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Posts posted by StealthDragoon

  1. 2 minutes ago, PhoeniixFiire said:

    That update note has nothing to do with whatever you're talking about. They said they fixed the Lunaro speed normalization applying to PvE as well. In other words, Nezha and Rhino would have the same speed in Lunaro and that was applying to PvE as well, but they fixed that. What you're talking about is a totally different thing. Perhaps there is actually an issue there, but accusing them of pretending they fixed an issue when they never claimed that is unfair, and that's what I'm calling you out on.

    ok then, I'll just pretend this loss of speed in PVE is completely illusory. Carry on DE.







  2. 13 minutes ago, PhoeniixFiire said:

    I think that's referring to the different speeds of different warframes. For instance, Rhino is really slow and Nezha is really fast, but I'm guessing in Lunaro they are "normalized", so they'd be the same speed. What you're talking about is probably related to the last patch that did something with momentum during a bullet jump.

    Don't know what you're talking about. Slowframe or Fastframe, all of them used to have a fall-down velocity momentum swing. It's gone now, pretending they fixed it.

  3. "Fixed an issue with Warframe movement speed multipliers not working outside of the Conclave. The normalization of speeds for Lunaro was improperly being inherited in PvE."

    Don't know what you're talking about. I still lost my momentum swing when sliding in mid-air after a bullet jump, which I then followed up with the second jump with full momentum swing. It's still messed up.

    You guys need to make up your mind.

  4. Hello. I've been playing Warframe with the Steam Controller since last winter. I've compiled a small list of the problems I've encountered. Note that I'm using DE's Official config (customized) while playing the game in Big Picture Mode and using the Steam Beta client frequently.


    - Conclave Wrong Action Set (aka Broken Seasonal Event): I receive a direct PM from user "bati5a" from inside the game. He told me Conclave was broken with SC. I went in and tried the Seasonal Event myself. The Action Set is indeed stuck on "Menu" instead of the regular "Game/Melee" set it should be. This does not occur in regular alerts. I also tried both Normal and Beta Steam client and it happens in both. This is similar to previously encountered issue where action sets failed to trigger properly.


    - Ayatan Statue Cursor Problem : A very similar bug that was encountered with the new star chart. When you try to place Gems inside Ayatan Statues, the joystick cursor will be badly aligned with the selection. Like the previous startchart bug, my selection is always at the bottom-right of what I'm pointing at with the cursor.



    Using Search fields = No more input: Trying to use search fields (mod bench, arsenal, etc) will disable your controller input entirely and Steam's keyboard doesn't pop up. For me, this action is bound the left joystick click. The only thing that works at that point is to exit the game via BPM menu. (Fixed in SOTR1 update)

    - Startchart Cursor Is Off: When you move the joystick around the startchart, the targeting square is not pointing directly what I'm aiming at. The "invisible cursor" under the targeting square is not following correctly. Edit: I found out this a resolution problem. I tried my SC on someone else's PC with a different resolution and this bug wasn't present. I use 1360x768 as native resolution. Edit 2: After changing the Aspect Ratio form Auto to 16:9, this issue fixed itself. This could still be problematic/confusing for others.

    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/269470916081349745/E23299D48263A6B35F9641EE75E53CB60CD02F5A/ (Fixed in SOTR6 upddate)

    - Selecting Void Fissure Relic = No DPad/Joystick: When you open the Void Relic menu to close a fissure, trying to move the selection box with DPad or Joystick does nothing. (Fixed in SORT7-8)

    - Archwing Camera Sensitivity Bug: If I play any Archwing mission, it will increase aiming sensitivity permanently until the game is reset.This effect carries on into normal WF gameplay so that means if I play any Archwing at all, I have to reset the game because my aiming sensitivity is off the chart. (Fixed in ???. Found out about the new archwing camera options)

    - Cannot send Gifts: When you try to gift something from the store to someone, you have to input a text message. Steam Keyboard open but when you finish typing, nothing happens. This used to follow up with the "Send gift to XYZ?" question prompt but it doesn't anymore. This also happens with kb/m too. (Fixed in SOTR U1)

    - Mod Bench Reseting Selection: The mod bench is in working order, however it's so bad that I decided to include it in here anyways. When you fuse mod with a controller, you always have to scroll your selection box to the far right to scroll the list. When you choose a stack of duplicate mods to fuse into another mod, your selection box will always reset to the far left, making scroll allllllll the way back to the right again only to have it happen again on the next stack.

    It's so bad that when it's time to fuse mods, I just log out and re-log in with kb/m. From my point of view, the mod screen itself could use a re-haul... (More or less solved with the new Endo system).

    - Cannot Revive when dead: As I previously reported in this thread (https://forums.warframe.com/topic/651312-steam-controller-cannot-revive-when-dead/#comment-7283477) , you cannot revive when you die. This issue has been present since Inaros was added to the game. Edit: According to some other post, this issue is also present in PVP. (Fixed in TSG4 Hotfix)

    -- Holster/Other Sliders = No DPad/Joystick: Using DPad or Joystick in holster slider menus does nothing. (Fixed in new Steam Controller 26/08/2016 Firmware update)

    - Lunaro : According to a certain forum post, Steam Controller is unresponsive in Lunaro. I never tried Lunaro so I couldn't have known. (Fixed in new Steam Controller 26/08/2016 Firmware update)

    - Shadow Mouse Selection: If at any time your are using the controller and somehow use your mouse, the cursor will reappear on the screen. Problem with that is that the mouse will always re-highlight whatever it was pointing, making joystick/dpad navigation obsolete unless you move the mouse into a corner.

    i.e. Hover the mouse over your WF aura slot, then try to move the selection box down with the controller. After going down once or twice, the selection box will re-highlight the WF aura slot.

    Edit: To remedy this manually without mouse, I set up the Gyro to activate with Left Grip in the Menu action set. (Fixed in new Steam Controller 26/08/2016 Firmware update)

    - Using Ingame Keyboard = Stuck in "Menu" set : This used to work correctly before. Now when you use the in game keyboard to chat while using the SC, the action set will stay stuck on "Menu", making you lose control of your character when you're done typing. (fixed recently, unknown when exactly)

    - Action Sets out of order: I completely re-edited this entry. Warframe's Action set order was scrambled after a certain Steam Beta update a while ago. Switching back to normal client fixed it. However, since the new SC firmware update (26/08/2016), this problem has seeped in the normal Steam client. I also noticed you guys added a new Lunaro action set, which now makes Warframe the game with the highest Action Set count for an official config.

    Currently, the current action set order is like this : Decoration / Launcher / Lunaro / Menu / Game / Melee.

    When you launch the game via BPM, the launcher uses the "Decoration" action set. I can confirm this as I bound Left Click to an unbound key and clicked the Start button.

    As for the other action sets, everything seems to be in order. (fixed recently, unknown when exactly)

    - Dead Controller Since TWW update : Ever since the TWW update, the SC's action set will stay stuck on "Launcher" and will not change. This makes the SC obsolete for your game..........

    - Titania #4 Melee (Diwata) Unresponsive : When using Titania's #4 and switch to melee, you cannot attack or use channeling.

    Edit: I opened BPM while using her #4 and noticed the action set used is "Game", the one usually reserved for guns. Yet, Quick Melee does nothing.


    - Mission Result/Last Mission Screen Sometimes Unresponsive : An odd one because it doesn't happen all the time. When you finish a mission or check your last mission result, the controller becomes unresponsive. On inspection, it seems to be related to a wrong Action set tabbing.

    I remedied this by adding Esc to the Start button as Longpress to both the Game and Melee action sets.

    - Dead Controller Since TWW 19.0.5, action set stuck : Broken in the first TWW, then fixed in 19.0.4, then broken again 19.0.5.... (fixed in 19.0.6)

    That's it for now. If I find anything new, I'll bump this thread and update OP. I'll be looking forward to future updates.

  5. Dropping by to say that this new system for unranked weapons/warframe is nice. No more grinding to Level 14 just to install Serration, etc. Very good move. At first I was all like "I smell bs inbound", but then I was all like "awwww sweet"

  6. As the title implies, when you use the Steam Controller and die, pressing the on-screen button to revive does not work. It used to work before but after a certain update, it stopped working.

    Solution 1 is to press Start to open Esc menu and mash the Accept button on Resume Game, which then somehow makes you revive.

    Solution 2 is to press Enter on your keyboard.

    Please fix this, it used to work right before. :(

  7. Ok, let me talk about my build and how these 2 not-released mods would affect it.

    Currently Equiped: Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, Convulsion, Pistol Pestilence, Prime Pistol Gambit, Prime Target Cracker and Lehtal Momentum. All maxed.

    4 Forma, 4 Madurai and 1 Naramon

    Crit Chance: 28.7%, Crit Multi 4.2, Status 76%

    Rad damage: 716, Corrosive damage: 1075


    In the event the 2 mods I asked are released, Prime Lethal Momentum would replace it's normal counterpart and I would probably sacrifice Prime Pistol Gambit OR Pistol Pestilence to put "Firestorm for pistol".

    So even if I'd lose a bit of firepower, by critical hit or base damage, this weapon would fire fast projectiles whose explosions radius would be larger.

    PS: Did you know?... that Ivara can use her #2 to control the Staticor projectile? Did you know you can use #2 AFTER the projectile has been shot? :D


    DE, pls add Prime Lethal Momentum and Firestorm for Pistols, I beg of you.

  8. 1- We need a Primed Lethal Momentum one day.

    2- Where's the counter-part of Firestorm for Pistols? We needed that yesterday! XD

    I'd buy/farm those 2 mods in a heartbeat and triple-forma the Staticor again anytime. I like to use Kogake or Tekko along with it and go all Street Fighter screaming HADOOOUKEN every charged shots.

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