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Posts posted by TheGambler_BR

  1. @TheGambler_BR

    True, I did miss the point about elemental enemies not gaining a resistance, which is a tad counter intuitive but whatever, but the point about elemental heavies still stands.

    A single heavy gunner with a shock elemental gorgon could easily stunlock players due to the sheer amount of bullets that will hit them and the chance of proccing the stun.  That would definately not be fun.


    What about weapons that deal AP damage currently, such as despair?

    That would allow them to have 2 elements at a time and be quite a bit more OP under your system than they are under the current one.  And AP weapons are the biggest weapons right now because of their use against heavier enemies.  Same with AI weapons.

    Your elemental system would just make AP/AI weapons FAR more powerful than they are.  Which I dont think is a good thing.


    Proc chances would be naturally based on the enemy using it. So an ancient has a much higher chance (almost always) to proc an elemental effect than a heavy gunner (almost never, due to higher fire rate).

    Think borderlands mechanics, ish. Slower-firing weapons have higher chances to proc effects than faster-firing weapons.


    Their innate element would be replaced by any elemental mods. Thus, despair with a, say, 50% fire damage, would deal 50% of its original AP damage and 50% fire damage.

    The same would apply to armor ignore (as it is too similar to poison mechanically speaking).

  2. As I said, numbers aren't set in stone. Making energy charge faster through combat is a good thing, for example. Would prevent dead times, as said.


    Tsukinoki missed the point where I stated enemy elemental variations would NOT gain resistances from elements, and where I said elemental variations would be fairly rare.

    But bad luck does happen, and the situation you described (one heavy grineer of each element) could happen.

    However, of course stun values wouldn't be high so as to make gameplay horrendously bad. Also, no stagger/knockdown, just a small "freeze". I'm not stupid.


    What I dislike about this current system is the "slap everything into it and go" mentality we have. It isn't uncommon gaming-wise to have to specify your build to slay one specific type of enemy, and this game fits more a MMO kind of game than dungeon crawler, IMO.

  3. @Anthenator

    Energy rework is there due to a number of reasons. One is to reduce spammability of ultimates. The other is to remove the necessity to have energy siphon. I do not see a single person not using it at higher levels, simply because it completely overshadows any other artifact we have - even the event rare ones.



    I know of the recent change in elemental effects. Most elements are reduntant though (such as laser, or poison/armor ignore). And not all elements have effects - fire does no DoT. It's as if being on fire dealt no damage.

    One of the problems with warframe is that EVERY endgame loadout consists of the exact same warframe/mod setup, changing only small details. You swap your boltor for a latron prime, or a dread, but you won't see a burston that often, nor a vulkar. Mod selection is also multishot-damage-3 elemental mods-reload speed-fire rate-bread-butter. Combining faction resistances and weaknesses and elements on weapons, you open up the game for more varied builds - once more interesting mods come, surely.




    Weapon variety and cooperation would nullify this. In a normal mission, you usually only find one faction to face. In void towers, you (should) need buddies to aid you, since it's the highest-end we have. 




    Which is why I highlighted that powers also need a rework. Ultimates, too. They need scalability, and static damage is NOT the way around it.

    Energy regeneration is not a bad thing for casters. It won't trigger the "hoarding" reflexes we have today, since in 8 seconds you've recovered the energy you spent on your first skill. Energy drops could remain, so prolonged fights aren't as much of a hit as they are today.

    Values aren't set in stone, either, and there could be MUCH more interesting mods for weapons to support caster frames (such as Energy Siphon becoming a weapon mod that ~siphons~ energies from enemies, giving x energy per y damage dealt).

  4. Now, onto the Armor and Elements.


    As we know, Warframe has five "true" elements: Fire, Electric, Freeze, Armor Piercing and Poison.


    Poison is more of a "neutral" element, as nothing resists it - nor is weak to it. It is also currently unattainable when not using Saryn (or the mire, acrid or torid).


    I will start with my proposed element change.


    Each Element has an added effect.


    For example. Fire applies DoT, Shock has a chance to stun targets, Freeze slows targets (as it does already) and deals double vs shield, AP pierces armor (damaging otherwise immune parts, such as a shield lancer's shield or a corpus helmet) but does NOT puncture, and poison is what it is now, ignoring resistances.

    Simple, huh?


    Shock damage and thunderclap's (and similar) stun do not stack. Pick one.


    "But wouldn't that make weapons totally OP?" I hear you say? Fear not.


    You can now only have ONE of each elemental mod per weapon, and it CONVERTS damage rather than ADDS.


    This one changes gameplay by a LOT. It would force mod-switching in a per-level case. It would make soloing the void a much harder task due to enemy variety. It would CONSIDERABLY weaken weaponry as you're removing three damage-increasing mods.

    Saryn's poison-adding skill would not overwrite your melee element. It would work just as it does now, adding damage.


    I propose an increase in effectiveness of damage mods (such as serration) to compensate. Doubling its effect is enough, I think.


    Enemies appear in random elemental variants


    Their would show up in their name (Flaming Disruptor Ancient, for example). 


    Their attacks would apply their effects to your character, scaling whenever possible (fire deals more DoT, freeze slows for longer, shock stuns proc more often, AP ignores base armor value, poison just ignores the player's resistances). 

    Elemental variations would be random, pretty rare but get more common at higher levels, and some are more likely in certain factions than others (fire/AP grineer, shock/freeze Corpus, poison infested), but all are possible.

    Elemental variations do NOT change elemental resistances. A shock corpus takes the same shock damage as a normal corpus.


    Enemies' resistance to elements increase as they level, but so does their weaknesses.


    In short, a level 1 medium grineer lancer takes, say, 33% regular damage, but 150% AP damage, but a level 50 grineer takes 3% regular damage, but 300% AP damage. This offsets the lack of bonus damage from changing elemental mods, and further enhances specialization versus a certain faction. 


    A new set of mods would add an elemental resistance/weakness and effect to your warframe.


    Expands on the Retribution mod.


    Those mods would be mutually exclusive (such as the new weapon elemental mods), and would add an element to warframes, adding a specific resistance, weakness, and an effect when shields are depleted (which kinda synergises with shield-toggling). 

    Fire has resistance to itself, weakness to freeze, and once shields are out, applies a small, constant DoT to nearby enemies (similar to Overheat's)

    Freeze has resistance to shock and itself, weakness to fire, and slows enemies near the warframe. The slow wears off instantly unless in range.

    Shock has resistance to AP and itself, weakness to freeze, and stuns and damages enemies that attack you.

    AP has a small resistance against all elemental damage (bar poison and fire), but weakness to AP and fire. When shields are out, multiplies resistances by 2x and weakness by 1.5x.

    Poison has no resistances, nor weaknesses. When shields are down, it adds poison damage to all attacks (5% per rank, stackable with saryn's skill).


    Resistances DO apply to shields.


    Any feedback is appreciated!

  5. Hoo, boy, this is going to be a long post. 


    I will split my thread in two posts. Energy and Shields and Armor and Elements.


    I will propose, first, a rework to the energy and shield system.


    We all know Warframe has an "issue" with ultimate spamming. It's a "get out of jail free" card; more often than not used in situations where death would've been certain. And most other abilities are forgotten, because sometimes they just do not offer the same level of utility. Bread-and-butter damage abilities aren't used since their energy cost is seen as a "waste". There are other issues, of course, such as no scaling at higher levels, which further increases the idea of energy waste.

    There is also another issue, in my eyes. Energy Siphon is a mandatory artifact; once you acquire it you won't use anything else, ever. Most other artifacts aren't quite as useful, but some do offer significant benefits.


    So, now that I've explained why I'm proposing such an idea, let's get started!


    Energy no longer increased per warframe level.


    This is obviously a big deal. Since you can't stock up anymore, there is slightly more incentive to use the other less useful abilities.


    Flow would still increase maximum energy, but at a much lower rate (10% per level, instead of the current 25%), and one rank less. At max level, you'd see a 50% increase in maximum energy.


    Base energy remains unchanged.


    Now you're thinking "well, this certainly sucks! Why would I ever want to have such a low energy pool?"

    I'm getting there, hang on.


    Warframes now regenerate energy (At a rate of up to 5 energy/s). 


    (Regeneration increases in speed the longer you've spent without using it. It takes 2 seconds to reach maximum regeneration)


    This is a big deal as well. With regenerating energy, there is no "energy waste" - you'll eventually regain all of it, and it won't even take too long.


    This makes the Energy Siphon artifact pointless, which IMO is a good thing. In a game that praises creativity and viability of all, having a near-mandatory item for later stages of the game is very very bad.

    Regenerating energy also removes the need for energy drops. Which was silly. 


    By now you're like "well, so now energy is a mana bar. Woop-de-doo. What do shields have to do with any of this?"

    Glad you asked!


    Regenerating shields stop energy regeneration.


    Essentially, shields now draw from the energy pool.


    You would be able to opt to not regenerate shields at all by pressing a key, so you can avoid unintentional energy usage. Would increase Mag's shield polarize usefulness, since it would refill shields for free to teammates.


    Fast Deflection would stay the same. There would be no increased energy cost, making it an even better mod.


  6. I myself don't like ponies. I think the show is directed to small female children ages 6 through 12, and I won't watch it.


    But that doesn't mean grown men shouldn't watch it. They have the right to do so, and I will not attempt to stop them.


    As far as colors go, I agree, we should all be able to change the colors of our weapons. If someone can paint their warframe hot pink (as I've seen before), why should he not be able to paint their laser beams hot pink?


    I myself paint most of my gear white, black/grey and purple. And it looks BADASS in my opinion. Some may disagree, but I don't care.


    So I personally want the ability to paint any energy weapon I come across as purple. Including the beam itself thank you.

  7. Antimatter would behave much differently in actuality from how everyone seems to think it would. Too much sci-fi influence. Antimatter only corrodes an exact equal amount of matter equivalent to itself. To eliminate one grineer, the frame would have to compose a grineer sized blob of antimatter.


    Or convert exactly half his body into antimatter, lol.


    Which I know is completely absurd. But this is a game, so we get to do ridiculous stuff like this!

  8. Eh. Just a notice. A 75% armor 1000 hp mob is the same as a 4000 hp mob. The difference is that you need kunai/boltor/charge attacks/saryn ult to kill the first easily where other weapons and other frames ults dont even leave a dent. The second, a much wider variety of options is available, don't you think? :P


    It's not about the elemental affinities and resistances. That stuff doesn't beat armor. Ember's world on fire ain't got any damage against level 50+ ancients already, and that's common in wave 10-15 xini at least.


    Switching armor for health makes more weapons viable. Every weapon viable. Rather than a few weapons of choice, a few frames of choice. How many people love their kunai and despair because it arpens and does a lot more damage than other weapons? Kraken has a bigger clip and a better fire rate than kunai (2 shots, same attack speed). It also does 1/3 the damage of kunai in pluto cause of armor.


    I'll stick to my favorite guns. But I'd love to see armor be replaced by thick health so I don't eventually have to switch instead.


    Dropping armor entirely will harm a LOT of weapons that have it as a main attribute. I'm all up for reducing armor and increasing health to compensate, but dropping entirely does the game no good too.

  9. Something like this would be good to get people away from just stacking every elemental mod in the game, and encourage thinking about something different. But I don't think it would fit too well in a game like Warframe.


    It already partially is, though. Infested ancients used to be immune to electricity, mobs have clear elemental weaknesses...

    The only thing that would change is that enemies get progressively weaker to their weakness. I'm not suggesting anyone gets HEALED by your damage, that would be far too frustrating. But simply increasing the damage they take from their respective weaknesses the higher leveled they are, just enough so that you can justify having a focused build.

  10. One thing I do like about the armor system, is that it further showcases the faction's weaknesses. Grinner and AP/AI, Infected and slashing/incendiary, corpus and cold/shock.


    However, something that was not done properly when scaling in warframe, is that in addition to increasing a class's armor, you also increase health and damage dealt, and also spawn more often. So you have more enemies, that also hit harder and can take more of a beating. There is little breathing room, so to speak.


    I'll give an example here. In Ragnarok (everyone played this, right?) enemies also have elemental weaknesses. The further you progress, the stronger your enemies get - but you get stronger too (this progression in warframe is made exclusively through mods - a little too random, but tolerable). However, elements come in various "levels", going as high as level 4. The higher the level, the higher the resistance to its specific element - but the higher the bonus damage for its weakness. So a fire1 monster would take 25% fire damage, but take 150% water damage, and a fire4 would take  -50% fire damage (being healed), but take 200% water damage.


    This is what the game is missing in regards to armor. By scaling armor, you should scale weaknesses too. So focusing on a specific element brings benefits, and outfitting yourself to the mission you'll face makes sense.


    In short warframe endgame needs: mobs with higher armor, but higher weakness too. Powerful, elemental-specific weapons (we do have some already, but more must be done).

  11. What do you do with all the plat you get for buying Hunter?



    Bought Ember, rushed banshee systems and the warframe itself (kinda regret this, but I've been farming for banshee pretty much since I started playing and got it yesterday, couldn't wait for it), all colors (big fan of customization here), a handful of potatoes, a few warframe/weapon slots, kunai (I REALLY regret this one, not because it's bad, but because I could've just farmed it out and save myself 100+ plat), one dragon mod pack (came with splitshot for rifle, so I don't regret it too much), an affinity booster (helped a lot when I forma'd both my ember and paris), shade sentinel...


    Not sure what else.

    Oh! An ember avatar pack. Which is less useful than I thought because apparently it won't update my forum avatar.


    I think that's pretty much what I spent my plat on. hahaha

  12. Yes but one dollar into TF2 and you can trade for life.


    TF2 lived well beyond its expectancy. F2P was a smart move from valve because pretty much everyone that wanted the game already bought it. By offering it for free they attracted people that weren't that interested in it.


    Also, valve has other means of income (it does own steam - and I bet a fraction of warframe plat sales through steam go to valve). One dollar on TF2 gives you access to an amazingly old game, that has become tradition.

    Warframe is new, and DE has little to no other income. So its "higher price" is justifiable.

  13. Alternate title: "Bro do you even flip"





    So, um... we can invert the cards when viewing our decks. Heh.


    Just wait for the video to be done uploading, so you can see for yourselves. :)

  14. How exactly would that stop ulti spam?


    Killing a lot of enemies refill a significant amount of energy, and you could hoard energy all the same (kill him, kill him, how much energy do I have oh almost full, kill him, and him and now I'm full)



    IMO, I'd prefer dropping the current energy system entirely and adding in a shared cooldown system similar to Mass Effect 2's, where different powers have different cooldowns. Bread-and-butter powers have low cooldown values, while ultis have large cooldown values.


    This would spice up combat, allowing for more liberal use of powers, further differentiating warframes.


    This would be a problem for mods affecting energy (flow and streamline). Which could be fixed by turning both into a "reduces cooldown by x%" - which frees up a mod slot, by the way.

  15. What he is trying to say (or at least this is what im reading) is that DE is going to frustrate anyone who pays full price for a plat pack early only to see that they paid twice as much as it is actually worth. 


    DE could aviod this headache all together by offering a one time 50% off first plat purchase for any account. This way everyone wins, and DE will probably make more money because people will want to start with a better deal of Plat.


    Ease in people who don't have too much money to spend on games, AND almost guarantee that a purchaser buys an expensive pack. Seems good to me. :)

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