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Posts posted by Sunai_Moonswing

  1. Back in my day, it was the only Uranus defense! 

    Honestly though, it's better to have it move around, there's more user interaction. 


    You want to know a defense mission that really isn't that great? The monorail on Ceres, it takes thirty seconds to relocate, pausing waves. Or the elevator on Hydron, with its long relocation pause. 

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  2. The problem is monetization, and the value of mod capacity. 

    To a low MR player, potatoes are a lot more important as they double that equipment's limited mod capacity. 

    As you go up in mastery rank, the main financial interest gradually moves towards forma. As in things bought with platinum. 


    So, there is a feeling of progress, and there is when increasing your mastery rank, as all equipment gains access to more mod capacity before reaching rank 30.


    Given that the financial interest at higher MRs moves towards forma, it would be a judicious idea to have mod slot polarization be a thing at MR 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Not a free forma, but an action in the mod screen named "Mastery Polarization", which won't reset weapon rank if you use it. Or can only be used while the piece of equipment is at rank 0.

  3. While I agree with that, I also disagree. 

    I believe captains (session hosts) should be the only ones to activate navigation. Same for emptying the forge, activating the forward artillery, ship abilities and ordinance. 


    Unless allowed to use those by the session host through the tactical menu or something. Yes, I'm talking about promoting and demoting crew members. 


    Here's my reason for it : I'm a skilled pilot, both in intrasecs and ability. I often pilot my friends' ships, and we usually get permissions down before flight. So.. Why not have something similar put into the game? 

  4. 48 minutes ago, Diavoros said:

    Veldt, Argonak. Both have such nice reload and firing SFX yet their damage is just mediocre at best, so a buff in their base damage, cc, cd and sc could help them rise from oblivion.

    Interesting you should list them, as I'm putting my third forma on the Argonak. I recently got a riven for it, and while it doesn't perform as well as the Veldt, it's getting there. And I'm going by the 16 shots or less to kill one of those simulacrum corrupted heavy gunners or bombards at level 165. 

    It's true that those guns could do better though. Sybaris Prime puts the bar pretty high. (I'm a sucker for semi-auto/burst fire or even select fire weapons)


    I'm hoping for a convectrix upgrade. The phage with the right riven is INSANE. multishot of 24, crit chance of 40, do viral and corrosive, slap on hunter munitions, aim in to cross the beams, and wipe out all of reality!


    I would really like some love for the Kestrel. That weapon got me through the star chart, my first sorties, killed my first sentients (before spoiler mode and before I had crafted an infinite supply of pizza) 


    Most projectile based weapons. Sonicor, Javlok, Kunai, Hikou, Zakti, Pox.. Problem here is time to kill. Unless playing solo, most players will just kuva brama or melee sweep through a room before your first projectile hits. 

    Almost all fully automatic rifles.. Poor Braton Prime.. I could see a condition overload mod or a crit increasing mod the more status effects are on a target. Or the more hits are put on a single target. 


    I would have said something about nunchucks, sparring and fist weapons needing some love.. But it's their range that make them so rare to see. Terrible shame, cause at least the fists can get pretty close to absurd in their damage output. (only know that because of some rivens I was awarded and I tried out) 


    Now that I think about it, a lot of the weapons I use, I can only use them because they have rivens. Also, sorry I didn't mean to brag. I'm just tired and easily excited because I love picking up those less used weapons.


    The weapons that really need a look at, are the sentinel weapons. Sweeper Prime, Deconstructor Prime and maybe the Cryotra (doesn't matter if that beam does less than 100 damage, if it has 170% status chance) are okay? 

  5. There's always the occasional arbitration, kuva lich, kuva siphon or flood...


    Why not try doing it for fun? Equip your dragon keys, remove some mods, if you dare, and rejoice in that feeling of being like a noobie again! I do it, some of my friends do it, playing as a squad. Sometimes even against sortie level enemies. It's fairly interesting. I think you'd like it. 

    • Like 3
  6. Spawn rates are good if you're running a full crew, if you're starting out a basic ship with no avionics, basic sigma gear and no intensics. It would be nice to have enemies spawn outside of their spotting range, which I believe is 4km away. The reasoning for that is to allow for a breather to patch the ship up. Especially for the crew ships, as they will put a starter, or even still upgrading ship into catastrophic failure. 


    My personal ship on the other hand, these missions in the Veil feel like I'm an excited dog tearing through Christmas presents. Crew ships just get shot in the engines and left for later, once fighters are all gone. Usually, all ships are dealt with within 10 minutes, which is pretty fitting. The only drop in pacing is dealing with crew ships at the end. Mind you, this is only because I'm doing these missions alone. A single person either using the archwing slingshot, or main artillery would shorten the process greatly. 

    For context, I'm running around using Zekti Apoc, Particle Ram and as much speed as I can. 


  7. Dual daggers and daggers in general are a bit of a niche weapon. Kind of like sparring and fist weapons. 

    The Teng skin is amazing looking, I use it on my heat dagger. 

    I guess it's an oversight, as some weapons aren't that common in the battlefield. 

    Or, it could be that it would be too much detail? Compared to the dual blades skin that Loki's skin gives. 

    Upon checking the wiki, I realized there's a lot less dual daggers than I thought. I thought that the Dual Ichor was one. Turns out that the only dual daggers I use are the Okina. While their look fits well with Mag Prime, I wouldn't mind an orkish looking Grendel equipped two vicious trench knives (the Teng skin). 

  8. Personally, I love the way it works, just not the fact that the radiation status can keep reapplying when downed. 


    In all honesty, some of my friends wouldn't mind a gamemode with friendly fire, just to enforce a tactical crawl through levels. 


    For most players that bring indiscriminate AOEs, it sucks, same for their victims. But if you bring your own team mates, and you bring some status immunity and crowd control, you're fine. 


    Examples of status immunity are:

    Titania with Spellbind, Nezha with warding halo augment, Oberon with Hallowed ground, Revenant if he casts Mesmer Skin and Reave through your warframe, Hydroid and Tidal Impunity (only protects the caster against radiation), Rhino and Iron Skin (only protects the caster), Limbo (protects from all but abilities. Not status protection, but protection from environment). I think that's all of them. 



  9. Sadly no logs, here's my story: doing a sabotage mission on Kokabiel, Europa. It's the lich occupied version. I'm marked for death by Zanuka and Stalker. I fight my way to the reactor room, big fire fight there before I eventually destroy the reactor cores. 

    Alad V says he's not angry about losing a lab ship, just disappointed and that I should learn my lesson. Sounds a lot like what he says before Zanuka spawns, except there's no screen flashing, or lines from Zanuka. Instead, it's the Grineer sisters, those from the Void key sabotage mission. And they're level 1, among all the other level 60s. It's bizarre.


    Sorry no logs or screenshots as my trigger happy Dethcube Prime got them as soon as their target markers appeared on the hud and minimap. 


  10. Remember when covert lethality would one hit kill anything that would take finishers? Except "The Wolf" ? 

    While that was unbalanced, I think that dagger finishers should have some kind of ignore armor and ignore shields on finishers. And have that true damage be exclusive to dagger finishers. 

    I do understand daggers being made to be a blade hidden in the silk. Thus the much lower damage, but here, there's no sleeping enemies to assassinate during their sleep, making the weapon much less tactically sound. (That still doesn't stop me from taking my Heat Dagger out for a spin, I love that weapon, and Nezha's dagger skin is fire!) I wish that daggers could be more than just really short swords. If not for getting more finisher damage, have more finisher opening combos.

    I don't remember what stance I have on my okina, but it often knocks enemies down, opening them up to ground finishers. Well, picture a dagger stance that would open to finishers like the parizon, except, it's a dagger, and you hit the guy 4 times, he still has two thirds of his health. 

    • Like 1
  11. Phage did recieve some changes, I didn't exactly notice them, mostly because I don't have it equipped thay often. 

    I did realize that hunter munitions does work fairly well, kind of like mutalist cernos built for crit, and having hunter munitions. 


    As others have said, play what you like! I enjoy the latron, burston, tiberon, argonak and veldt. And despise the sybaris. As long as you can make it work, who cares what you bring?


    That said, all primaries and secondaries need a condition overload, or consecutive hits deal more damage to put them on par with mêlée, even these days. Remember the ether sword? That thing can land 500k hits now. Feel free to fool around! 

  12. So, an amalgam mod came out for the argonak which allows it to highlight and shoot enemies through walls. Why can it see further through walls than it can shoot? 


    Also, with 4.5 punchthrough, and more to come, shouldn't I be able to shoot through most doors? I can already shoot through most cover, hollow containers and so on.



    It feels like the weapon has less punchthrough to its bullets. And some objects on the map require more punch through than others. Some Corpus doors I can't see through, but can shoot through, others I can see but not shoot, and lastly, some I can't see or shoot through. Aren't all doors equal? It's very finicky. 



  13. Only problem with that is that that is for tryhards. And because a portion of content is locked behind arbitrations, it shouldn't be done. Not enough of the playerbase is focused on getting the best of the best gear and everything. 


    The average player must be able to access and play that content. Not just those who always face those kinds of enemies. 

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  14. 7 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    She's useless.

    You can sugar coat it all you want. But every other frame is pretty much better.

    Vauban. Even #*!%ing Vauban is better.

    Vauban is on a whole other level now. If you know bot paths and spawn points, you can outperform Saryn in ESO. 

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