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Posts posted by TheGambler_BR

  1. Unless I'm missing something, as a one-person clan, all you really need is a Reactor, Oracle, and the three Labs. A dedicated player could easily accomplish this on his or her own.


    I also would like some of that sweet, useless decoration. hahahaha


    And I might expand it to include any eventual friend I can convince to play warframe. (:

  2. Maybe not one-person, but I think a family or close friends clan (so less than 5) is doable as long as you spend a moderate amount of time on it and don't care TOO MUCH about clan progression.


    That's the thing - I kinda care about clan progression. Obviously I wouldn't want a dojo so that cuts down on capacity/energy/resource costs... but I do want to have a pretty clan. hahaha

  3. I see disruptor(s), I prioritize disruptor(s), I kill disruptor(s).


    Any questions?


    Yeah. Do you have eyes on your back?


    I only get hit by disruptors when they take me by surprise. Since they're still silent and pretty fast (and now, almost identical to healers), they take me off guard slightly more often. Their leg hitboxes are a little off too, making bow hits harder to land.


    I've been hit by one when standing directly BEHIND him, too. While running around hi, while jumping over him... his arms continue to heat-seek. And draining while I'm knocked down makes for a VERY frustrating experience.


    Disruptors aren't challenging, they're needlessly punishing.

  4. I noticed this. At first I thought it was an UI bug, getting one morphic after another. But then, when I ended the mission, I found out I had 7 morphics. On a rushed-through m-prime run.


    Drop rates are DEFINITIVELY bugged.

  5. They could fix the ignis pretty easily by giving it puncture equal to the max distance of the projectiles in the first place.


    Pretty much, but with the way puncture is coded, wouldn't you hit enemies behind cover?

  6. You must not play many Grineer missions. There are massive rooms in both Grineer tilesets where the snipers are truly amazing. For example, the asteroid base boss arena. There is an idle sniper perch in one of the corners and only with a sniper rifle can you really hit enemies entering through the opposite corner. Even a couple Corpus rooms are large enough for the sniper rifles to shine.


    Those are really (from personal experience) few and far between. And you'd be hard-pressed to find room for aiming when soloing. Then again, the game wasn't exactly made for soloing.

    Maybe it's just personal experience, and how when things aren't going your way, you tend to notice them a lot more. :/

  7. Oh, well that's fine then. Might you have considered making this thread without crafting it then, or did you want first hand experience for addressing the problems with it?


    I just want to set the world on fire.

  8. Surprised you didn't happen by one of the many "So Ignis really sucks..." threads and skip crafting it.


    You'll be regretting not spending those mats on Ogris shortly (if you don't already have it).


    I knew of those threads, but I made a flamethrower because I love fire.

    These suggestions are there just so DE can take a more "unique" approach to the weapon, allowing it to be used against a large crowd of enemies (mostly infested and those affected by Mag's new pull).

  9. Even then, that is still not the environment a sniper is meant to be used in. They are meant for surgical precision. Not clearing out armies.


    Currently,there are NO environments that suit its long-range, "surgical precision". As such, either map design gets a significant overhaul, or sniper-class weapons get some sort of buff that allow close-quarter-ish combat to be more viable. I know for a fact I barely right-click to use mine.

  10. Hello. I have recently acquired my Ignis, and would like to drop two cents on the matter.


    First of all, despite being a flamethrower, it does not behave like such. It is more of a fast-firing range-limited hitscan weapon. It can even hit enemies on their weakspot!

    That, IMO, makes little to no sense.


    And then, its fire-based damage often triggers elemental death animations (of the burning kind, duh). And well, that is HORRIBLE. The animations themselves are fine - I'd even dare to say they're awesome - but the fact that they block bullets, which include the ignis' "bullets", and that you'd usually use a flamethrower against a large crowd of enemies... make it quite a dealbreaker.


    So, to fix that, I'd recommend having something like a cone of damage. Not too wide, naturally, so it wouldn't risk being somewhat OP - though, being a clan weapon, we could afford "slightly OP". Damage is fine, modded it'll be probably awesome (only rank 7 as of now).

    Anything that finds itself caught inside this cone of damage would take damage. It would pierce enemies - even dead enemies. It wouldn't pierce through cover, though - that'd make boss-killing too easy.

    And, well, that is all, I think. Everything else with the weapon is fine.

  11. Am I the only one who is blessed by the rng gods? I think I average 1 cm per hyena run ( I explore everything though)


    Top reason why trading is a must.


    I am VERY lucky with neurodes and gallium (not that gallium is used for much - I have once gotten gallium from Hyena. Yup.). But Control Modules? PAH! Hard to come across. And when I do, I usually use them immediately.

    I'm also not lucky for Morphics, of all things. But frame BPs? Got all three Mag parts in four runs, and I'm only missing the Frost Prime BP when I only made like 6 T3 runs ever.


    If not trading, then at least a market of some sorts. Hopefully with fixed prices, so there is no insane inflation.




    I usually get PISSED when I kill hyena (one of the hardest bosses IMO) and all I get is a stupid fieldron sample. I have 150 of those already, so STOP GIVING THEM.

  12. i was trying really hard to make it through i was kinda worried in the last 90% that we wernt going to make it i was up at 6 Am sleep playing through levels i would wake up surrounded kill everything and look for a drone and would doze off again... lol


    DId the same thing, hahaha


    It got to the point where I could barely keep my eyes open at all, and we were at 96%. I thought to myself "they'll get it, they have to" and surrendered to sleep.


    Woke up and the first thing I did was check forums for rewards. hahah

  13. People will always complain, that is a fact.


    As far as the event goes, I myself am one of the "slackers". Not because I did not want to play, but because I barely could (borrowed my sister's notebook to play during the weekend, as I am at my mom's for the month)


    Revealing the requirements for the prize was a bad thing. Revealing the prize itself, however, was not.

    By revealing the requirement(s), people will think "oh, I just need to kill 20 and I'll get whatever it is".

    By revealing the prize(s), people will think "That looks awesome! I'l kill as many as I can so I can have a better chance at getting it"

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