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Posts posted by Dhashruman

  1. Post the harrow update my game has been experiencing pretty heavy fps drops, It was around 60 before but now its hard to even keep it stable at 20 at low settings, A fix for this would be appreciated as the game is really hard to play for me at this moment since the fps does drop quite often to 10 during missions.

  2. So after finishing the harrow quest I tried farming his systems from the defective mission. However I always seem to fail the mission when I extract. i extracted after evacuating 20 squads and it said mission failed. I even extracted after evacuating 30 squads and still it said mission failed. Please help with this. Cheers

  3. 1 hour ago, Sziklamester said:

    6 day 14 hour away the unvault. This also means Harrow on the way.

    Yeah, they said Harrow will be released before TennoCon

    1 hour ago, FairyTael said:

    I just wish they'd let us buy the accessories seperate for once

    Ikr, I wonder if you buy the unvaulted pack and you already have the stuff in it like Rhino or bolton prime for instance, would you get a free inventory slot with it or do we have to already have an empty slot before hand?


  4. So guys, by now most of us probably already know that the Gym dude and Mag prime are being unvaulted some time this summer (hopefully with Targis Prime armor). Maybe some of us (myself included) are wondering around when exactly they will be unvaulted. I recently noticed on the warframe website that the prime vault icon now has a timer which says 6 days 14 hours. So I was just curious as to whether that means that the unvaulting is 6 days 14 hours away? If it doesn't imply that, would anyone be a jolly good tenno and mind suggesting what it may mean? Cheers Tenno,

    May RNG be ever in your favour.

  5. 8 hours ago, Zoknahal said:

    I have a question about this. So i been purposely avoiding to buy from players any of this primes because i knew that they would return sooner or later (i didn't knew there was a prime vault unsealing since i left the game for so long, until i experienced the Frost/Ember unsealing) but i am probably more interested in the accessories that may come with this prime vault unsealing.

    Doing some research, i found out that mag was previously unvaulted and brought with her the Targis Prime armor pack, which is something i had my eyes on for the longest, and i heard from other players that Rhino would come back with the Edo Prime armor set, which is also something i had my eyes on for a very long time. But the Targis prime came also with Nyx prime access, so i am confused as to which prime accessories this double Vault unsealing will come with. Anyone has a better idea?

    Tbh, Edo Prime went out the window when the pic showed the Noru prime Syandana to be unvaulted because it's unlikely that they will release 2 different prime accessories from 2 different prime accesses (Noru Prime syandana from the Rhino Prime PA and Edo Prime from the Volt Prime PA). So the only possibility I would say is that a prime armor would be unvaulted with Mag Prime. The pic in the devstream is from Mag Prime's first ever release and she did not come out with any prime accessories because she did not have a prime access at the time. However, when she was unvaulted in 2016 she came out with the Targis Prime armor. Seeing as to how Frost Prime got unvaulted twice and both times quite close together and he brought the Misa Prime syandana both times, its is possible that the Targis Prime would come again with Mag Prime, or they may swap Targis prime out for another prime armor set that hasn't already been unvaulted (assuming that a prime armor even get unvaulted this time)

  6. 4 minutes ago, iMalicious said:

    Wish Mag Prime was coming with Targis Prime Armor Set in the unvaulting but it doesn't appear so, all we're getting is the weapons for mag prime vault access from the looks of it with Rhinos accessories =/ (well part of his accessories just titan extractor) and his weapons.

    Based on the Devstream pic we are getting the Noru prime syandana unvaulted as well. But to quote Rebecca 'This is a teaser of what the summer unvaulting will look like' which may imply that they did not include everything that will be unvaulted. Also they basically just used the Rhino Prime Access and Mag Prime stuff bundle icons in the unvaulting pic. Mag Prime didnt have any prime accessories when she was first introduced but when she was unvaulted in the summer of 2016 she came with Targis Prime so it could be assumed that since Mag is returning this summer, Targis Prime may return as well or be swapped with another prime armour that hasn't already been unvaulted recently. 

  7. On 17/06/2017 at 10:21 AM, (PS4)joshw1400 said:

    Because Frost came with Ember so it makes sense that it's Rhino and Mag

    Do you think Targris prime will come back with Mag prime? Or another prime armor like Edo prime or has DE just stopped releasing vaulted prime accessories even though they said they will unvault them again


  8. On 17/06/2017 at 3:32 AM, DarthMelchom said:

    That video at the end.. It is hinting at something... Red Veil.. Since they always talk about sacrifice..

    I would say the video is a teaser for umbra and the focus 2.0 system. Since umbra has been a hype for a long time now and DE did confirm that the next cinematic quest is to be about Umbra it would make sense for Umbra to be the big reveal at Tennocon. Also the day shifting to night would in my opinion be related to the sun and moon alignment that you see in your profile which until now hasn't had any specific function that affects our frames. The sacrifice bit could be related to the umbra quest as well regarding the true nature of warframes that may require some sort of sacrifice to be created or something to that effect but that's purely just my opinion.

  9. 1 minute ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

    I would like that confirmed as well? 

    Yeah, I already missed the Targis Prime twice and the Edo Prime armour as well. Seeing as Mag was only unvaulted last year it would be quite sad if they don't unvault prime accessories anymore since targis prime also came with the Mag unvaulting in 2016

  10. HI guys, I have noticed a bug with certain regalia attachments on certain warframe skins. The regalia on my Rhino Prime skin and rhino immortal skin isn't in the position it is supposed to be and the regalia on the ash koga skin doesn't shrink to fit the riv elite armor shoulder guard. I have tried several methods to fix this issue such as using different regalias and different armor pieces. For the rhino skins the bug the only occurs on the right shoulder when the pakal shoulder guard is equipped. For the Ash Koga skin the bug only appears on the left shoulder when the riv elite armor guard is equipped. Here are the images of the bug :   



    Any suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated :)

  11. Hi guys,

    A few months ago I noticed my Shadow Stalker codex entry animation is glitched. At first I thought it was just a one off thing but now it is still like that. I recent replayed the Second Dream quest just for fun and all the Stalker Cinematic scenes (the actual fighting with the stalker bit was fine) was also glitched in the same manner. At the moment my Ivara in the codex entry also appears in the glitched fashion. Any ideas on how to fix it coz I really don't want any future quests involving the Stalker to have the same bugged nature as it would suck. Cheers team.

    Here is what the bug looks like : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/155780485632776543/3583A4432A2541057F72878611124D238CCC3A43/



  12. Hi guys, 

    A few months ago I noticed my Shadow Stalker codex entry animation is glitched. At first I thought it was just a one off thing but now it is still like that. I recent replayed the Second Dream quest just for fun and all the Stalker Cinematic scenes (the actual fighting with the stalker bit was fine) was also glitched in the same manner. At the moment my Ivara in the codex entry also appears in the glitched fashion. Any ideas on how to fix it coz I really don't want any future quests involving the Stalker to have the same bugged nature as it would suck. Cheers team.

    Here is what the bug looks like : https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/155780485632776543/3583A4432A2541057F72878611124D238CCC3A43/



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