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Posts posted by LifeNine

  1. I came upon a little glitch that made one unlucky Grineer remain in a balled up form while still being alive after being crushed. Maybe It will be a good source of CC to have them disabled for longer after being rolled up into a ball. I don't know what Scott has planned for Crush, but if Crush is not changing, something like this might be fine.


    Pictures of unlucky Grineer:




    • The Penta series, Castanas series, Kulstar, Talons and Angstrum’s explosive damage no longer ignores cover in Conclave.


    Can we also get this applied to Bombards, Corrupted Bombards, and Napalms? It's pretty bad to not even be able to take cover from missiles when they literally will follow you down multiple hallways and Napalm rockets have a splash radius of about 10 - 15m that will hit you on the other side of the wall.

  3. Ok, so I'm not exactly understanding what you are saying. I know you understand Excalibur Prime won't ever be released again and are fine with that, but if I'm understanding what you wrote correctly, you also think that Excalibur Umbra will be a China exclusive?


    DE has stated that Excalibur Umbra, along with the new line of Umbra warframes, will be released on the global build for everyone once they figure out how they want to do it. DE has also stated in a Dev stream that the Umbra warframes will not be a simple skin. They will have their own abilities and such to make them unique. Hence, Steve, I think, said they are trying to make a system (maybe a quest) to introduce them and explain to us why they exist in the Origin System instead of just plopping them into our hands and saying, "Here's something shiny and new. Now give us some money."


    Anyways, long story short, Umbra warframes will be coming to the global build, consoles included. They will be a new warframe with a different set of powers. You don't have to worry about having more stuff you can't get your hands on. Everything, except for Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, the Skana Prime, and console specific skins, is going to be available to everyone. Steam workshop skin may or may not come to consoles depending if DE can somehow do some three way agreement between them, Steam, and Playstation and Microsoft.

  4. From what I understand, to get the Lacera skin, it's cumulative personal score.


    For example, I did 14 waves and failed, then did 15 and passed. The score says 29, and I get the skin.


    The trophies should be in one game, like past events. It should take the sum of the best runs of every person in your clan.


    For example, if you're clan has two people in it. Person A get 15 as their best run in one game, and you get 25, then the score for getting a trophy will be 40. You get the terracotta trophy.


    Since you are in a clan by yourself, like me, you will have to do 25 waves in one game to get the terracotta trophy. You can do this with other people (public games) that are not in your clan. It should only look at your best score regardless of who you played with. That's how it worked in the past, and I don't think they will change it without mentioning anything.

  5. You don't really need to do defence or survival missions to get argon crystals. Do as Leavith said and just open all the containers and lockers in some T1 missions, like an exterminate or capture. T1 exterminate and capture missions should be easy enough as long as you bring level 30 weapons (no potato required).


    I usually end up with one argon crystal every run if I scavenge the whole map. Some times I get two, but almost always will get one in one or two void missions.

  6. I have a Warframe that's 0% used according to the profile stats even though I have fully levelled it. It is being grouped in into the unranked warframe section when I sort by used. It's probably because the game is checking if the use percentage is equal to 0 or not, but since the use percentage is already rounded to 0 the warframe gets grouped into the unused section. Doing a check on the usage percent before it gets rounded to 0 should fix it.


    image showing Vauban with 0% grouped with the unused warframes.


  7. Some time ago helmets had their names changed to [warframe] [helmet name] helmet so that it would be easier to find.


    Nova's Quantum helmet did not get changed and is still call Quantum Nova Helmet instead of Nova Quantum Helmet. Thus it's not with all the other Nova parts in the foundry.



  8. In sortie missions, the Grineer hack consoles will zap you (for quite a bit of damage) and trigger the alarms if you miss 3 of the button presses. I.e. if you press 3 of those pieces back in, it will automatically zap you and trigger the alarms.


    I believe this was done to make it harder because regular Grineer consoles give you infinite time and tries. I also heard that you can't use ciphers as well, but I never tried because I don't use ciphers in the game.

  9. Vazarin focus is also 120k. I don't know about the others though. I don't have them unlocked so I never looked, but I would think they all cost 120k to unlock. Then it follows the 75k and up pattern for each level.


    The way I see it is that mastery reduces cooldown, which lets players use it more often. Higher cost for mastery means you have to make a decision. Longer cooldowns with stronger effects or shorter cooldowns with less effect.

  10. With the coming changes that allows us to randomize all cosmetics or the whole load out, can we make it so that the colour that is selected uses all the available colour packs instead of just one?


    It's been bugging me for quite a few updates, but I never really bothered until now because we have more randomization options coming. Currently, a single colour pack is chosen, then colours from that colour pack is chosen from it. This leads to the random functionality seems less random because the colours in one colour pack will produce very similar looking colour results. You just get different shades of the limited colour selection. If you get the valentines pack chosen, then your whole warframe or weapon with be pink and red, which doesn't look too good. If you get the St. Patrick's Day colour pack, then you get an orange, green, and blue colour scheme.


    Currently the random colour button will only produce good results when it selects a colour pack with many different colours in it and not a pack with many shades of a few colours. If the random function selects colours from all available colour packs, then we can get colour schemes that use many varying colour, which produces better looking results in my opinion.


    TL;DR Make the random colour button randomize colours through all available colours packs instead of random colours in one colour pack because it will look better (or just more random instead of following the colour scheme of the single pack).

  11. It used to have a little use before parkour 2.0 because you can use it to launch yourself pretty far, but now it doesn't really do anything. You have to be in contact with the wall to use. That means you have to time it exactly to when you do a wall hop or first wall latch, then wall attack. The latter is very user unfriendly if you have anything with a good amount of zoom on it. Plus, the distance has been reduced to nothing.


    Either remove it or let it actually leap from the wall and not lock you in that lunging pose until you hit the ground.

  12. I...Can't see the image :o

    It was working the last time I left it. Anyways, I fixed that now.


    Direct link

    ("Inspect element" helps a lot. ;))


    I like the idea and it looks like you put quite some work into it, but ... man, you really need to practice faces. Sorry

    Yeah, I know. I don't really draw much, but it was just something I really wanted to do. To be honest this is my second drawing of faces. I have to start somewhere. :)

  13. I wanted to show my appreciation to DE for creating this amazing game, so I did a little drawing. The faces aren't completely accurate, but I think it's ok. You should be able to tell who is who. I know there's plenty more people who work on this game, but these are just the faces we see all the time. Thank you everyone at DE for making this game!




    DeviantArt description for those interested:

    A parody of Mount Rushmore with the faces of the Warframe Dev team. All faces taken from the last Dev stream of 2015. The position is also based on the seating of all the recent Dev streams. They all, except Steve, have serious faces because the faces on Mount Rushmore are not smiling. I made Steve the exception because I just couldn't not use that face.

    I drew this because I really like Warframe, and I hope they continue to make this an awesome game in 2016. I started this on Dec 19 and it was supposed to be complete by the end of 2015, but I got lazy and lost some motivation to work on this at some point. Better late than never I suppose. Here's to another great year in Warframe. It was pretty good when I drew Sheldon, but I felt like it got worst as I moved onto the Geoff. It got even worst with Rebecca, then I think it started to get better with Steve. Then Scott just ended up better again. Maybe it's just bald people are easier to draw. lol.

    Alternate title would be "Mount Rush 5 Plat" =p.gif. Also Mag's there because Mag's the best. biggrin.gif

    Note: the left top side of the image is darker because I had to stitch together two scans, and the first scan came out a little darker up there. I digitally brightened the top there, but you can still see some of the darkness near the edges.

    From left to right:
    - Sheldon (Studio Manager)
    - Geoff (Animation Director)
    - Rebecca (Community Manager)
    - Steve (Creative Director)
    - Scott (Design Director)

    Dev stream 65: www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTgP0f…
    Sheldon's face at 8:11 (youtu.be/zTgP0fCNRc8?t=491)
    Geoff's face at 24:13 (youtu.be/zTgP0fCNRc8?t=1453)
    Rebecca's face at 25:10 (youtu.be/zTgP0fCNRc8?t=1510)
    Steve's face at 4:46 (youtu.be/zTgP0fCNRc8?t=286)
    Scott's face at 31:07 (youtu.be/zTgP0fCNRc8?t=1867)

    Based off of this Mount Rushmore image: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia…

  14. If you already have everything boosted and maxed and you have you microphone to the side of your mouth and unobstructed, then either your mic is defective or more likely (after a quick Google search), the mic is just really quiet.


    I don't think there is anything else you can do, since you already turned the microphone volume to it's maximum. You can buy another mic to replace the one on your headset. I'm currently using a Zalman mic if I need to talk to people. It picks up my voice just fine without using any boosts, and it's only ~$10. Just don't expect this mic to be amazing though. It also might pick up keyboard noise and other background noises because it is pretty sensitive. You can also go with any other mic you find.


    Amazon link to Zalman mic: http://www.amazon.ca/Zalman-Zm-Mic1-Sensitivity-Headphone-Microphone/dp/B00029MTMQ

  15. It looks really interesting but these are at least 1 hour long... :s


    I'll maybe watch that when I got the time (after the finals)


    Apart from that, there's also an old vid on the subject :



    Some of the problems are still happening,I think. (and it's been 5 updates)

    Well, I did say it was lectures, so you have been warned. :D


    That's an interesting video. I've never really taken the time to look at enemy movements and such in game. I just know what they do in general.

  16. If you've got the Covert Lethality (insta-kill finishers with daggers) mod installed, can't you use Excalibur's Radial Blind to perform insta-kills on most enemies?

    That's pretty end game viable for daggers. I think there are other frames with abilities that set enemies up for finishers, but yeah

    The more the merrier, though

    I was doing a public T2 survival with an unpotatoed Halikar. The Excalibur was blinding everyone and I was able to one shot Heavy Gunners up to level 80 or 90 by doing a finisher, so as long as you have a warframe that can open enemies up to finishers, I think any melee weapon is endgame viable.

  17. People have complained a bunch about the AI in this game, and some time ago I ran across some videos about designing AI for video games. Video 2, 3, and 4 have ideas that are applicable to Warframe. He even mentions Warframe a little at the end of the fourth lecture.


    I found these interesting and they might have some useful ideas that Warframe devs can use to make this a better game. Anyone interested can watch the videos and discuss below.


  18. I did a quick search on what Intel Dynamic platform and thermal framework is, and it turns out this should be controlling the CPU such that you computer is dissipating heat at some specific rate. If your getting errors from it, then it could be that the program is not working properly or those errors are telling you that your computer is getting too hot or something.


    From what I've read, it should shut down your computer if it detects that your laptop is getting too hot. Maybe that is what's happening. If your laptop doesn't feel hot, then maybe there is something wrong with your version of Intel Dynamic platform and thermal framework. You can try updating the driver and see if the problem continues.


    Drivers for your laptop should be here: http://support.hp.com/au-en/drivers/selfservice/HP-Pavilion-15-Notebook-PC-series/8499306/model/8960443

    the Intel Dynamic platform and thermal framework driver is under Driver-Chipset.


    If you decide to try updating the driver, make sure to create a save point first in case anything goes wrong. Also back up important files if you're truly worried about loosing them.

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