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Everything posted by TylRegor

  1. Why would you nerf CC when it's already not being used. the current meta is kill every thing before it kills you. the best status effect in this game is death. making CC even more useless wont do anything but make Nuke builds more popular and the go to for everyone. I don't understand what the hard on is for damage despite you guys not wanting us to focus on it. it's a level of mixed signals that I've only gotten while dating. Be clear to us if you want us to focus on damage or if you want us to go for CC or if you really want to have the game work and have both be viable and not push CC to the side like you have been doing since the sanctuary onslaught update. I swear to god sometimes you guys have the most terrible design choices that don't even make sense nor are they consistent in what you have said in the past. shame.
  2. nah I meant what was reported there. will probably make another bug report with way more details and a few videos showcasing the bug and how to replicate.
  3. Rauta and melee guidance infinite combo bug got fixed a month and something ago however with this fix came another bug that makes the rauta's melee building mechanic harder to take advantage of since it's main strength is building and maintaining combo at a distance. currently unless some combo has been built in the mission the rauta will not be able to build combo untill this requesite has been met. this did not use to be the way it worked and it used to build combo from 0 before the fixes to melee guidance infinite combo bug. it would be amazing if the combo building would be fixed to build at 0 combo like it did before and maybe fix the way that sometimes it doesn't count hits as combo builders.
  4. Literally already put 6 forma into it maxed the absolute [redacted] out of its combo building. 12x times in less than 3.5 seconds for heavy 12x combo attack builds. this gun has been a godsend for all glaives, now you can use them at their full 12x combo potential and deal absolute millions of damage. I love the gun.
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