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(XBOX)I semideum

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Posts posted by (XBOX)I semideum

  1. On 12/11/2017 at 6:02 PM, (PS4)haseo_the_adept said:

    To be 100% honest the ability to have chroma do massive damage is needed on the teralyst for me and many others, that things tough and you only get 50 minutes to fight it, and if you actaully plan on ranking up in the quills in a reasonable time quick tera farming is a must, last i tried i could do 2 a night, others can do 4 or 5 and its needed its fine just the way it is, not everyone can devote hour and hours to this game

    i love chroma & put off using him on the teralyst bc i knew how much easier it be but i solo everything when im not with my clan mates so ive tried oberon, nekros, nidus, inaros, rhino, ember & frost & was able to barely take out 1 if at all b4 morning. with chroma & lanka i can solo 2. most of the time

  2. 1 hour ago, kgabor said:

    It's not that bad, Moas are easy to kill so i can completely ignore their sounds without any drawback anyways.

    I got so used to it, i don't even notice it anymore.

    um try doing a lua survival for 1+ hr & not to mention the 1st 5 or 10min is nothing but moa. drives me nuts😠

  3. well idk about anyone else but ive been playing warframe since it came to xbox & i absolutely love it. I play everyday & blah blah u know that story.. my discussion is about sound. now dont get me wrong the audio in warframe is amazing, its just 1 sound in particular and that is the Moa's & theyr scream. its becoming absurdly annoying. doing corpus surv for an hr+ & hearing that god forsaken scream everytime 1 enters the room, i want to rip my ears off. just curios if these moa screams annoy anyone else.. let me know 

  4. On 9/2/2017 at 5:16 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Im going to ask why do you use redirection? Shields are pointless when just one toxin or slash proc can obliterate you.

    I ould replace it with either vitality or with another power mod to min-max her.

    cool, but shields arent pointless since her armor on prime is only 65. so sadly your gunna get 1 shot at around lvl 60ish. i use the buzzlock with her bc it just wreaks havok on any lvl enemy caught in magnitize(or not) plus ive got what is called a "god riven" lol. i use coation drift with rifle amp as well, note that coation is much under-rated. i dont use corrosive pro bc of polarize. tho im not sure if it strips all armor on high lvl enemies, above 100. def a fun frame & looking forward to the new deluxe skin. looks amazing


  5. 44 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Badfaildotexe said:

    Excuse me if I haven't seen a topic about this before, but this is an interesting thing. I started playing again a month ago, use to be on PC up until Equinox was announced, then lost my PC due to hardware. Just saw recently Warframes on Xbox One and I hopped right in. And oh boy a lot of new stuff.

    But back to Topic, who or who was Ordis? I've been collecting these Cephelon Fragments everywhere and these little back story memories that pop up had me intrigued. I'm about halfway through them and I've noticed theres Cephalon then a shadowy Ordis with fire backgrounds.

    I got on that mention Ordan Karris. Take some letters away and you get Ordis. 

    But after all the little hints, and recordings about him killing orokin, spilling their blood....

    I have a feeling Ordis might be The Stalker.

    Now hear me out, from my understanding this Ordan Karris somehow went from being alive to just a Cephalon. Put his mind in a computer and changed bits around to get Ordis. Hence why he goes crazy once in a while "covered in blood".

    But what if Ordan Karris was a Tenno? What if in the process of copying his mind or altering it, you got the kind Ordis who loves you in your Orbiter. But what was left behind was Ordans killer side, who lashed out against the Orokin that did this to him, got into his customized Warframe. And now that the Tenno are back, Stalker sees us as Orokin hence why he hunts us down.

    It would explain how in Stalkers lore it says he heard the beating of drums, then watched the Tenno slay the Orokin while he lived on for Centuries. Hunting us down for doing what he wanted to do. Killing us for our sins he feels should be his, hence cleansing our sins.  Maybe like Ordis who has a bit of the Slayer in him left, the Stalker still has a bit of Ordis in him, hence why he stalled and didn't out right kill us in The Second Dream when we got out of the transference device and couldn't control the Warframe. Like he was remembering something about himself.

    Just like Ordis asks, "Do you remember the Old War? I seem to have misplaced those memories..." Like he's trying to remember a part of himself he lost.

    Like Ordis is the Good Half of the Tenno, and the Stalker is nothing but the evil half that controls the body still.

    I mean, it's all just a theory I'm working in. Still have a lot of the Cephalon fragments to go. But...I'd like to know what you guys think.

    find all the fragments and then listen to his story, theres youtube vids that play from beginning to end. I encourage reading the entries in ceph semaris room as well. once you cpmplete each scan for him theres some pretty amazing lit there also.



  6. I agree somewhat, but pull is her most useful ability to me.. If your running any mission, solo or with other players & the room fills with that overwhelming scenario. Mags pull is that go to ability, not to mention just using it in gen opens them up to finishers. I dont like being limited to certain weapons when using magnitize. but im just the player. this whole topic of mag has been a thing since ive been playing Wf on xb, & that is now 3yrs. however before her change Mag was THE corpus killer. her 4 was still bad but the others were outstanding.

  7. On 8/19/2017 at 7:27 PM, scndSON said:

    Hi, I am about 1.3k hours into this game now and I just try to find nice synergies and mechanics on unpopular Warframes and weapons to keep myself from getting burnt out (ya know, cause I love the game). Yesterday I looked through the frames to decide on which one I should do next. I took a closer look at Mag, her Augments, and there it was, Fracturing Crush. I had the idea to build her with just enough power strength to remove 100% armor and fill the rest with range mods and maybe a little duration. Pull enemies in, crush them to remove armor (like Banshee's 1 with her Augment, but in a 360 degree AoE) and CC them a bit; then nuke the whole group with an AoE weapon (I had the Lenz in mind).

    Before I start building stuff I usually read the wiki article on the topic just to avoid complications due to bugs or weird interactions. I went through the article for Fracturing Crush and there it hit me:

    • The armor reduction is affected by Power Strength and cannot exceed 80% per cast.

    I was wondering what could possibly be the reason for this limit. I couldn't find one. DE doesn't seem to have a problem with a whole squad running 4 CPs or armor removal from other abilities/augments (Ash's 1, Frost's 4, Banshee's 1, Oberon's 4 and probably a few more). So please, DE, leave the Augment as it is, but remove the 80% limit. I usually  don't see Mag being played outside of DPSing on Berehynia. This buff would make her useful in again, both in Solo and in Squads.

    Thanks for reading 

    if i and anyone else can solo sorties with mag, then i believe that is useful. experiment with dif mods & weapons & youll see how

    MAG-nificent she is.

  8. ive also recently come across invincible enemies, was on Lua tyco survival &about 40min in & here comes a nully. so im cool, just deal like i alawys do. charged in that bubble & about 10hits later im like "WHAT THE F" cause not only was he inv, but ALL the other enemies were running to get into his bubble. got a vid & some pics of this over crowded bubble. it was very annoying but hilarious. needless to say i extracted. yesterday in a fissure came across 2 inv moa & a napalm today. those had me pretty lit bc it was a fissure.

  9. 20 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Free-to-play is done differently by each developer - and we're a developer that has basically signed ourselves up to all aspects of making free-to-play our own. When we do free to play, we build systems that immediately present players with a choice: time or Platinum. Defeating an RNG god is a privilege many of us have shared. Each year (five and counting) that we add to Warframe's development adds to not only game complexity, but to how Digital Extremes maintains this balance and proposition.

    I'll start this post off with a picture (that we'll come back to at the end): Back in November 2016 we colour coded our Sortie Drops to better indicate rarity as seen here:



    Here we have Rarity colour conventions to set expectations about what you'd be likely to receive when playing a given Sortie. This was an attempt to display the key value that these datamines provided: a value proposition of chance and time investment, and that's not something we want to take away. This is something we've been actively iterating on, but now we have an urgency to do it faster.

    But a visual guide isn't as good as numbers; datamining provided those. That's something we lived with and at some times appreciated until the revealed contents were being hacked, sold, and added to the public build.

    What happened yesterday (that was discussed on Reddit)  isn't about hiding drop rates for us. We're working on sharing these on our website in a procedural, automatic way (similar to recent Chinese laws, but universally)... but it's not about that. This is about reverse engineering and vectors being opened with the intent to scam trade, forge items, create 3rd party servers and generally leak unfinished content and game internals that can be just as misleading as undisclosed information. Seeing a trade for Primed Streamline take place for thousands of Platinum meant people were about to get caught in the crossfire of tolerated data-mining and malicious use of datamined information. We sought legal counsel when hacking took place and evidence piled up, never before then. We acted to stop the willful and selfish compromising of the game’s code for personal gain. How Digital Extremes decides to share its information is not up to the discretion of lone individuals.

    Soon we'll have a webpage that is automated to provide drop information for those who seek it - this screenshot is just proof of concept that we've got something in the works (using real data with effective rarity % in this particular vault!).


    We asked you who does it best so we could figure out a quick way (since the urgency is on) to reflect a currently appreciated method of developers giving %'s. Where could we seek wisdom of other developers’ actions to demystify the RNG process and publish drops? The trick is that this behaviour is not strongly or exhaustively exhibited elsewhere in the industry (unless the law demands it in certain regions). There were a few (only one from a game I play), but clearly we have an opportunity here! We want to set a new standard of transparency with our community and give our players further insight into the processes in which they are assigned rewards.

    What's next will be the damage stats you can't see (ex. Exalted Weapons) which we may rely on adding to the Wikia (however temporarily) all in the name of empowering our players who value these stats to build as detailed as they want.

    Walking the road of free-to-play is something we've been doing alongside our community since day one of Warframe. Each hiccup has led to us being better developers and this is another one of those moments. There is work involved in getting this information up, but stay tuned for the soft launch which we'll announce when it's complete on our end!

    I still don't get why warframe players care so much about drop % numbers? Still have to play to get what you want. Or buy it. So is this the point of all this nonsense.? Bc a random mod has .002% drop rate, instead of getting dirty it's now about the easier route. Buying it? Don'tmatter to me either way, DE is amazing for what they do & hope it continues.

  10. 7 hours ago, ashrah said:

    make sure u put it in first slot... cz   on sentinel mods works in order u set it up... if is mod first it will be much more effective

    I don't use weapons on my sentinels, gets them killed quickly but I will try that out. Been playing since release on xb & didn't know this. I do however like Djinn.. very under rated sentinel, thanks. I'm about to try this out & let u know how it goes.

  11. The sacrifice mod isn't working properly, no matter the situations. Almost  every time I go down the sentinel takes the 4 sec then heals to 45-50% then stops every time.. makes doing high lvl content really annoying especially solo, since sentinel stops at 45-50% I've got to wait a full min before I can resurrect. Then depending on mission it's a fail. Now when I say situation I've tested this while sentinel was under fire & no enemies around & both out comes have been the same. I mostly use prisma shade so it's almost always invisible anyway. I have several videos with this taking place but not sure about uploading? Anyone else having this issue?

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