack would have been cool

  9. It says in the description of the sigil that it's visible when you take damage.

    If you have a ev trinity you can use it that's about the only other warframe I can think of right now 

  10. On 2018-11-11 at 4:52 PM, DonOctavia said:

    i ve over 150 k dmg stored 

    While that's cool they started adding more damage caps to bosses so lephantis would laugh at 150k dmg stored

  11. While in cataclysm I'm unable to use blood altar on enemies also in cataclysm. These are ones that survive the initial cast of cataclysm. I just get invalid target as an error even though were both in the void. This seems broken and is going to cause issues when grouping with limbo players.

    I should be able to use blood altar on enemy's in the void if I'm also in the void. I'd also expect to be able to blood altar enemies from a cataclysm bubble that are banished outside of the bubble.

    I'd also expect to be able to blood altar an enemy in a cataclysm bubble if I'm outside the bubble and also banished to the void by a limbo



    The second issue is cataclysm damages enemies on a blood altar, I would expect them to remain immune to the void damage from cataclysm the same as they are from everything else.

    These two issues shut down what would have been a lot of fun interactions between a limbo and myself.

    I'm a limbo player and fan of both classes i think fixing it so we can blood alter enemy, and they remain Heal/over/time points of interest, we can have a lot of fun with both of these classes in the same match since my initial reaction was "oh a limbo this should be fun with both energy and health regen going"

    I believe dread mirror is also broken the same way I need to test this when I get a chance.

    I was disappointed the two classes didn't work together.

  12. 22 minutes ago, ScribbleClash said:

    Platinum is a premium currency - and just in case that eluded you: it allows to skip time constraints.

    I personally am not gonna use my plat for this, but your reasoning not to have it is silly.

    Because that crosses pay to win to be honest. Like that one dude that roll the pets 200 times hey got pet colors removed for plat.

  13. 13 hours ago, Stormdragon said:


    To be honest i wish they would just remove PvP from this game because it's not done well at all. This game has little hope in real PvP mechanics because the power sets will never be balanced for PvP.

    There are already mods that are conclave only and there are certain missions that get harder depending on your conclave rank so it's kinda like why bother.


    That's coming from a DayZ, infestation, fallen earth, insert any other full loot shooter here... player. The PvP sucks so just remove it, it's like if they added a trading card game using the mod cards it would probably suck too

  14. 8 minutes ago, Chronometria said:

    Hopefully they can add a feature to the vent-kids vendor that allows naming or gilding or something 


    I would imagine this is the case cause i renamed by Pyranna Prime at the kitgun vendor... so i would imagine you would be able to name/rename your boards some where.

    not sure if being able to rename my non kit-gun was intended, but i really want them to add craftable primaries and let me rename my primary. then maybe they will add craftable warframes and let me name them one too.

  15. Most of the youtubers a trash, there are a couple of "content creators" or what ever stupid name for "i make videos and dont work" is that are okay.

    The rest need to click bait people into coming on to their video for a specific amount of time before youtube awards them monetization from that video.

    Most of the views come from randos, playlists and kids. My 12 year old watches videos on warframe and the more idiotic the video sounds the more likely he is to garner something from it to repeat to me at a later time.

    So on top of that the streamers on twitch during the drop event were running their own campaigns, You get twitch drops by watching their stream if they properly linked their warframe account to their twitch account and are using both said accounts to stream to you.

    but if you were in one stream you could win a chroma prime.

    Another streamer gave out 1000 plat for ever 250 subs.. which i have to say 50.00 is pretty cheap to purchase subs on twitch.

    Honestly anyone can be a twitch partner during twitch drops because its active for all channels, Heck next time they have a prime drop ill pull out the CC buy some twitch subs

    You have to roll it all together too, you stream to twitch, then you highlight to youtube, have some random crap in patreon and get a discord channel that people have to sub to join.

  16. On 2018-11-13 at 5:37 AM, Thaylien said:

    If you want to actually kill enemies, then you're far better off yanking them all into a puddle and hitting 1 on it. 

    You know starting the swarm after you enter the puddle adds it damage to the swarm right?

    Also the tentacles deal true damage which bypasses armor and i believe they bypass shields

  17. 16 hours ago, Hecking_Birb said:

    All of the Oldest Warframes Are Stupidly Strong For Farming, and That Sucks.

    Because the forums wants everything nerfed

    11 hours ago, Hecking_Birb said:

    She's not fun, I'll give you that, but she does the job better than him.

    Shes not fun because were stuck in a 30 second loop of the same music over and over and over, you need to have a whole team of octavas for it to be anywhere close to fun.

  18. 13 hours ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

    I guess I can feel the pain there, if a new player hears about this awesome game that had a awesome update and want to try it out ... 

    The forums are just filled with people screaming to nerf things left and right, then they add "hard" content and that has to get nerfd down to the level with the nerfd warframes can compete. so when new content comes out well nerf that too and complain that it was too hard also.

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