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Posts posted by Dabnician

  1. 19 hours ago, (PS4)ZeroSection said:

    I believe dropped hosts that fail to resolve and cancel the instance to be a bigger problem than connection performance.

    This is the main reason why i really really really, would love to have a dedicated session host.Iv'e played with hosts that were downloading something int he back ground causing all sorts of lag, only to stop said download when the team calls them out on it (oops my bad ill stop my download) only to get upset when the team extracts at the very next opportunity..... this was on pc

    I also ran into an issue where one of my xbox friends wanted to check out fortuna, so he installed it on his laptop while we were playing on xbox, same internet connection, starting having host issues, he was the host, this was the xbox/xbox live being effected by another device on the same network.

    (i flip flop between xbox and pc)

    17 hours ago, (PS4)whoistimjones said:


    DE could even use nitrado and have them charge the customer,  the owner has made deals in the past with BI for DayZ they had the server files on release of that game

  2. 7 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    I was unaware Google, Microsoft and Amazon took Platinum as a payment option.

    I was unaware DE only paid their hosting provider, domain registrars, employee's, health care provider, country taxes and all of their legal fees in platinum.

    Man color me red, Imagine that i though this entire time they took the money we gave to them and put it into a bank account in exchange for platinum and then used that money to pay for things.

    Ill say it again:

    3 hours ago, Dabnician said:

    Are all of you gamers with no technology related day jobs? like is there literally no other IT people that play this game with a forum account? Am i really the only It person using AWS?

    And also add: And also speak to accounting and have a basic understand of things like NET 30?


  3. Are all of you gamers with no technology related day jobs? like is there literally no other IT people that play this game with a forum account? Am i really the only It person using AWS?

    there are two (logical) options with low to no cost for DE


    A) DE lets me spin up a server with my login on my own hardware and let it be a session host i can join for my missions, ie let it be the team leader that i control the vote for what mission the server wants to run same as when im the host.
    Done, they get zero profit out of it and a headache of having to support other peoples hardware.....




    B) DE uses a company like Google, Azure or AWS with either full blown virtual servers or container services that run just the game server. they charge the customer(ie us) flat rates for 1,3,7,30 days of time in platinum much like the boosters, they then pre purchase instances at a lower rate then on demand pricing at one of those providers and profit off the price difference. At bare minimum they can pass 100% of the cost of the instance on to the customer. They can over sell the number of required instances on the logic that no gamer players 24/7 and even the ones that do will average out so that you do not need 1 server for ever 1 server purchased by end users like us.


    Id honestly like a dedicated server of any sort to require a room in the clan dojo, but that would make sense with the whole transference being a thing and the reservoir on the moon... but screw that dab guy with this crazy ideas....


  4. On 2018-11-07 at 8:26 PM, hazerddex said:

    that would cost DE a lot of money for somthing many might not even use as it would require seprate servers. 

    They can simply allow me to spin up a "server" Much like you do for conclave, give me the ability to link that server to my account using a unique id and then when i play i can use that server as my session host they can avoid having to pay anything. They had the tech for clan dojo's before they went to dedicated servers like the relays.

    Alternatively they can allow me to prepurchase the server instance in blocks of time, which would allow them to prepurcahse the instance from AWS based on how much time i buy up front, which they can then over provision because i am not going to use it 24/7 at 8 hours of usage/day the cost is 45.00 for one month for a 2 cpu instance with 8GB of ram and 10Gbps of network. If i was a heavy user playing on average 8 hours a day they could charge me 1000 plat and make 5.00 profit at the end of the month.

    The law of averages will play out across the player base, you will have players that casually play willing to fork over plat as you will have heavy users and the average among the player population would allow them to over provision the number of required instances to covered hosted sessions.

    In fact i think they already have some of this in place because of the number of relays that open up when visiting places like relays, cetus or fortuna.


  5. 3 hours ago, Tellakey said:

    I'm still surprised we don't have a walking button during missions.

    Do you have an analog controller? because a thumb stick will give you this, this is why i use a controller on pc.


    On 2018-11-13 at 8:47 AM, Kezriak said:

    Anyone else surprised......

    You ever shoot a camera and get that spark effect that pauses on the last frame, so you have this permanent spark coming out of the ceiling frozen for ever until you leave the mission?
    That bug is from closed beta and it has never been fixed, you shouldn't be surprised by anything to be honest.

  6. 19 hours ago, Kontrollo said:

    Feels more like the disposition wouldn't have changed enough to justify such a disproportionate reduction in power. Or in other words, while the disposition multiplier is linear, its effects are not in some cases.

    I'd wager that when it becomes more popular -- and I'm sure it will -- the disposition will drop eventually.

    Maybe this is the issue at heart and disposition changes aren't happening because a change on a 1-5 scale isn't granular enough. Which could possible be happening with other weapons, maybe things aren't getting bumped up because again 1-5 is too small of a scale whatever modifier is behind how powerful rivens are.

    Maybe we need a scale of 1-10 or 1-30 even, Then we could have groups of riven changes and not broad sweeping ones that have this all or nothing attitude...

  7. Bunch of credits, oxium and fireworks.... oh joy....

    you know honestly this makes me hate the "partners", i you watch their streams you have tons of players just regurgitating tons of spam or memes over and over and over in the chat window.

    The streamer half the time doesn't even pay attention to them, they also dont pay attention to the pm's poping up on their screen with randos asking to join every couple of seconds..

    Heck i feel like at this point we might as well have "Instagram Partners"

  8. I think its funny how you all KNOW which weapons are crap IE the ones that REALLY NEED A RIVEN, BUT every one is like "oh noes dont touch my rubico/kohm/acra/<insert weapon that doesn't need riven here>"

    If the community flat out tells you "Get a HEK at MR 4, it will carry you to 10 with little issue" i think its pretty safe to say you dont need anything over a 2 on that.

    Rubico, Lanka, Kohm, You all KNOW they should be a 1, KOHM is one of the few weapons that will cut a corpse into 4 piece for a nekros to desecrate.

    These are just loot caves for lazy gamers, Its pretty easy when you actually think about it from the view of a non gamer, or at the very least as some one that doesn't want to just cheat their way to the end. You all just care about trading plat then you do about the game staying around, they should add a maximum platinum per trade and set it to be something like 300 & make platinum not trad able after you receive it, honestly that would teach all of you.

    3 minutes ago, (PS4)cleefsentence said:

    just DE promise to not release him to show respect to something happened 5 years ago.

     You all got Excalibur umbra instead so really you didnt really lose anything and its better than excal prime.


  9. On 2018-11-11 at 10:47 AM, ShadowExodus said:

    when I could just get there in the shortest amount of time possible

    ^This is why OP's idea is a good one, because gamers are lazy and they want "maximum gain for minimum reward".

    Archwings are basically "Press 4 to get there", honestly if they let us have archwings in open roam then just give us fast travel and be done with it so i dont have to waste an equipment slot. like that other thread said, bring back the crafteable launchers with a counter and let K Drives have unlimited launches

  10. 10 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    I thought I wasn't, but I kinda am, trying not to be, but it's more a thing for love of myth.
    I love history and mythology, and dislike when it's completely misrepresented.
    I am angry that Garuda steals souls, drinks blood, and cuts herself,
    it makes no sense for either Garuda, Great Bird of Prey, or God-King Bird.
    But at least I've learned things from this,
    some of what I wanted to learn from it, and some extra stuff too.

    Gangrel isn't a real mythological name associated with ware-wolves, just a made-up name for the table-top game.
    (I think)
    So it would be a sue-able offence to use it without permission.

    I think Rancor would have been a way better name.

    This is the same argument all the people have against Anna Diop playing StarFire in the new TeenTitans movie? Or that Zazie Beetz is playing Domino in Deadpool2?

    Rancor is more closely related to Starwars than 13th century french to be honest

  11. On 2018-07-24 at 1:03 PM, (PS4)Pauloluisx said:

    At this time no confirmation (only PC will do it as of now), and I find it unlikely, specially if it's Sony we're talking about. It'd mean loss of revenue for them (And a damn deserved one since players are becoming fed up with their approach)


    On 2018-09-21 at 9:41 AM, (PS4)wulvyrn said:

    Warframe was released on PC.  Later on console.  People act like it was on console, released on PC and then later transfers were allowed.  There is much of no logic in the community base.

    What de is doing hasn't been done before.  There are lawyers and technical stuff to sort out.  Sadly, the technical stuff is easier then the political end of it. 

    PC to Console happen back in 2014, it could happen again so long as the builds match up, and also the companies allow them to copy the data over.


  12. 13 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:
    2 hours ago, Lucifer490 said:

    Well I'm an Indian and a Hindu and tbh I couldn't care less,  it isn't an insult to any culture or religion.  There may be people who might not like it but in the end,  it's not like DE is trying to bash a religion. The name sounds cool and is kinda suited to the frame.  Basically,  people who want to be offended will always will be.

    Very true, and thank you.

    With this response and the context of your original post, this makes me think you're just intentionally trying to start drama on the forums.

  13. 50 minutes ago, Vanille said:

    Max range Limbo into Dorpus, what could go wrong? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I personally just take Octavia, imo best overall for all kind of bounties.

    You have to defend a point? Mallet.
    You have to capture a point while denying the enemy another one? Mallet.
    You're being swarmed and you want to get enemies off you? Mallet.
    You have to defend two excavators? Mallet(s).
    You have to sneak in their facilities? Invisibility.
    You want to relax and let the alarm reach max? Invisibily + mallet.

    You wanna get rid of mallet? that's right, more mallets.

    When I want to be nice i roll Octavia with this song:


  14. 30 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    If someone made a character in a game after a god you worship, (or respect)

     YOU don't worship that god, You have already stated you are not religious


    14 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

    I want to hear/read what others have to say about the mater.

    Okay sure we can play this game OP has the name  "Durandal", Durandal is the sword of Roland, who was a paladin of Charlemagne. Roland was part of the Saxon Wars where Charlemagne returned in 782 to Saxony to instituted a code of law that was severe on religious issues, namely the native paganism of the Saxons. They ended with 4500 saxons being executed and 3000-4000 killed around 796... Since i was raised catholic should i be offended by OPs name since Charlemagne was the emperor of the first holy roman emperor? What about anyone with heritage from Saxony?

    You could have called your self "General Triclaviani" and that would be the same significance that not too many people would pick up.


  15. On 2018-11-10 at 12:03 PM, General_Durandal said:

    I'm not a Buddhist, or recognize myself as a part of any one religion,
    but I respect all religions, and I see the Warframe Garuda as somewhat insulting.

    I was Raise Catholic, Please do not be offended or insulted on behalf of something, when you yourself claim are not "a part of any one religion"

    1 hour ago, General_Durandal said:

    but the last time a frame's name didn't match it's power-set to it's myth, they changed the name of the frame.
    Revenant used to be called Vlad, after Vlad the Impaler,
    but since his power-set didn't match Vlad's history, they changed the name.
    Oddly enough, Garuda's power-set would have been near perfect for a Vlad the Impaler frame.
    It was said Vald stole souls, while it was known that he impaled enemies, and drank their blood. (dipped his bread in their blood and eat it)
    Power 3, Bloodletting, cut self to recharge energy, doesn't fit any character i can think of though. 

    To be fair they probably wanted to name it "Gangrel" but didnt want to get sued by white wolf

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