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Posts posted by --Aegis--Dandy

  1. 13 hours ago, BlankBroadcast said:

    - BlankBroadcast

    - MR 14

    - US Region

    - 5 years

    - Strong research/ questing focus


    An Invitation has been sent to your inbox, and the discord info will be available in game. Welcome to the clan! 😄 

  2. One of the potential issues with this solution though are clan and individual "operation scores". I would say the best answer to that would be to have the best score presented. (For example, if a clan does an event for the second time, the best out of the two scores would be shown in stats - same thing for individuals).

  3. One potential solution to this issue would be to have all events return on a yearly basis. Clans and individuals can experience these events and obtain their rewards. Also, they can be a little more casual than how monumental current events are like "Hostile Mergers" is due to their consistency, but also provide clans with meaningful leaderboards.

    While Rebecca did not clarify this in her post, I tend to agree with MasterControl here. It seems like trophy exp was removed to have all clans be on a more even playing field instead of the change simply being due to a bug.

  4. 1 hour ago, EarlAsterisk said:


    MR 18


    I was in this clan before, had inactivity due to health reasons but I'm back so would love to join again.

    An Invitation has been sent to your inbox, and the discord info will be available in game. Welcome back to the clan! 😄 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Koiichii said:

    hey im koiichii, mr 14 almost 15, 616 hours played time, america, was super casual for a long time, then got really into it, but then stopped when all my friends stopped playing and i wanna get back into it but i dont fancy solo play so looking for an active clan to do things in is my goal atm, i can play during the week but mainly the weekends since work takes up alot of time on the weekdays

    Hi Koiichii, you are currently in a clan! Once you leave your clan, reply here again, and we will send you an invite 👍

  6. 1 hour ago, -Bv-Psykiik said:

    thanks for the info 

    now we know we will get Empyrian near Christmas ..can we get a more info later this year but a bit before Empyrian about what clans need to do to prepare for update ? 

    i mean i think we will not be able to build/access right away to our new ships .. there will be a research and resources to farm .. i hope you can inform us what to farm and how to prepare our dojo for new update 

    i know i may be wrong and we will get access to new ships directly when update drops ..that would be awesome btw

    The New War update is slated for the holidays. Correct me if I am wrong, currently there is no announced release date for Empyrian.

    Most people suspect it will be early fall.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Sokunohana said:

    Hello our clan would like to join your alliance 😄

    • Clanname: Atharva Veda - our Logo is a Mantra
    • Clantier: Ghost
      • I don't recall which rank we are at the moment (not at home atm) but we have approximately 60+% research behind us
    • Membershipcount: 2
    • Inactivity policy: Well since we are only two people and the other person is my wife our policy is rather informal and lax
    • Not above Ghost since I like a tight knit clan. Before I would invite somebody to our clan, I would interact with said person at least a few couple hours to gauge if they would fit since our #1 rule is to be chill and have fun with the game, regardless of the results. We really dislike toxicity and everything that comes with it.
    • Well this question has kind of been answered already by chance ;D
      Toxicity is absolutely not tolerated, inappropriate content is (if we are thinking along the same lines) not tolerated too.

    We are pretty chill people who play for the fun and awe of this game. We might not be the best but we like helping people out and are patient.
    We are situated in the EU; GMT+2 (because daylight saving time).


    So if you want to have us in your alliance we would be honored and excited.








    Hi! Thank you for your interest in our alliance. Unfortunately, our recruitment has closed due to us being at max capacity, so we will not be able to accept any more clans.

  8. 16 hours ago, Syfer613 said:
    1. Syfer613
    2. MR18
    3. NA
    4. Steam says 990 hours. Warframe says ~600 hours. I've been playing the game off and on since around the time Nova came out. I think it's been around six years?
    5. Active members and things to do.
    6. I can play a lot during the weekends usually. I can play maybe three or four small sessions during the week due to work. Usually, I complete the daily sortie, reach my standing cap for the day in a few syndicates, and maybe level a bit during these weekday sessions.
    7. The only clan I've been in is Aerion. The reason I'm leaving is because it's a dead clan. There are only two members online at the time of writing this.

    An invitation has been sent to your inbox. Welcome to the clan! 🙂

  9. Crazy theory:

    Could this be caused by them updating how the dark sector/ solar rail tech in the Orokin lab works when the Railjack update drops?

    If this is the case, i could see how a new research item being complete could pull a trigger on a bug somewhere. This could also explain why this bug is still around with no feedback on the progress despite Rebecca saying they are looking into it 3 weeks ago.

    • Like 1
  10. Fixed with Hotfix 25.3.2 👍


    The Komorex Weapon Research REMOVES 20k Clan Affinity (Proof Provided - Chat for Timestamps)


    Screenshots of before The Touhou Project Clan finishes the Komorex Research:





    Screenshots of after the Touhou Project CLan finishes the Komorex Research: 


    img%5DFrom what i have seen, this bug is effecting all clans.img%5D

  11. 2 hours ago, Mr_Priest said:

    IGN: Mr_Priest
    Region: EU

    Hi MR_Priest, our clan roster is locked for the event, so we will not be removing inactive players until after the event finishes. You have been put on our waitlist. As slots open up, we will invite from that list.

  12. 39 minutes ago, skrawnohue said:
    1. skrawnohue
    2. 15
    3. North America
    4. Just under 400 hours since November 2018
    5. People to run hunts/events with
    6. 2-7 days a week for 1-5 hours at a time.
    7. Yes, small no name clan with friends who no longer play. Left because I got tired of playing alone.

    Hi Skrawnohue, our clan rosters are locked for the event, so we will not be removing inactive players until after the event finishes. You have been put on our waitlist. As slots open up, we will invite from that list.

  13. 20 minutes ago, MinorityBeard said:

    1. IGN: MinorityBeard

    2. MR 14

    3. US

    4. 862 Hours (played in 2016 a bit but it's insignificant so it's not included here)

    5. People to squad up with for long(er) missions, to chat with, and just have fun with

    6. Depends, but minimum time for each day would probably be 3 hours. But on average, 20 hours a week.

    7. I was just in a solo clan before because I just wanted to research and all my friends are on different platforms, but I finally want to join a real clan.


    An invitation has been sent to your inbox. Welcome to the clan! 🙂

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