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Posts posted by fatpig84

  1. 29 minutes ago, FlyingDice said:

    I know people like the paper damage, but I wince whenever I see a maxed Heavy Caliber Soma P build. Even in corridorframe there are still plenty of tiles where you want the accuracy to make those reliable medium-range headshots. Might as well just go with twin grakatas if you want the zero-range crit hose, especially since they get pistol mods.

    I can land head shots at over 100m with a maxed hcal soma prime.
    A proper high dpi mouse (min 2k) and steady hand and you can do it rather reliably.

  2. Good or bad I don't care.
    Any good player can carry the game alone.
    Similarly I only give advise when asked or when things are like going badly, like no one shooting the joints of an eidolon (i am usually Harrow or Trinity) or people going down way too often.

    IMO there is no need to chip in on my opinions because many will not listen and my advise might not be necessary the best, heck it might be detrimental since my perspective from the game is different. Let them learn at their own pace.

  3. 2 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Something to keep in mind, the crit bonus from vigilante armaments isn't properly hooked up with Warframe Builder, so it's damage is probably a good bit better than shown.

    At 5% chance to enhance ? Naw.

    At best you are looking at one every 1 to 20 bullets.
    In Warfarm RNG chances you are looking at almost none.
    People only use Vigilante Armaments because of the bonus to MS.
    You can at most fit in the other 2 mods on your warframe without killing off your weapon damage but that will still cost you something (15% chance is good enough for Soma Prime).

    And in any case, Primed Build is still the best because it has 2 dash polarities + 1 D for the Big old Primed Cryo rounds..
    You can fit in Vile acceleration or Vigilante Armaments or an elemental.

    Do accordingly.

  4. 7 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

    I am sorry, but looking to your stat and hearing you say high DPS?

    It is nothing compared to my telos boltor with puncture of 1800 and 5.6 critical or 1080 punct and 8.2 crit. in addition to its proc

    Btw, i don't understand how players consider the soma prime a high end weapon

    It's just an opinion

    It is a crit weapon. It calculates differently from just raw stats.
    In any case OP's build deals around 28k DPS which is not too dissimilar to the original build.
    But the best build is still the Primed build.

    Original build

    OP Build.

    Primed build


  5. The issue with Hema is that big clans tend to have a lot of inactive compared to smaller ones unless the Warlord does regular purging.
    The snowballed amount is pretty damn significant even for a 100 player clan. Never mind a thousand.

    Mine purges roughly every 90 days and we allow inactives to return by contacting us (we have a forum). We are considered more lenient.
    But if you want to play in a hyper top tier competitive clan with research all fully done on day 3, there is something you have to take into consideration.
    I know many of such clans that purge every 30 days or even 2 weeks.

    So if you want the goods fast, better be on your toes and punctual with logins. 
    Clans with less stringent login timers are not going to get Hema research fast (yes ours took a while).

  6. Strictly to timegate.
    This isn't going to change really.

    They did this for syndicates and they did this to Focus initially.
    Maybe after focus loses its time gating and gets a soft cap, we might be able to re-convince DE to take another look.

    But even then, it is not going to be pleasant. 
    Cos I can see players raging when their fish can only be sold for 50% of the standing for example.

  7. *shrug* Vacuum is just QOL and people can still rage.

    When I played, we only had dethcube and Wyrm. 
    Those certainly did not have vacuum at the start.

    But I do agree Kubrows (Not Kavats) need more help.
    Kavats can help you do a ton of damage, anyone who is damage oriented can see that.
    The ability to remove armor is important for soloing and cats can hit more than 1 target.
    Never mind the Adavat or Smeeta speciality buffs.

    And the main reason why I use sentinels is due to Primed Regen and Sacrifice.
    It means I can go down 3 times even before hitting that revive button.
    This is why I use Sentinels.

    So if you are offensive, use cats. 
    Defensive use Sentinels.
    But Kubrows ??? Nawwww. They ain't worth it right now.



  8. MR is a bad indication of experience.
    I have dealt with MR 8s who know about raids and Eidolon grinding than some MR 16s to MR17s.

    How they get that ? Well because they run in clans.
    So they are taught and brought up to speed but their veterans, then they work around the situations and get their own optimal solutions.

    I know this is not related to your request, but join a clan, it helps a lot.

  9. 10 minutes ago, ArbitUHM said:

    The problem with "go play solo" is that your affinity gain is heavily penalized because of the lower spawn rate. Playing solo is like playing with a negative affinity booster.

    The solution is DE should design abilities that play well with others i.e. not make infinite duration nuke auras that obliterate everything below a certain level threshold regardless of line of sight. Alternatively, rework affinity so going solo is a reasonable alternative.

    Except solo play is how most focus farmers max their daily standing.
    If you increase solo exp gain, I am all the more happier :P

  10. 9 minutes ago, Fezeal said:

    By my logic if one tenno does not matter wich frame is completely dominating certain content and 3 other people are left standing there fed up they are well within their rights to complain but not name call, you obviously have not been paying attention you really don't get it, it just happens to be that ember dominates all the starchart except endless, yes a spore saryin trying to be a poor mans ember also could use a rework i know her very well now,  banshee in defence too but ember in everything especially the new poe bounties

    You forgot the part you called OP to get thicker skin?
    And look it doesn't matter if it is complain or name call, if it is taken too far, it is still harassment.
    And from OP itself, he was offended enough to put the person on mute because he stated the person gave him a crap load.

    If you feel any frames infringes to your game enjoyment, you can either

    1) Ask the person nicely to turn off WOF. Or slow down if he is rushing. Many players will oblige.
    Personally I have told this to many Ember players because this affect reactant drops.
    And they are totally chill with that. No need to nerd rage.

    2) Leave the game early if you feel it still bothers.

    3) Or come to the forum and share your experience and propose solutions.

    There is no need to immediately rage or complain at anyone.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Fezeal said:

    its all good i know every frames role, i got them all built except Excalibur.  i know what ember is and its complete no holes barred meta and low to mid level domination, dont need a team just get in one to be an arse thats about it, i know because my ember burns all the starchart easy and the hardest poe bounties easy no sweat no energy pizza nothing, sure her damage falls off but the only time i see that happen to mine is in endless. don't matter how diplomatic you are it wont change the facts and people will still get insulted while on embers so really the OP just needs a thicker skin, i dont think DE will bother nerfing it and i aint calling for anything like that but if you think people wont be fed up of you then thats just unrealistic.

    So by your logic, we should nerf bat Banshee, Mesa and Saryn and anyone who runs such a frame deserve to be cussed at ? 
    And they all should get thicker skin cos they used a meta frame hurr.

    Because those frame are pretty much "anti-fun" in anything that involves defense (you might still get a plenty kills here and there when a WOF Ember is in hydron, but with a Banshee or Saryn ? Good luck getting a pittance) and do it at a greater range than Ember ever with far greater damage potential.

    Okay I get it.

  12. Ostreon standing is hard to gain unless you simply abuse fishing.
    And sitting 45mins in a pond hunting for lungfish gets old fast.

    That I can agree. Plus the bounty rewards are horrible for the time spent.

    Quills is pretty straight forward and easy to grind.
    A decent group can pull 5 takes downs a night.
    Great + lucky ones ? 8 is not unheard of.
    Average is easily 3 to 4. Which is enough to max most standings for the day.

    Plus most of Quills promotion items are simply from the Eidolon. So you don't need a murkray liver or a bunch of metals here and there.
    Which means it is much more straight forward than ostreons.


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