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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. 1 hour ago, EmptyDevil said:

    I'd rather not have to re-ignore people i have blocked/ignored. All of the people on my list are either very toxic, leeches, bad trolls, or a combination. I rather not get paired up with any of them in squads or bother interacting with them.

    Sorry to break your bubble, but people you ignore can still join your game.

  2. 7 hours ago, Drex83 said:


    1 - You can do that now with Activators. Set Sprint to a key, go into the activator menu and set Toggle to On. Problem with that is that there's no Sprint Toggle inside WF itself (as a boundable key). If DE adds it, that solves the problem.

    2 - To get the best out of your SC, you need to use BPM, that's just the way it is.

    I have zero problems with the build I have with the hacking mini-game. Joystick aims at the node you want to spin, triggers/bumpers spins the node. X button uses Cypher instantly, much faster than keyboard could ever do.

    3 - You can also press Start, then mash A on Resume and it might respawn you. I hope they fix this... one day... because you know... this bug's been around since Inaros. Meanwhile, lucky console users aren't reporting this bug...

    4 - I once made a post about regular controller lacking proper UI handling months ago. I guess they don't care. But they seemed to care enough for the SC to make it work nicely in BPM.

    5 - That's odd. BPM barely crashes on me anymore, in and out of WF. BPM force fullscreen because that's needed for Touch Menus to work(and other things).


    What annoys me is that no one is talking about the bugs I mention, or the recommendations I posted. Wanna know why? Because the greater fraction of popular community builds are full keyboard builds that don't use DE's default BPM-only build. So most people using SC in Warframe don't even see those bugs or these lacking features like haptic feedback. The longer it stay unfixed, less people care and in the end, DE's effort to make SC support will be in vain. "No one cares about our build, why update it? We don't have time for this."

  3. 1 minute ago, Drex83 said:

    A suggestion: To make using the outer ring of the stick/touchpad more useful for movement, it would be really nice to get a native function for Sprint (Hold), the current implementation seems to be a toggle which is kind of odd to work with with that style of bind, seeing as that bind has potential to be pretty useful it would be a nice feature to add, can bind it to the regular kb key in any case for now though I guess

    There IS native Sprint support in the BPM ingame keys. Look in your WF options, there is a sprint toggle there. Turn it off when using the SC.

    I have zero problem with it now, even more with the Mode Shifting that disables Sprinting.

  4. Removed Archwing Camera Sensitivity bug. I don't know exactly in which hotfix it was fixed. Archwing sensitivity doesn't follow up in regular WF mode anymore.

    Also, I feel a bit foolish for not scrolling down more in the option where the new Archwing camera option are. :facepalm:


  5. Hello DE.

    I have been using the Steam Controller for several months now. My most played game with it is Warframe. I think it's pretty cool you guys invested some time in coding the in-game actions inside BPM. However, some time has passed and now, your configuration is a little outdated, given all the new updates that were added lately. Here's a few recommendations that could make your SC build a little more awesome.


    1 - No Gyro-aiming: One of the best redeeming feature of the SC isn't even activated. For those you wondering what this is, it's like playing WF with a Wii remote. Move the controller up, camera goes up, etc.

    Best setup is to use the L4D2 method: Gyro is activated when touching the right trackpad. Gyro is used for slower aiming, while right trackpad is faster for easier 180's and quick response.

    2 - No Haptic Feedback: Added in an update after you made your build, haptic feedback is a replacement for regular controller vibration. Having some haptic feedback while playing WF would be a nice addition. Note that I tried Rumble Emulation /w Vibration On in WF and it doesn't work, so I'm guessing it's something only you can fix.

    3 - No Touch Menus: Touch Menus are BPM-bound graphic menus where touching/clicking one specific part of a touchpad will fire an action. You can have a maximum of 16 key in 1 single touch menu. Now add Mode Shifting(see below) to that and you can hide a second touch menu under the 1st. That means 1 trackpad can hold up to 32 keys. Considering how many functions aren't mapped to your build, Touch Menus are a must for WF.

    My Left Trackpad is a 13 key touch menu. All Gear Hotkeys are mapped there, as well as Item Popup, Switch Camera Side, Show Player List, Inspect and Show Map. My Right Trackpad is Camera move, but when I hold Right Bumper, it changes into a 5 key touch menu for WF abilities (uses a 9-key setup, only uses 5 actions, shaped in a cross).

    4 - No Activators: Added last June in the Steam Beta, Activators is the new hot fuzz. Basically,it works exactly like how we change weapons in WF. Tap the button, you switch guns. Hold the button and you switch to melee. Activators work exactly like that, allowing you to customize any action on top of another in a single button.

    This update also allows macro bindings, which means complicated sequences of key presses can be programmed into a single key. (i.e. You can program a 1-key hadouken button for Street Fighter, etc) And yes, that means I can Bullet Jump, Slide Attack and Backflip at the click of a button.

    5 - No Mode Shifting: Not really a big issue, but the way I see it, using Mode shifting goes hand-in-hand with touch menus. Like explained in item #3, holding a key can change how certain other keys can work. Not all keys can be shifted on the SC, but the most important to use are mostly Trackpads for touch menus shifting. Here's an example of how mode shifting "fixed" one problem I had with WF.

    The Outer Ring binding of the joystick triggers Sprint. Good idea, but when you aim a weapon and move, your aim toggles off in favor of sprinting. So to remedy this, I added a mode shift to the Joystick which is just another Joystick mode without sprinting bound to outer ring. This mode is triggered when my Left Trigger is fully pressed. This way, I can move around while shooting without accidentally triggering sprint.


    All in all, I think that sums up the missing features of the Warframe SC build, excluding controller-related bugs of course...

    When I got my SC, I never EVER thought Warframe would become my most played game with. The SC redefined how I play WF, hek, any game I play now and has had an undeniable impact, mostly because of Gyro-aiming and touch menus.

    If any of you out there want to see what a polished and optimized Steam Controller build for Warframe looks like, check out my build. It's called "Gyro / T-Menus / Activators v2.8". I uploaded it to the community and anyone can check it out. As the version number indicates, I update and tweak it often, with the most edit done after the Activator update.

    If you're still here and read the whole thing, sorry for the wall of text but if no one talks about it, nothing will be done. Peace.

  6. Any chance the Steam Controller will get fixed soon?

    - Still can't revive when you die

    - Mouse cursor in startchart is off, doesn't select what I'm pointing at

    - Can't select void relic when closing fisure... DPad or Joystick won't move the selection box, forced to use mouse.

    - Holster Sliders can't be moved with DPad or Joystick, forced to use mouse.

  7. 1 hour ago, ARANDOMGENT said:

    Same issue as me and the other guy on page 1, but mine is top left instead of bottom right.

    Is your hud scaling all the way down as mine is all the way up as i sit on a sofa im my living room.

    Not able to test right now but try putting your hud scaling half way and see if that puts the cursor in the middle.

    Even if this resolves it still needs fixing.

    My HUD scaling is all the way down. Anyways, this is irrelevant, I changed the setting with no result.

    Hopefully, it'll be fixed soon.

  8. Using the Steam Controller joystick to move the Selection Box doesn't directly select what I'm pointing at. After trying the mouse real quick, I quickly saw what was the problem


    As you can see in the picture, the mouse and selection box don't follow each other. So, the mouse is always at the bottom-right of what I'm aiming at with the selection box.

    I hope this gets fixed soon.

  9. 1 - Going to dojo, then coming back to Liset will make your character kneel forever. You can't move in the liset unless you use Esc menu...

    2 - When you finish a mission, mission stats will stay displayed during loading and will sometimes stay all the way into the Liset. When back in the Liset, you cannot move anymore, not even Esc menu can help.

    3 - When I hover my mouse over certain planets/mission, it doesn't even highlight them or it highlights a different planet/mission then what I'm aiming at.


    I'll come back 2-3 hotfix later because this is unplayable. No way I'm restarting the game after every mission, no way.

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