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Posts posted by Melanholic7

  1. 1 час назад, Ghin. сказал:

    There's a group of like 10-15 trolls spamming the Steam Warframe forum right now with hate speech. Kinda depressing.

    Well, maybe because people dont like this weird thing about bringing political (lgbt blabla propaganda) stuff in GAME? Games are not for propaganda or such stuff, they are for playing. So its obvious for alot of people this feels weird and they dislike it.    

    Like why the hell do we need to speak in GAME about genders of players and stuff?? Nobody should care about players genders, races, preferenses - games are for playing! all this stuff doesnt matter there, lol.

    Thats why forcing this feels uncomfortable for people.

    (edit: typo)

    • Like 28
  2. 12 часов назад, bigevil13 сказал:

    To whom it may concern. Whatever you guys are doing keep it the he## up . Damn this game it good. I played years ago and it was meh ok kinda fun.  Now it is amazing I am hooked and I love the changes . Much easier menus and inventory .better equipment . I already spent money on it . I am loving it . Great work I look forward to more . 

    you have like 1-2-3k hours of future  fun gameplay....damn im jelaous :D I wish i could forget this and start this game again, fresh :D 

    • Like 1
  3. 22 часа назад, (PS4)camwyn-xenos сказал:

    Did you not see the crystal floating in front of the statue that appeared after the first successful clue run through. Go straight to boss fight no sephilite required after first failed attempt at boss!! Go to crystal on second attempt and future trys. Ps DE worst boss ever if you don't have good timing or you have lag. Never have i sworn so much as this game. Swords great

    yeah, found it myself but anyway ty alot for answer. It seems im blind :'D  
    also finaly beat this boss and yes sword is nice. A bit sad that aoe smash attack has 4 radious (when War or Gram has 8 on normal and 9 meters on heavy attack), but anyway. :3 

  4. 1 час назад, SpicyDinosaur сказал:

    no you don't. You are entering the fight via the wrong way if you do this. The direct fight entrance is not exactly hard to see lol.

    How?? can you say please :( Im pressing 5 number in menu, go to place with clues and pressing statue again...then jump puzzle,alot of talk, and only then boss :( 

  5. 4 часа назад, GrazeZeroLow сказал:

    ( edit : after patch )

    I had her slotted for 151% duration and 337% strength. She was crazy then, and she's insane now.

    I've given up on DE and most content creators, since neither have any idea what they're doing/talking about.

    sounds like a build either with no defense or energy/energy sustain...=/  But you do you 😮

  6. 1 час назад, normalclothes сказал:

    Actually, you can. Just hold 4 to cancel

    yeah, but thats like 100% similar to not using it at all. Even more - wasting 150 energy for nothing. And i mean when u force stop rewind - give half of energy back from skills u were using in this rewind. Then it will be a reason to use ult and spam skills and stop rewinding and run with ur squad forward. 

  7. 38 минут назад, Zulunko сказал:

    I might be misreading you here (and if you know about this I apologize), but you can trigger the rewind on command simply by hitting 4 (rather than holding 4). Holding 4 cancels it, pressing 4 triggers it. It doesn't let you stop it midway, but aside from that it does what you want.

    im guessing he means Tracer skill. When u press button and then time goes back. 

  8. 15 минут назад, BitesZaDusto сказал:

    It's not about what I think. My point was that most of the criticism here is not about her kit being bad, but about it being different than anticipated, especially the turrets.

    I just want people to understand that her 2 is a spam burst dps ability that is supposed to work with her 4's "spam as much abilities as possible". DE might make an augment for her turret to be long duration sometime in the future, but they're not gonna change the base ability. It would be so much more productive if people gave feedback on how to improve her current gameplay instead of asking DE to change the entire frame, which is not going to happen.

    her turret is best part of her kit :3 Its like Ember fireballs but stored in machine gun, without need to aim urself and fire them. So freaking nice to use. 

  9. sad part is her skills are tied to stationary gameplay. She is just much weaker in running missions like exterminate. Cause she cant ult, cant use dispenser. And all abilities tied to her ult. so... thats my only problem. Cause ult FORCES you to go back. I wish we could manualy choose to rewind or not. And if not - we get like 50% of energy back from used skills (not 100% like when u choose to rewind)

    • Like 2
  10. 1 час назад, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 сказал:

    Looks promising. Definitely addresses the issues people had with her kit. Hope it’s enough.

    well, she will be max tier sorties lvl frame.If we will speak about efficient kills/etc. BUT. But. She is kinda fun ALREADY, just cause her playstyle. Yes, low dmg. But even tho, i liked to play her after release. So, after buffs she wont be blablabla strong frame, but she will be even more fun to play 🙂 I dunno, she really feels like a breath of fresh air 😄 She is not one button=kill all, she isnt even "one button press" at all. :3 God praise Protea! 😮 

  11. 9 минут назад, dwqrf сказал:

    One can hope they are reviewing the pre-feedback of the incoming changes to make em better...

    hm, didnt thought about it. Well, if this will be a real thing - im ashamed and wrong 😄 ty for the idea.

  12. I love Banshee alot cause i have a build where i press 4 and afk whole intrrception. Or mobiles defence. Really like to have this sometimes, to chill after fights in other missions. Also like her deluxe look

    Nyx is meh, i love her mass chaos, but thats all. She looks gorgeous tho, with deluxe.  

    Hydroid (for me) is super weak and useless outside of farm stuff,sadly. Hope he will be reworked fully. 

    • Like 1
  13. 27 минут назад, (PS4)drollive96 сказал:

    You can switch teleport the afk player and use them to your advantage as a meat shield. Even if they're an unkillable frame like inaros, they'll still draw fire away for you or whatever you're defending, problem solved

    yeah, playing frame you dont want,for every mission, just to MAYBE punish one leecher - awesome idea,lol. /facepalm

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