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Posts posted by fatpig84

  1. The Savior (a variant of defense)


    Lotus: "A civilian village here was recently the target of Corpus / Grineer interest. Based on our sensors, it seems there is an Orokin artifact within that village. However the enemy has begun assaulting the village in order to capture it. The villagers have sent a plea and requesting for anyone who can help them in their evacuation procedures. 


    The villagers do have some mode of self defense in terms of automated turrets and their volunteers. However they will not be able to withstand such a continuous assault for long.  I have made contact and offered them our assistance for their evac. In return, we are free to investigate any relic on site for our own use.  


    Our team will be dropping in hot. However heavy AA interference and enemy air superiority makes it a requirement to use our stealth craft but only 1 Tenno will be able to drop on site. The rest of the team will be dropped some distance away and have to make it there on foot.


    Now go !"



    3 tier Objectives:


    Part A

    The Savior (the one who landed in village, in solo mode he will be the character by default)

    Protect as many civilians as he can alone.


    Defend for 5 minutes.


    The team

    Rush on site to assist stranded Tenno.

    Defend for 5 minutes.



    Part B:

    It is now clear the village will be lost.

    A drop ship will be sent to evacuate the village.

    However it takes time for the villagers to get on board and the ship is vulnerable while loading.

    Protect the ship.


    The team / Savior

    Protect dropship.

    Duration 3 minutes.



    Part C:

    Dropship is gone and people are saved, it is time to get your team out of there !

    But we will need pick up the artifact first before leaving.


    The team / Savior

    Pick up artifact (ideally within the village)

    Reach extraction.




    Encourage fast pace game play especially for team.

    Promotes a sense of urgency.

    A break from typical defense.




    Not much room to explore especially for The Team.

    Savior needs to be skilled, or otherwise can quickly lead to a loss.

    More animations needed for various vehicles.

    Structure assets might need to be added if there are fixed defenses.

  2. Do not touch my super jump !!!

    I don't want to lose my aerial slash dash that clears distances in a flash.


    And no, that doesn't count as rushing, it count as escaping fights that you can't win !

  3. You see, I like Hellion's idea better... mainly due to the fact that if we start converting any damage into something like health (ok, I understand shield, but that regens, energy would be more logical.) suddenly we have, not a tank but some sort of character that will never die... ever, and with the correct mods one will only have to keep using it over and over when fighting infested and infested bosses... highly doubt this proposition will ever happen. yes it will always have immunity to crowd control, but regeneration of health? ... think real here dude, the original iron skin was godly, let alone whenever melee damage is done you gain health. just my view, kinda agree with the rest. done.




    Except like what Xylia has posted, you have no way to regenerate your shields once you are seeing red and you hit iron skin.

    He will be constantly taking health damage even with active reduction.


    Iron skin isn't a "hurr !!! I cast iron skin first then go into town" kind of skill.

    It is a panic button. And if all he does is use Iron Skin as a buffer to run away to let his shields regenerate, he is not doing his team a major benefit as the arch typical Tank.


    My idea of Iron skin is a typical panic button, but a panic button that encourages the player to stand toe to toe rather than just run away. And that cost 75 energy.

  4. Let's just turn Warframe into a cover shooter. Enemies hit hard on higher levels and I can't avoid or blitz pass or behind them for a take down now. Also toggling shift sprint seems like an oversight and DE will patch this soon. I mainly play solo on the sparsely used oceanic servers, half the time I am playing online but alone and I have to face entire hordes myself. Removing options only makes it harder for solo players.

  5. Your argument is a comparison between a credit bought weapon Braton vs a weapon that needs a blueprint and additional cost to make ?  Your claim is basically that the Braton (Credit only weapon!!) and Burston have similar DPS against a boss with the Burston edging it out but you are taking away the cost in the equation. 



    Have you even compared this weapon to the current "king" the Boltor ? 

    Accuracy hardly matter for the current metagame where people enjoy farming infested and corpus Defense wave the most as endgame content.



    A Burston as it stands has little to offer in the current metagame which is basically endless waves. Higher waves means more enemy with more and more armor. The Boltor excels the since innate AP works best against armor mobs. So it is probably the best endgame AR since it's damage is reliable.



    If mobs of level 60 to 70 would to appear with even more armor scaling, the Burston will continue to fall off unless you are constantly crit and hitting weak spots. Except the Boltor won't. A Boltor will do the same damage to a level 1 Grineer to a level 100 Grineer due to innate armor ignore but that is another balance issue that needs to be addressed, as many non-armor ignore do NOT scale well end game.


    Braton on it's own merit, is an excellent weapon because it only cost 25k credits and can work reliably on enemies up till level 30ish.  The Burston construction cost exceeds it, not to mention farming the time spent on materials.


    In short the Burston needs to have more "value" for the cost it requires. But that's true even for the Gorgon.

  6. Yeah buff it.

    As a weapon the Burston suffers from low damage and long shot duration.


    The Braton has being buffed but Burston has largely being unchanged, initially newer players had a choice.

    But now the Braton for all purpose nearly same damage and better DPS and even nearly better accuracy.


    What I suggest is make the Burston turn into a burst firing heavy battle rifle with a decent critical rate.

    The weapon does not need more recoil because the recoil in my opinion is sufficient.



    Type Burst-Fire Rifle

    Base Damage 24.0

    Base Firing Rate 3.3

    Accuracy 25.0

    Base Clip Size 30

    Base Ammo Size 540

    Base Reload Speed 2.0s

    Base Critical Chance 15%

    Base Critical Damage 150%

    Polarities 18px-V.png V


    Any other suggestions to improve this gun ?

  7. Iron skin




    Energy 75.



    Reduce 85% of incoming damage.

    Immunity to all crowd control effects.

    Provokes enemies.

    10%/15%/20%/25% of melee damage is converted into shields and health.


    In that sense, he not only reduces all incoming damage, for everything he hits he regenerates health and shield.

    So he can tank and spank bosses by standing toe to toe.

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