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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. Sometimes, after finishing public alerts, returning to the Liset will only allow me to move the mouse. I can also still chat, but I cannot press Esc to tab back in to moving the character. This also means I cannot open the system menu and quit the game. I have to Alt-F4 everytime this happens.

    I have 2 hunches on how this can happen.

    - Host Migration occurs before you finish loading the Liset.

    - A glitch where you're supposed to see the ending result screen but the game doesn't show it up, sending you in a locked mouse-only state.

    Bonus: This only happens when I'm a client. This never happens when I host or solo.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Insizer said:

    I'd like this to be honest.  Resonator kind of makes Mallet useless, imo, as enemies are chasing a ball like a cat and a laser pointer, instead of shooting.

    No it doesn't, it makes Mallet mobile after it has taken damage, making Mallet a mobile circle of pounding doom. You are doing it wrong. :)

  3. When you press 2 while Resonator is active, it should de-cast the rolling ball instead of recasting it.

    These extra seconds you wait for the Mallet to take damage are extra seconds you need to wait for Resonator to run out of time.

    My Octavia has 282% duration with a 56 second ability duration.

  4. If you use Smoke Bomb with Ash, then hold a scanner in hand with Right Click and then wait for the Smoke Bomb counter to go out, Ash's texture will disappear when you let go of Right Click. Enemies will still see you of course, but you will be invisible. Re-using Smoke Bomb will make his texture re-appear after the ability timer runs out.

    I scan synthetics everyday with Ash so it was kinda easy to nail this one down.

    I've also tried this with Ivara and Loki but these 2 are ok.


  5. New meta: Be Limbo, go into pub survival, dodge yourself in the Rift, stand still next to a life capsule and watch others fight for you.

    There needs to be a mechanism where if you stand still for 10 seconds, you are cast out of the Rift.

    Limbo farting rift portals everywhere is annoying.

    Getting Banish by a wave because you were in his line of sight is annoying.

    Not being able to shoot enemies while he uses Stasis in a Cataclysm is like saying "this is my playing field, go away" and it's annoying.

    Having to forcefully dodge to enter/exit Rift? Annoying.

    Semi-AFK XP farmers in mission that are invincible forever? Annoying.

    I don't know why you guys kicked the hornet's nest on this one, but I sure can hear all the buzz right now. I'm really sorry, but I don't like the new Limbo.

  6. - Boar BP

    - Gorgon BP

    - Detron/Brakk Parts

    - Ash Neuroptics/Chassis/Systems

    - Kavat Incubator Upgrade Segment

    - All 6 Ayatan Statues. (but somehow, stars can be marked)

    - Rare Containers or the "orb" that gives the boosters inside

    - Kubrow Eggs from Earth nests.

    - Plants, like Sunlight Threscone or Vestan Moss

    - Syndicate Specters BP (i.e. Ancient Healer Specter BP, etc.)


    Did I miss something here? I think that's it. Every items above do not have a "Place Marker" feature. You just mark the ground and die while typing in the chat what is on the ground XD. Please add them! :)

  7. I solo'd a 1 hour survival in Derelict tonight with him. Too bad I only got 15 mutagens. Tigris Prime, Staticor and Zenistar were used too.

    You cannot die. You always have mutations stacked and restacking 15 is a piece of cake in high level mobs. Possibly the biggest F-U to tox proc.

    The problem was in fact energy leech eximus, which prevented me from recasting and gambling hits from enemies to trigger Rage was getting risky. Caustic Eximus were my BFF with Parasitic Link; the tox aura damaged enemies and staggered them.

    Yes, Nidus is a pretty cool guy, just like that.

  8. As a player who mains Ash and also suggested this rework, I'm partially disappointed. Why? Because speed-kill metas kill any sort of fun you can have with Bladestorm.

    I press 4, start marking... By the time I mark my 5th enemy, Ember+Ignis+Combustion Beam meta sweeps in. If it isn't that, it's Volt+Telos Boltace or Mirage+Simulor.

    Whenever I can actually use Bladestorm, I'm left with 1/4 of the energy I had and some enemies are still standing...

    So, now I just use Smoke Shadows in low-level alerts and get called edgy weebo...

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