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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. What did you expect? They've been draining the fun out of this game for a while. It's sad to see Ash go, considering how difficult they made the farm for him post-Uranus boss rework.

  2. 2 hours ago, Lord_Azrael said:

    Totally up for this. The endo's too cheap to turn them in. I may as well just make ridiculous sculptures out of them.


    It's actually faster to find a statue, put gems into it and sell it for endo than the usual mod grind. The 4-socket statue can give you 2700 endo when it has all it's gems. I can grind alerts all night long with a Nekro and all the mods I find sometimes doesn't even go up above 1000 endo. In the end, we can view statues like over-glorified fusion cores.

    Being able to sell statues to Baro for ducat could be a cool idea but it would be abused... so...

    Make it so you can sell a limited amount of statues/gems per week. *wink-wink*

  3. 22 hours ago, DaftMeat said:

    For me, the newest update has also broken Steam Controller inputs when the Launcher is active. While the Launcher is up, the Controller will only move the mouse on-screen, but no other buttons or inputs seem to do anything until I click PLAY with a mouse or a keyboard spacebar.


    That's because the game using the "Decoration" action set instead of "Launcher". The Decoration set does not use the Left Click

    You can remedy it yourself. In the Decoration action set, bind the X face button with this: Start Press as A button, Release Press as Start button. Now when the launcher comes up, just press X and it will launch the game.

  4. A new Steam Controller firmware update dropped yesterday. Steam didn't release any change list, however, I quickly noticed something with Warframe: most of the issues reported in this thread were cleared.

    You can now revive when you die, Holster sliders can now be used, Lunaro has it's own Action set complete with BPM ingame actions and the Shadow Mouse selection minor issue is out of the way.

    Only 2 issues remain, with Titania's #4 melee being unresponsive and a little action set order error.

  5. Classic Capture Time = 2-3 minute per mission

    New Fissure Time = 5-10 minute per mission

    If you make 20-30 ducats per mission, but you need 1200 for these 3 new prime mods Baro just brought, how many time do you have to spend grinding?

    A lot.

  6. 20 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    FYI Tears appear throughout your Mission now so there is no 'stand here and murder things' in particular. Kill Corrupted Enemies when they poof in from a Tear, there will be many around in your Void Tear Missions.

    Still takes longer than the classic Capture spam...

  7. 6 minutes ago, Darknecron said:

    I found that running Lith fissures (in Capture/ Rescue / Exterminate missions) with relics that yielded the common, yet Ducat-valuable items I listed went even faster than Ducat farming pre-SOTR.

    ok then, what happens on days when you don't have fissures with these mission types? (I don't know how it works, I haven't played enough)

  8. It's pretty simple for me: I don't have time anymore to look for squads of people who share the same relics just to spam the same mission to get a very specific part. I used to be ok with Capture/Mobile Def key spam, but now this "camp the fissure" thing kills it.

    SORT killed ducat farming for me. It just takes too long to get stuff now. And like OP says, if I need anything at all from Baro, I will have to fork out plat for it. I can also say goodbye to any new skin he brings.

  9. ...being suffering from this issue since Inaros was added to the game. The Inaros update added a new game over subscreen which the SC action sets can't detect. What happens is that when the game over is shown, the SC action set doesn't change to "Menu" anymore, it stays in Game/Melee mode.

    One workaround I made myself is to bind the Enter key somewhere in both your Game and Melee build. What I do I set the Start button to Longpress in the Activator submenu. So if I die, I just hold start and it revives me. I advise you to use this workaround because I've been having this issue and reported a while ago....

    There's also the option of just using a full KB/M build that doesn't use DE's scripted action set build. You can find one in the most popular community builds...

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