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Posts posted by Cicasajt

  1. 8 minutes ago, scourge213 said:

    Its mostly for fun. I personally love to min-max. And its mostly to compare weapons, like the 256 variations of kitguns. Or rivens. Or whatever, its all for fun isn't it? Its a waste of time, sure, but inst anything that is warframe related?

    if i want to test something like this i go to the simulacrum and kill a few enemies with every build i want to compare. that does it for me instead of a calculator.

  2. id love to get the rewards and every few months i play some pvp to do so but even if u can play the progression is so slow and ppl with their ignis and phantasma cheezing make it miserable.

    there was once a game called "exteel". it had amazing pvp. the key was to make everyone tanky, the tanks even tankier, then make weapons easy to hit with.

    every weapon had its own size of frame (except rocket launchers and melee) in which u had to get the enemy to hit within your weapons range. if the enemy was entirely in the frame and u fire it was a hit every time. the projectiles even followed the enemy. imo this mechanic not only could save pvp in warframe but it could turn it into just as big as pve

    check this gameplay out.


  3. so back to the topic.

    anyone who suggested using primed ammo mutation was wrong. so i bought it, leveled to rank9. it stacks with Ammo case of carrier. i used both and spawned 20 enemies in the simulacrum. i ended up barely able to kill all of them, ran out of ammo just as i killed the last one which dropped 35 so i ended up with that. this is not ok, this is not balanced. all of u were wrong.

    my rattleguts with -65% max ammo riven has no trouble doing the same. also people used twin grakatas as an example of similar if not worse case, i tried that one too without riven and mutation and it used up about half of its ammo pool doing the same thing

  4. 9 minutes ago, schilds said:

    Pox is a status monster with a small aoe. For example, properly modded, it can strip 100% armour within a second or so. It's great with abilities like Mag's magnetize, Vauban's vortex, Nidus' larva, etc.

    the only problem is the max ammo cap. and that other secondaries can kill enemies quicker than this strips armor (not throwing knives tho)

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