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Posts posted by Neo3602

  1. sounds like it would work I haven't had much experience with the gauntlets so I don't know exactly how good they are but I have heard that they aren't that good I hope that they are buffed by the time that I get around to trying them out

  2. I was thinking of a revolver style weapon that looks some thing like this

    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HiyPB_FucNM/TOl-ONaDv7I/AAAAAAAAACM/qAiCOPsMtVc/s1600/nerf-maverick-pistol.jpg (yes I know that it is a nerf gun)


    either have it shoot high damage bullets or make it more interesting and have it shoot mini grenades or make it a rail pistol(a rail gun in pistol form) and you could do quick shots that do high damage at close range, move slowly, and have fast follow up shots or do charged shots that do more damage at long range, move very fast, and can pierce armor, but on the down side have a cool down time between shots, you could also partially charge the shots so you would get the middle of the two

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