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Posts posted by fatpig84

  1. On 2019-03-01 at 4:39 AM, mikakor said:

    one evening of farming : done.

    jeez, and you call this grind? go make the Hema. THIS IS GRIND.

    nightwave grind is a calm and relaxed grind that you can make in one evening. in total game time, around 8 hours and i'm done doing all the challenges we have yet. so clearly, the one whinning about grind here are simply not the kind of player that should play the game. if you find this grindy, what are you even doing on Warframe to begin with?

    Have to agree here... I finish the entire nightwave in 2 days of very casual play.
    Only finding "friends" to sortie was more complicated. Grinding ayatans was made reasonable thanks to Aribitrations, only Simaris was annoying.
    Cos he gave me 3 instead of 5 targets, so I need to find other players who have not done their quota and do it with them.

    Which is kinda a forced interaction.

  2. DE has done the math that you need to only complete 60% of a nightwave to hit maximum cap.

    Most people won't even need Umbral forma (cos they haven't even R10 the 5 umbra mods yets) or Arcane energize (1 season is 10 weeks, you are better off paying plat for a R10 Arcane energize than play 700 days... and that is assuming rank up rewards don't change between seasons).

    So that drops to 20. Or 24 if you must have captura and the last batch of Wolf Creds.
    So realistically, you need to earn like uhhh 3.5k standing a day which is a pittance.

  3. I am actually a ok with the system. Because finally  it rewards slots not the most but better than 0.

    Yeah yeah I am MR26 pushing MR27 but no reason to rush. 
    And to be honest, most vets hardly care about alerts barring nitian or taters / forma or quick resource grab since they got everything else.

    Lastly, rewards are still not set in stone, we don't know will wolf cred offerings change.

  4. No more 300 oxium alerts ? Eh a shame. I know of a few rookies who get by from 3000 ferrite or 1500 circuit alerts.
    A shame to see them go though.

    As for the new currency ? Not much a fan at all. Syndicate exp is already a form of currency that we redeem.
    Why need more currency ? Heck I am fine if the Night wave syndicate standing resets after every season. but we do not need to double dip with another currency.

  5. I don't even read squad chat. Out of sight, out of mind.
    WF is simple enough that you can just do things on your own and the mission will still complete itself without a hassle.

    As for MR, I grind MR specifically for the syndicate rep. Time matters a lot.
    With a 27K cap, I can get the 5k and 22k on any syndicate within the first day of launch.
    While other folks take 2 to 3 days.

    This is very significant if you are intending to uhhh "exploit" the market with sales :)
    For example, back in the day I managed to sell syndicate weapons for over 300 plat each because my MR lets me grab it fast enough. 
    Most dudes were not even half way through the syndicates, much less grind fast enough to get there in time to exploit the early adopters / whale.
    By time, they were done, syndicate pistols were like 80p.

  6. Because no one can be satisfied. There are still people calling for an Oberon re-work even though he is currently one of the most balanced in recent years.
    As for Chroma, the issue is that his 2 and 3 don't sync well with his 1 and 4 and requires Chroma to be build differently.

    A balanced build would be ideal, but that means all your abilities will be below average.
    It is the same deal with a CC stomp Rhino that prioritizes range and efficiency, but this murders his 2 and 3 which reliant more on power str and a long duration (his 3 needs both).


  7. Personally I don't really care for MR as long they don't die every 30 seconds.
    But MR is useful at a glance whether I know I will be carrying the team or just chilling.

    Yes high MR is not end all be all, but it also means they can use weapons and rivens that are far more powerful than what most low MRs can use after all.

  8. 1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

    MR already gives more than players often give credit.

    If I take mostly the buy prices of various Rep based items from PoE, Syndicates and Fortuna....

    • Exodia Force 350p (100k Rep) = 3.5p
    • Magus Repair 150p (100k Rep) = 1.5p
    • Virtuous Shadow 250p (100k Rep) = 2.5p
    • Pax Charge 70p (100k Rep) = 0.7p
    • Syndicate Melee 40p (125k Rep) = 0.48p

    Total 8.68 Plat per Rank per day. The difference between MR1 and MR26 being about 212 plat a day.

    Of course we don't cap all our Reps every single day. Just kinda showing the gears that move in the background.

    That works if you get 27K standing like myself, so I can unlock an Arcane and sell it within 4 days.
    For those with less, it becomes much much harder.

    In any case, high MRs don't really need to worry about plat since they have options available to sell stuff for plat without worry.
    Not so for a low MR, hence I asked whether can we put in a bunch of slots as part of the MR level up.
    Since going from MR 1 to MR 10 is pretty easy, while the rest require a bit more effort.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    4. I find it more awesome that they're children rather than gruffly old men. I've seen angry old men in video games since forever, but few storywriters are as ballsy as to explore children as tools of war. Add to that how the youth mind is far more capable of adapting to a psychological control machine than that of an old man, and it's just a great story exploring how powerful the youth can be given the proper tools. It's a new, fresh story, not that filled with cliches and easy ways out, which to me makes it far more awesome than "buff man in iron armor story #7240". Yes, these kids are cool. Far more cool than the "adults" I've seen time and time again in every single video game.


    I actually laud DE for daring to play the Child Soldier arch type in WF. Not many companies (except Bungo with Halo) would dare risk it as it is a pretty heavy subject.

    Of course we are now digressing, but we can pretty much say, gameplay wise, there is nothing to Warframe wants or needs from Anthem except maybe flying.

    In Anthem, their transition to jump jets is nice, but those overheat which is extremely annoying which leads to plenty of forced encounters.
    Which imo leads to padding out on content.

    In open world WF, you can safely ignore all forms of forced ground combat as long you got energy to spam Itzal / Amesha's 1 or Elytron / Odonata's 2 which means you can avoid most time wasting encounters, thus making Warframe hyper efficient.

    1 hour ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:

    So, here are some questions.

    1) If you think it makes sense to have remote control, tell me, does it also make sense to have a child be the controller instead of an adult? I wonder what logic leaps are required to justify this as well.

    2) If remote control exists to make the operator safe, then why is it that Warframe clearly hints that the operator may get damaged if his or her warframe dies? That makes the remote-control safety pointless.

    3) If we're playing as a child sitting on a chair, then why did we find this out YEARS after release, when some (many) players were quite convinced they were playing as the warframe? I'd be way more ok with that narrative choice if only I had known it from the beginning, not after years of letting players make their own interpretation.

    4) Are we making "realistic" science fiction or are we making a cool videogame that's fun and awesome? Because you know what's awesome - being a guy inside an exosuit. You know what's not awesome - being a creepy emo kid sitting in a chair and not being in the game's actual battles.

    1) Because the Orokin are desperate, they are losing at the Sentient battle. They have frames who are made of infested humans but those won't listen to anyone as they are usually insane. But somehow the Void infected kids can. So why not ?

    Remember they are fighting a war of extinction, so who cares about ethics ?

    Even the Spartan IIs from Halo are basically kids who are super augmented and thrown to fight rebels (John 117 was only 14 for his first major operation) and aliens while Spartan IIIs are war orphans with a huge chip on their shoulder. So if other fiction can do this, why not warframe ? 

    2) Because it isn't perfect or the Void isn't exactly benign. But again a little transference issues is probably the last thing on the minds of scientist to stave off extinction. In any case Quills / Vox Solaris have already found ways to negate this completely with the new Arcane.

    3) Because when DE first made Warframe, they had no story in mind. They needed a product that runs smooths, lets you shoot things, spam cool abilities, parkour and have fun.  And hope they get enough so they can keep the lights on. 
    That is the reason why I bought founders for them, even though when I joined, there was a grand total of 2 maps. 

    Then when warframe began to thrive, they started worrying about things like lore.
    Personally I did not like the idea of kiddies doing war stuff, but eventually I warmed up to their idea.
    Child soldiers are still not my favoured form of game media but I still play WF because I like how it plays.
    That is the reason why I stayed, because I liked the gameplay enough to shell out dough, Lore (like the story in Doom) is just secondary to me.

    4) Your rule of cool doesn't apply to me. If you enjoy playing the arch typical knight / samurai in armor that must dive deep into the action, well go ahead if that is your jam.

    But personally I find remotely controlling entire armies a much better preferences and while safely tuck away and twirling my mustache for my next diabolical scheme.

    Hey, I grew up addicted to RTS / RPGs / tactical combat after all, action came a distant second. So that is my rule of cool.
    And  why I love Nekros to bits. A mini army and more phat loot. That is the life.

  10. 3 hours ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:

    Hey, you know the one and only thing that Warframe can and should learn from Anthem?

    The fact that you play as an adult guy INSIDE the exosuit, not as an annoying emo brat sitting safely in the base.



    That sounds ridiculously low tech. Iron man 3 remote controlled suits are the rightful way to go, so you don't put the operator at risk.
    Not withstanding that Tony Stark had his Ultron issues which forced him to dial back on AI and remote suit development.

    Warframe doesn't have this issue because the frames and operators are linked by Ze Void™ and the powers of empathy™ thus very difficult to remotely hijack.
    The only way to hijack frames so far have being physical means like a Collar or Kuva Queen soul punching the kid out.
    So Transference is definitely the way to go. You can lose frames, but you don't lose the operator.

    It is the same reason why modern warfare are so big on drones and unmanned aircraft because the operator that you spent years training won't die.
    You can build something really quick, but to train a new guy to be proficient does take a while.


  11. The Combo systems existed since ME2 and ME3. 
    Bioware even use it in Mass Effect: Andromeda, so I am not sure what's so ground breaking about it dating back in 2009 and 2010. 
    It has being 10 years and I am not surprised Bioware uses it for Anthem, because it is kinda their schtick.

    As for warframe, hahah no. Enemies still die extremely fast even in sortie difficulty.
    Combos worked for Mass effect because it is a cover shooter and your TTK (time to kill) is low without it.
    Anthem for what it seems you don't need to take cover as much, but people still need to take cover if they play wrongly.

    In Warframe, your TTK is measured in 0.X of a second in regular content and single digit in sortie level content as long you are using any weapon with decent loving (IE forma and potato).
    So combos will just be inefficient at best. Even the majority of players in Warframe rarely even synchronize their powers.

    So combos ? Ain't got time for that mate !

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, uxx0 said:

    You'd think a MR 30 player would be able to easily farm that plat for themselves.

    Other than that I agree with the person above me.

    I have zero issue farming for plat, but I believe it gives free players more of something to look forward to.

  13. Yeah specifically it should give slots. 
    As an MR26 founder with waaay too much slots to spare (i would have even more if i sold my non-prime frames and non-prime sentinels, but I don't need to, i got enough to keep em all), I have admit this is something I take for granted since i got plenty of plat.

    So how the rewards be given out ?

    Say 1 frame slot, 1 weapon slot every 5 MR ranks.

    So at MR30. The dude will have 7 frame slots (first is free) and 7 weapon slots (first 2 is free).
    But let's not kid ourselves, once past MR 10, plat earning power is increased quite significantly.
    So they will just be nice bonuses.

    So why give them free
    I seen waaay too many low level or players with less than stellar finances, so I still think tying slots to MR is a good way to at least a good form of progression.

    Why not trade for it ?
    Why not sell syndicate stuff or rivens or even ducat fodder some might say?
    Well if you are low MR level, even ducat fodder primed weapons are powerful.
    A Lex prime set sells for a mere 15P, but it is still arguably one of the most powerful side arms in the game, even though its considered Ducat fodder.
    Syndicates well lets just say at MR26, I can do both 5k and 22k rep caps in the same day since I got a 27K cap.
    Lowbies with 5K cap a day will have it real rough to even reach R10 of a syndicate, which is where their good stuff are at (mods / arcanes etc).

    Sortie rewards like rivens are too hit or miss to be a reliable source of plat.

    Hey this seems familiar
    Yeah older players might have seen such a thread from me before but I still firmly believe we need a bigger carrot to have greater player retention.


    P.S. Revised a bit since once every 5 levels seems more reasonable.

    • Like 2
  14. They basically got a strong riven if they are at the level 4 or level 5 bounties.
    Most ships will vaporize at level 1 to level 3 bounties to anyone who has a strong high damage sniper or Opticor.
    No riven needed.

    Key to one shotting ships is ludicrous front loaded damage, not necessarily burst damage.

    P.S. As for aimbotting ? Nah. You are probably lagging or de-sync. Because there are times where ships suddenly appear and explode, because the host or other team mates have already handled it.

  15. My group has already finished it just shortly after the hotfix landed.
    Generally even low MRs can easily do this if you have stacked forma and forma on all your guns and aware of the elements being called out.


  16. 1 minute ago, RX-3DR said:

    The shields will always automatically refresh when you deal a certain amount of damage. With a group of 4 and all elements covered, you don't really have a need to refresh it to another element. However, if you have missing elements, you can always refresh it with any Void damage, including just Void Dashing through it. Not as efficient but it allows smaller groups to push through rather than sit out a 20 second or so refresh timer after which, it will pick a new random element.

    Ok then it will be more correct to say, if you solo or duo running. Yes Operator will be required to skip the drag.

    P.S. 1 more thing folks, Shield Disruption doesn't work. I tried.

  17. 2 minutes ago, RX-3DR said:

    Pretty sure the Shields work on reverse Adaptation where it picks one Element at random and you can only deal damage with that element. It doesn't change shield types to match your weapons, it just changes to another Element once you've done enough damage to it.

    Also, Void damage will forcefully refresh it to another element but it can only happen with a 5 second delay between each forced refresh.

    Interesting. But then again, our side never use operator that much. 
    Guess we got lucky.

  18. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Elvenbane said:

    Happy to hear operator isn't required. A simplistic multi-phase boss sounds pretty good actually...did you find it fun? (PS4 so can't try it yet)

    I will hide the lore bits.
    But basically this is how it throws down

    1) Break shields with normal weapons.
    It will have Sentient adaption, so make sure your primary and secondary have different elements.

    2) Once shields are down, call down your AW weapons and shoot the limbs.
    Once limbs are down (like Jackal), you shoot the body. But be fast.


    3) Sometime later, the Corpus will start dropping shield pylons to recharge the shields.
    Take those out ASAP and continue as 1) and 2)


    4) The last phase will have a 5 min timing, but by then the thing is on its last legs (literally).
    Then it dies, collect your loot and watch the corpus nuke the thing :P


    Pretty simple eh ? Also throughout the fight, the Vox Solaris dudes will drop random ordnance to force reset the Sentient adaption shields.
    So NPCs doing something useful for once.

    Also there are Corpus mooks who will help the Profit taker. They are low sortie level (60+) but can be annoying.
    And keep an eye to make sure the alert don't hit 4 threat bars.

    Last thing you want is flying nullifers to ruin your day.

  19. Because the last time when time gates did not exist, people unlocked the entire Syndicate within 2 days.
    Yes entire syndicates.

    Hence gates were introduced to drag out content.
    You may not like it and neither do I, but I consider it a necessary evil.

    Also this is an incentive to go for high MR. I am MR26, i earn 27k rep per day.
    That means I unlocked both R1 (5k) and R2 (22k) of Fortuna within the same day.

    So yes grind moar MR and buy moar boosters to speed up the exp farming.

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