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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. On 9/9/2016 at 10:52 PM, melodicuprising said:

    Think you might be referring to this website (http://www.tennoclocknews.com/in-development/) although I don't see a chart anywhere.

    Warframe's content is arguably more qualitative than quantitative, when compared to other MMOs, which I can respect. The content is also "extremely digestible," as most can finish the new stuff in a solid 2-3 hours. If WF's content was more complex in the sense of not just giving artificial time walls or a few weapons to master, then maybe the content can survive longer.

    I believe they were referring to this article on tennoclocknews (http://www.tennoclocknews.com/analysis-of-warframes-updating-schedule/).

    While I do enjoy the cinematic quests. The updates have been coming in with more down time in between. In Warframe, I think it's really the new content that keeps players coming back. Even back when DE was trying to find a publisher for Warframe, the big MMO publishers said this game won't last because there will be a lack of updates and content. As updates are getting further and further apart, it makes me wonder if players are leaving because they have run out of things to do. Hopefully DE can find a balance of releasing these cinematic quests and providing us with something to do while we wait. Maybe throw in one or two events in between long updates for cinematic quests. Something like The Gravidus Delemma can last for a few weeks and keep players in the game while waiting for something new.


  2. I've spent some time reading through this thread and had a good laugh, but in all seriousness, DescratedFlame, what do you considering as winning in Warframe? Is it getting the new stuff first? Reaching a higher mastery rank faster? Doing more damage than other players? Being able to clear the star chart? Or just something else entirely. Please let me know as I'm curious as to what is considered winning to you.

    As someone who grinds for everything even though I have platinum to outright buy it, I don't see a problem with a new player using any of the new prime gear in missions. It just means that they can hold their own a little bit better than someone who uses a Skana, but then again in low level missions a Skana will do just fine and in high level missions, it just means you will spend a bit less time reviving your teammates. That's a good thing in my opinion.

    The only thing where I can see you might have an issue with a new players owning the new prime gear is in the PVP mode excluding Lunaro. However, the stats in PVP are balanced differently and weapons will receive nerfs or buffs depending on how well they fair, so a new playing with a Galatine Prime in PVP is not an issue if the PVP team is doing their job.

  3. When completing spy missions, we get identified rewards at the end of the mission depending on how many vaults we clear, but I've noticed that in the last hotfix or two, I sometimes only get one or two identified items even though I complete all three vaults without the alarm sounding.

    In a sabotage mission, I would sometimes only get two rewards as well even though I find all three caches. A person I was playing with the other confirmed that they only got two rewards as well even though we found all three caches.

    I'm not sure if this is just a UI problem or if I'm not getting all the rewards.

  4. From what I remember using them some time ago, the Sancti Castanas become wildly inaccurate (like unable to hit what's 5-10m away from you consistently) if you add multishot. Not even one of the Castanas thrown out will land near the reticle most of the time. I'm not sure about the regular Castanas as I didn't have though around to test.

    The Talons however doesn't suffer from this problem. You will throw 2-3 out and they would all land on the same spot. This is odd given that both the Talons and the Sancti Castanas function exactly the same.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Ipher2 said:

    I agree, noticed this with 2 different relics.  1 addition to the codex relic page that would be nice is to be able to search for prime items and have it show you what relics they are in.

    I agree with you. We should be able to search the relics for the prime parts so we know which ones we want to play instead of going through each relic individually. Also, the relic information shouldn't disappear from the codex as the OP said.

  6. So I just found all the fragments for Mars, and I though it was just a piece of art and some description text. Then I started hearing some crackling and muffled talking when I moused over the image. When I moved my mouse over some parts of the image it either got quieter or louder until I moused over the correct spot and some audio from an anonymous person started talking. It looks like there's going to be hidden audio in every of these images.


    Where my mouse is pointing is where the hidden location is for the Mars fragment.

  7. DE should really fix it so that it counts as finished when you solve the last piece of the puzzle. Right now, it will count as solved when the whole animation is finished (the one where it fades away and you zoom back out). That means you need to complete the puzzle with at least a second or two for it to work.

  8. 2 minutes ago, at35z said:

    Doesn't this already work like that?

    I'm pretty sure it does for me. Or I just don't use random colors that often. But I'm sure it's more than one palette.

    Right now, when you click the random button, it will randomly select a palette you have, then randomly select all your colours from that palette. You can confirm this by using the random feature and then clicking the colour for each slot and checking which palettes were used. It will always be only using one palette.

    What the OP wants, along with some other people including me, is to have each slot randomly select a colour palette and then randomly select a colour in the selected palette. That way, you don't end up with just one colour palette. The reason I want it to random through all available palettes for each slot is because some palettes just don't look good if you use only colours from that palette. For example, if you get the Valentines Day palette, your warframe/weapon will either look really pink or a dark brown/red/pink colour. If you get the Independence Day palette, you will have a red, white, and blue colour scheme, which I don't really like the look of. If you get the Saint Patrick's Day palette, you get some combination of orange, green, and blue, which again I don't think looks good because of the colours available. The Easter palette will give a light, soft colour scheme, which can be ok sometimes. The Smoke palette will just make everything black/grey/white, so unless that's what you want you will probably hit random again (But if you already wanted a black/grey/white scheme, why hit random in the first place?).

    On the other hand, if you get a colour palette with many different colour or colours that look good together, something like the Tenno, Lotus, Grineer, or Orokin palettes among some others, then your warframe/weapon will look great.

    I remember reading in some other post about this a while back, that the random button did actually choose randomly from all colour palettes for each slot at first, but people didn't like it because it produced bad results (well, if you randomly through colours together, I don't expect it to look good most of the time), so the Devs changed it to only randomly pick from one colour palette.

  9. I linked my plain game install to steam (not an actual transfer, so I can play with both and only have one install) just so I can see the Tennogen stuff.

    I made a tutorial a while back. Link:

    My tutorial was based on the wiki transfer tutorial derp215's post( http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Rxl-noir/Methods_For_Backup,_Restoring_And_Converting_Warframe_(Steam_And_Standalone_Version) )

    2. Only real difference I know of is the Steam achievements and Tennogen.

  10. Yes, if I remember correctly, that was a prime looking shade in one of those renders, but Primed Shade does not exist in game. There is a Prisma Shade that you can get from Baro whenever he brings it around though.

  11. It didn't drop a mod. It dropped an orokin cell, a resource. The model that showed up is the fusion core model, but it should be the resource model.

    The same thing happens with Corrupted Vor. When you kill him, it will look like he drops two mods. However, when you pick it up you will see that one is a mod and the other is a resource.

    This is still a bug. It's just not exactly what you think it is.

  12. I just want to throw this out there in case people don't know. Disciplined Approach in the Vazarin Focus tree increases the shared affinity range by 17m at max rank. I confirm that works. At least the icons stays up when I was further away from my team.

    In theory, this should also increase the range of Blessing. I haven't tried it because I don't have anyone to test it with.

    I don't know how useful that extra range is though, so that's up to you to decide if it's worth switching focus trees.

  13. You do get to keep the extra free slot if you sell it, so if it's a duplicate you basically get some credits and a free slot. On the other hand, you can just keep it and have multiple of them if you like. Only real reason I see anyone would want to do this is to have 6 presets on this weapons.

  14. 10 minutes ago, TheFalseEclipse said:

    The only sentient fire that can shoot out for me is the prism.

    The grinner weapon is buggy, like how we can kill ourself inside the bubble if we aim backward (angstrum is special case though since you can like 100m away to do the suicide auto missile

    I tried in the Simulacrum, and the Battalyst can shoot out of the bubble. I was testing on lvl 120 Battalyst, so they just killed me before they can use their prism attack. The old Bullet Attractor never affected the Prism attack either, so Magnetize kept the same problems. I kind of wish Magnetize would work properly and stop all ranged attacks, so it can be used as a nice defensive tool.

    The self damage thing seems to be new with Magnetize, and I've only seen people say they were using shotguns and explosives. I never experienced this with my Latron Prime. I'll probably need more testing to confirm that though.

  15. Magnetize seems to have inherited the bugs of Bullet Attractor and added a few more.

    Here's two that I find rather annoying.

    - Those sentients that shoot can still shoot out of the Magnetize bubble.

    - You can still get hit by hit scan weapons (almost all Grineer weapons) if you stand inside the Magnetize bubble. (This one has been here since BA)

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