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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. I've just came back from an Invasion on Ceres. I was siding with the Grineer so we had to Sabo a Corpus reactor.

    Everything in the mission goes fine right until you blow up the reactor (no coolant cell). Then, the objective switches to "Open the blast door that is blocking your way".

    The problem is, the blast door console is inaccessible. It's outside the bounds of your current map. First time the marker led us to BEFORE the Grineer bullet ship ride. Second time, the console was behind a wall....

  2. This is a small idea I had as I got Mesa out of the mothballs.

    Instead of having us go in and out of Peacemaker to restore the aiming ring, why not add a "hold right click to refocus" at the cost of more Energy drain per second? You could add this little feature and increase the initial casting cost to make sure we don't spam 4 all the time.

  3. Once upon a time, Mesa was the most powerful, most hyped character in Warframe. There was a market for Mutalist Coords and keys. She was the type of Warframe that could solo high level defense while picking her nose.

    at her peak, Mesa could use the 360 Peacemaker while Gliding in the air. These were her best days.

    But then, DE double-nerfed her. Her Peacemaker rework came right around the time Toggled Ability became duration+efficiency based. So not only did she lose 3/4 of her power, she consumed far too much energy, which required more Forma respec. At that point, Mesa nearly disappeared completely from pretty much every game.

    Fun thing is, when Toggled Ability Duration update came in, Ember got buffed. Nowadays all you see in pubs is Embers running around like headless chicken trying to grab the next energy orb. And people thought Mesa was bad... /badfeels

  4. 14 minutes ago, Esorono said:

    I love my blender whip more than any other weapon in the game. So if it got an upgrade, I couldn't complain about it.

    I'd be happy with just a new skin. I wouldn't mind at all.

    1 thing I am afraid of is that 1 day, the sliding attack for Atterax might get nerfed. I imagine they'll kill mobility completely when using sliding attacks. It's just too good. Even more so with Prime Reach.

  5. This has probably been asked OVER 9000 times, but here goes again!

    Please add a new Favorite/Collection item tag system! Weapons tagged with Favorite always show up on top. Weapons tagged with Collection always show up at the bottom. Anything un-tagged stays in between.

    So this way, all your favorite 8-forma weapons are on top and the less desirable at the bottom. Weapons I'd tag as Collection would be syndicate weapons, event weapons, etc...

  6. 16 minutes ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

    OP idea, while i luv the inspiration from Shinobi, sounds terribly complex and would not mesh well with the pacing of the game, certainly that style works perfectly in a solo environment like Shinobi, but in WF your team/cell/squad/group is not going to wait for you, the proposed idea would just fall flat with ash always trying to tag enemies but never being able to finish them becuz the rest of the team slaughters them too quickly

    It isn't that terribly complex. Press 4, go invisible, throw shuriken to mark enemies/ aim at enemies, left click to tele-kill. Like I said in my previous post, take out the stylish Shinobi finisher and it still remains a simple tweak.

    If the pacing isn't fast enough, make it so throwing shuriken insta-tele-kill the target like you and AKKILLA mentions.

    It CAN work. It ain't so complicated.


    EDIT: Also, I left out any decoy thoughts of any kind because Loki handles the Decoy skill. I don't want Ash to feel like Loki in some way. It already hurts they both go invisible...

  7. All the core ideas behind this rework is possible within the game.

    Leave the stylish finisher out which the Shinobi reference alludes to and the similar headgear, and you still have nice Bladestorm rework.

    Making something in a similar likeness doesn't necessarily mean ZOMG THEY COPIED THAT FROM ANOTHER GAME!!111!!. Paying tribute to the past is never bad.

  8. oh yes my ninjas, I see it in my mind's eye. THIS is the rework Bladestorm needs.

    No more mass kills. Manual targeting and execution. Stylish deaths. 100% more satisfying then pressing 4 to win.

    I've said my piece here. I'm done.

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