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Posts posted by fatpig84

  1. Just gonna be "That Guy" and say that I rather like Iron Skin as is.

    If you activate it and roll around like you're Fat Sonic then it draws aggro and keeps you safe from enemy fire.

    I tested this against four heavy gunners and uncounted mooks in a T3 Void mission, and IS lasted the entire duration (or at least a very long time) while keeping the enemy's bullets away from my teammates.


    Rolling Rhino ???!!

    I think i can try that lol.

  2. Lato is actually pretty good.

    I leveled mine to 30 and sold it for slots though :P


    Lex is a powerful sniper pistol which is a decent back up if your main is an ammo hog and poor at distance.

    The V polarity means you can squeeze in a 100% hornet strike (8 slots) early at level 4.


    Sicarus also HAS a V slot. 

    An early hornet strike double the damage of every bullet.

    Meaning you deal 52 x 3 per burst.



    I tend to use the Sicarus upclose though.

  3. Yeah, Katar would be pretty badass.

    They'd look and act like normal daggers though, which isn't very exciting. :(


    Except you punch with them.

    Give a punching alternative (normal attack) to the Furax vs infested.

  4. Pull

    Mag chokes her opponent and pulls him into melee range.

    Energy: 25

    Range: 20/30/40/50 (boosted by stretch)

    Damage: 100/150/300/450 

    Stun duration on reaching Mag: 3 seconds.

    Deals no damage to team mates.

    Can pull downed team mates.



    Shield Polarize

    Restore or deplete shields depending on friend and foe.

    Energy: 50

    Cast range: 30


    For allies:

    Restores:75%/85%/95%/120% to shields over 3 seconds.

    Last level gives extra shielding capacity that last 30 seconds (affected by Continuity)

    Shield regeneration is improved by 50% for the next 30 seconds also. (affected by Continuity)



    For enemies: 

    Depletes: 75%/85%/95%/100% of shields over 3 seconds.

    After depleting shields, the shield spontaneous explodes.

    Dealing damage equal to shield hp in a 8m radius.

    If any other enemy is in the vicinity and the explosion destroys their shields, their shield will explode as well dealing damage.

    Enemy shields are disabled for 30 seconds after this.

  5. Even if PVP is ever going to be part of the game, it would be a dojo styled tournament as training since in lore, the Tenno don't beat up each other. So you are either part of a clan or just an arena competition, at most. 


    That's about it.


    And it should be at the BOTTOM of the to do list.

  6. Frost says hi.


    Freeze locks down a tough target.

    Snow Globe makes him immune to bullets but anyone stupid enough to get into melee is slowed and he beats them to death.

    Ice wave is a typical energy cheap nuke, that works like a ranged slash dash.

    Avalanche freezes and stuns enemies while dealing heavy shield damage. On lower levels it pops them.


    On top of that he has the same defensive stats as Rhino.



  7. I loved it. I used it. They nerfed it. I still use it, because it still works perfectly. Why is that such a difficult concept for you to grasp?

    They wanted to nerf it because it wasn't what they wanted. They want their game to be challenging, not a walk in the park, I'm sure. 


    Ember, Trinity, Loki, Frost, Ash, Nyx etc are still laughing at Rhino with their invincibility.

    Ok near invincibility for Ember. But point still stands.

  8. They should just revert him to what he was originally. He was never a pub-stomper or a score-topper even when he had his temp invulnerability. All that was OP about it was it made him an effortless solo frame, which many frames like trinity, loki, ash, and nyx still are. I don't know why they singled Rhino out as being the OP one.


    Because the other users whined. lol

  9. The problem with stealth at the moment is that if they even catch the slightest glimpse of you, instead of "checking it out" or something like that, they immediately run directly to the nearest terminal and alert the entire ship of your presence - no more stealth.


    Paranoid buggers, aren't they?


    Yeah but think of it this way, if you had heard of stories of random space ninjas exterminating clean entire warships of crew or ships with their reactors suddenly gone and smashing into some rock, I would be damn paranoid too and do the same too.

  10. Well, I should have been more specific about what "trade system" mean.

    We can buy item from market, and sell them too! Oh wait, they implemented the trade system already, yay!


    If it just players sharing loot after mission, they should have call it a loot stash.

    You need to have a freaking market with currency ,inflation and worthless S#&$s to be call trading system.


    Why not ?

    I would gladly buy a barrel diffusion at several million credits. :p

  11. Personally I think the cost of platinum is, and some of the packages available are ghastly.

    I think the better option for players and for the company is periodic recurring payment plans. This provides the company with much better earnings projections and income stability - ask any charity, they always want people to commit to regular, recurring donations rather than one-offs.

    Also for the money, the amount of platinum and bonuses should be improved.

    I also think that bonuses should be access to other systems/areas in which the chance for reward is greater (and more challenging perhaps to encourage players to work together and build clans).

    Further to that, I think free to players should be encouraged to contribute to the community in some way, since they add value by doing so. Perhaps they could be rewarded by promoting Warframe and recruiting more players.

    Also a cheap subscription plan, like $5 a month, would likely be enticing to some free to players who would otherwise pay nothing.


    Subscription based for access to other systems and areas is promoting pay2win no ?


    Especially if such areas gave better exp, loot drops yada yada and DE has to do that, because otherwise no one will be bothered to go such areas when considering that payers are often far fewer than non-payers.

  12. I find Infested to be the easiest faction to fight by far, even when I'm poorly equipped to fight them.


    All you need is a good slashing weapon, a little fire damage some common sense.

    Ember doesn't even need those.


    Ancients might be tough but  if you are smart about it, they aren't really a threat.

    Anyhow I concede that slotting an enemy radar makes fighting Infested a cakewalk, I no longer get surprised.


    Heck I even took it off for more OH SHI moments with an Ancient right behind myself.

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