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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. The enemies are not the problem.

    They become the problem when we have no way to defend ourselves because of a bug. Obviously we didn't want to quit the match when we had gotten down to wave 8.



    Then stop complaining and take what you get in the first place!!!


    And those guys are easy to dodge and outrun, you're doing something wrong if you cant.

    Frost and Rhino are the two slowest classes in the game if I'm not mistaken. Disruptors run insanely fast.

    Combine that with the rest of the smaller infested swarming us since again, we have no energy thanks to a bug and us not wanting to quit a match because of it.

  2. Wave 8, steam rolling our way through the infested artifact defense mission.


    4 enemies get stuck under the ramp and just completely vanish. After trying all our of special moves and wasting our energy, two people quit the game. Luckily 1 other joined.

    Unfortunate for us, the Vauban is the one who quit. So now it's just me, a frost without snowglobe, and whomever just joined. Luckily we find the right sweet spot apparently which causes damage to thin air. We repeat for a few minutes till the enemies die. (Wasn't fun, one was a healer)


    So now we've used all the energy, are a man down, and they've assigned a Loki who still has his starting gear to our team.


    Wave 7!

    We get demolished :D


    Disruptors overrun the place and just decimate us. No energy to freeze them, hold them in place, nothing. Now I remember yesterday when they did the first infested artifact mission and it was just the crawlers. A little annoying and a little too easy but it seems they *TRIED* to fix the problem by making the most deadly of the anciets, the disruptors, a common enemy. My question now is,


    Are they insane? Disurptors? Hoards of them?

    Instantly draining all energy (not that we had any thanks to that lovely little bug)

    Instantly taking down our shields

    We certainly can't outrun them and when we tried all we'd do is lead them closer to the artifact.


    If they're going to have an event that's timd and you only have a slim chance to do, at least make it fair. Don't put in probably the most overpowered enemy into the game as a common badguy.


  3. Grineer: Napalm

     - Explosion radius is huge

     - Has a lasting burning effect which disables shield regeneration till it stops. (Brutal on Defense missions when you need the artifacts shields back up)


    Corpus: Drones.

     - Namely shield drones since no one seems to aim for them when every enemy around us is obviously shielded...

     - Those drones that launch from the backs of the Walkers are annoying as well. Guns are insanely powerful and have quite a bit of health


    Infested: Disruptors

     - Insane sprint speed so they can catch up to anyone

     - Instant drain of all your energy

     - Instant drain of your shield as well.





    Out of the three however I have to say I really hate the disruptors the most. The others can be taken out if you plan it right. The drones are weak and the ones that launch from the walkers can be avoided if you kill the walker quick enough, and the Napalms can be taken out if everyone concentrates fire on their head.


    Disruptors though will sprint and catch up to pretty much anyone and knock them off their feet.

    So not only is your hud messed up and you can't see your health, not to mention in the time you were knocked down the smaller infested probably caught up to you. But you have no shields to defend yourself so if you're a class with lower health? You're screwed. You also have no powers to escape or help you even get away from them let alone take them out.  In my opinion they need to be nerfed in some way.


    Either make them take out your shields or energy. Not both.

    If you're going to give them both in addition to their high defenses then take away their sprint and make them walkers.

    Or make them only sprint when their health reaches a low enough percentage. 

  4. But when she says that a heavy unit is approaching it could mean 1 or 3 in later waves. There's no specification so when the two Napalms are taken down and focused on across the room, the one that walked in the back door has a merry ol' time skipping up to the artifact to destroy it.

  5. Oh man I support this whole heartedly.


    Instant drain of shields AND all your energy?

    Not to mention that speed is just ridiculous and if you don't have a weapon to stun them and get out of range? Well...you're screwed. He sprints towards you, takes you down. Now you have no energy to use any powers, no shields, and while you were down? Smaller infested have surrounded you. Good luck! :D


    Seriously though, either give them shield drain or energy drain. Not both.

    Or if both? Disable their sprint and make them walkers.

  6. If you shoot napalm at something, I'm pretty sure it melts and burns to crisps in reality, so the broken scaling makes things no more "broken" than reality. It's @(*()$ napalm.

    ...except this is a game. About cyber ninjas in space that wear exoskeletons that let us command fire, water vapor in the air, mess with the minds of our enemies and teleport.

    Also the objective is supposedly something ancient and powerful. You'd think they'd have taken a bit more precaution in its defenses.

  7. 3 day event to earn RARE artifacts in which you have to survive a 20 wave defense mission where they introduce heavy enemies, from the start. But instead of making each alert 24 hours to cover each day, we get 1 hour to try and complete a mission that takes probably around half an hour or so to actually beat.


    So now we basically have to stare at our screens or their twitter account for when the alerts pop up so we don't miss it.


    Hell even the Orokin catalyst and reactor had a 24 hour time limit. Anybody else find this pretty ridiculous?

  8. I've tried all the little fixes people have suggested.


    - Don't stand to close. Everyone approach slowly

    - Approach him from behind or the sides

    - Have someone crouch in front of him. Behind him. Or both, THEN let him activate

    - Don't shoot him at all in the chamber or the cut scene

    - Skip the cut scene

    - Don't skip the cut scene

    - Only skip it when he's halfway in the floor already

    Etc, etc, etc.


    None of these little "solutions" work.


    The best reasoning I've heard for this happening and possibly a good chance of it being is how the level spawns. There's a chance it's how HE spawns but think, he's a boss that's already placed in the level. One would think it'd be set to certain coordinates or mapped to that room in a way he's always in the center. Fact remains sometimes he's not centered. Sometimes more to the front, or back. Sometimes we enter the fight facing him, other times we approach him from behind. Regardless what it is....begin day 4 of trying to get the Rhino System Blueprint -_-

  9. Well my 3rd day of grinding for the Rhino System Blueprint has proved to be another failure...


    More than half the time he's just fallen. I can't help but wonder if one of those times he fell he was holding the blueprint. And this was with teams all day that I let know in advance I was just there for the boss/blueprint. We'd sprint through the level gunning down only those in our way. We always reached the boss about 2 minutes in and took only around 4-5 to kill him.


    To give an idea of how many times I've fought him...3 days ago I started my mission to find said blueprints with around 5,000 credits. From the 1400 or 1700 you get from killing him? I now have about 220,000. So yeah....I don't know whether to blame the drop rate for the Blueprint system or the fact he glitches more than half the time and maybe I just missed out on it the few times it was supposed to drop. Either way....damn frustrating...

  10. 3rd day of trying to get the Rhino Systems Blueprints.


    Have the chasis made and ready, have the helmet waiting to be made once I finish getting a few easy resources. Just the system is left which I might add seems to be the rarest of the 3 for those that have gotten it. On top of that this damn boss falls through the floor more than half the time. This problem has become so common that whenever I get matched up with people I simply ask, "How many times has he fallen for you?"


    I wouldn't mind the grind as much since everyone knows how irritating this is and doesn't even bother to really play the level. Most people just seem to rush through it to just get to the boss as soon as possible to see if he's glitched or not. It's just so frustrating and aggravating to play through the entire level only to see that it's glitched and we wasted our time.

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