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Posts posted by Sunder

  1. While true....I don't see the Tenno as the type of people who'd delve into that sort of research. They uncover and use the Orokin technology and Prime suits. It could be seen as heresy or disrespect to the Orokin to tamper with their original design.


    Still...would be cool to see a Prime Valkyr. Like...what she'd look like with all her armor on AND primed.

  2. I completely agree.

    I have removed gay, homosexual, and queer from the filter. These are absolutely words that should be usable. Anyone who abuses these words and uses them as insults will be issued a warning point.


    A big thanks Drew. ^_^


    However my suggestion still applies as many have mentioned in this thread that it's completely possible to use the terms as insults.

    Then again...I'd hope that anyone stupid enough to do so would have their post reported by numerous users here as well.

  3. Dude, its a program running a script that checks a string for potentially offensive language. Typically on forums, many of those words or word particles are not used to describe sexual orientations but to verbally (verbally, really is not the right word) attack other posters.


    In the context of this forum, Im not sure even subjects of sexual orientation truly apply.


    Then my forum suggestion still stands.


    Don't censor it.

    Have it auto-flagged for review by moderator

    Mods/Staff can deal with those using it as a verbal insult

  4. The first two terms are typically used as slurs, which is why they are censored here on the forums. 


    Which is sad really since those are the correct words in those situations, and I know a number of slurs of that nature that are not censored.


    Regardless, maybe it means that you should be discussing Warframe and not other issues hmmm?


    The issue being discussed was gender equality in Warframe.

    People were applauding DE in not making complete sexual females and having a plentiful amount instead of all guys.


    My point was I have plenty of male friends who like men, and female friends who play all sorts of games and admire the male main character's physique and body. How there's double standards in that aspect when a guy checks out a girl. Was then I noticed the terms were censored.


    However regardless if they're used as slurs or not...what are we to refer to such people as then if we cannot use the correct terms?

    Or how about the off topic boards? Where people discuss topics other than Warframe?


    Edit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/237818-i-for-one-just-want-to-applaud-de-for-amazing-gender-equality/

     - The thread in question

  5. Upon discussing a topic of the genders in Warframe on the General Discussion board, I found out that both the terms


    Gay - Begins with a G, has an A in the middle and ends with a Y.

    Homosexual - Begins with an H has two O's and ends with "-sexual"


    Both are censored and truth be told, that's kinda offensive.


    Note: The term, "Lesbian" doesn't seem to be banned however...


    But to not turn this into a simple complaint but rather a suggestion to better the forums....adjust the word filter. Have it automatically flag posts that have these terms in them since it is very possible to use them in an offensive manner. Mods or Staff who check the flagged posts and see it's used in an offensive manner...can simply ban the user/delete their account.  As it stands, not being able to correctly address a certain group of people and have to resort to calling them some other slang term could be found offensive by said group.


    I really thought more of DE in being a mature, reasonable team when it came to this sort of thing. Unless...when the forums were first being set up it was just easier to censor the words as many immature folk out there use it as an insult till a proper filter was in place then I'd understand and hope that this thread serve as a reminder to correct this issue.

    Regardless, thanks for reading

  6. I'm unsure which Dev Stream they stated it in but when people last asked about alternate gender skins the devs ultimately shot it down.

    If I remember correctly t hey said something along the lines of that there will NEVER be a gender skin available for the frames but that an alternate frame altogether could possibly exist.


    I'm rather sure they used Ember as an example too. Stating She would stay a She, and in the future there could possibly be another Fire-based Warframe that's Male.


     - - -


    Also for those stating it's a bad thing to have a sexually attractive character in a game? That's ridiculous. I've had plenty of friends, both #$$ and female who play certain games (God of War, Devil May Cry, Castlevania: LOS, Prince of Persia, Prototype, Splinter Cell and even Saints Row where she made her character...."well endowed") and lust after the MALE main character. Talking about how nice their butt is when they run/walk, how sexy their body is.Hell a few female friends even like a sexual female character in games as well. Some lesbian, some not.


    But we don't really care about that do we? It doesn't effect us. We just keep on playing...but when it's guys checking out girls? It's suddenly pervy and creepy and you're playing the game for the wrong reasons.


    Double standards man...




    EDIT : I'm also finding it rather offensive I cannot use the correct terms for men who like other men here on the forum.

    Both the word that starts with a G and ends with a Y and the term that begins with an H and ends with "sexual" are censored.


    What the F*** DE?


    EDIT2: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/238012-unnecessarily-censored/

    Made a thread on forum suggestions. You support equality? Upvote it and get it noticed!


    EDIT3: I did it! :D

    Got the terms taken off the ban-list. For anyone reading through this topic, a big thanks to [DE]Drew for seeing reason and helping out =p

  7. This opens up a whole new possible battle plan for the Stalker.


    A pack of Kubrows trained by him to take us out. While we're fighting them he decides when to jump in/appear in battle  to keep us on edge.


    Or why stop there? Stalker initiates! Corpus, and Grineer enemies that he's had join him/brainwashed. Enemies donned in black/gray and hints of red who'll assist the stalker in battle. Who can blend in with their faction but cause some sort of difficult hurdle for us to overcome :3



    I'm sure he can just go to earth and tame one, Rid$&*^ style


    This man gets it.

  8. Smite

    • Buff Damage
    • Scale better for higher level use
    • Each projectile splits upon bouncing
    • Initial blast from Smite occurs when a projectile touches an enemy or when it reaches maximum amount of bounces

    Hallowed Ground

    • Small speed reduction (Nothing major like freezing effect)
    • Enemies walking on hallowed ground send off a poisonous vapor that effects those around them (Oberon IS a nature-like druid)


    • Increase projectile spead
    • The weaker the Ally is when it reaches them, the bigger the shockwave around them, flooring enemies within proximity


    • I'd like to see the range on this scaled better with mods and rank level
    • Perhaps lower armor rating? (Strong slam down onto the ground is bound to break something)
  9. Almost a year playing this game.


    Not a single 75% off yet...got 50% off once.


    Regardless, Prime Access is definitely the way to go if you're planning on buying a bunch of platinum. However if you're not worried about the prime stuff and just platinum costs, then waiting for the rare 75% off and getting the bundle for $50 is the better buy. Hell....with the money you save you could probably just buy the pieces for the prime gear for cheaper

  10. Toggle Superjump for Excalibur anyone?


    Let us decide when to jump, not to mention imagine the long distance jumps when you crouch-slide into a flip!

    Activation no energy cost but each jump would take away the designated amount

  11. Do you really have to figure out what a cosmetic is for?


    See my post afterwards



    Wonder if we'll get a new Prime Access too with this or not

    Also the armor is gonna have a purpose other than cosmetic right? Otherwise why call it armor? Rather than just...."attachments"?


    If so and it serves a purpose like....additional shield for each piece or something hopefully it'll be able to be built in the foundry


    Plus I don't know if everyone's joking or assuming that it's clantech but lets say in the event it is? It'll be the first cosmetic piece we have to research and build. If it's not and simply cosmetic and has no stat to it then yeah, platinum all the way. Help DE make money.


    However didn't DE state at one point this game wouldn't be pay2win? So if it has stats....which would likely mean a benefit of equipping it, then those who buy it, would have the edge  over others. Hence the reason I'm hoping it's either cosmetic...or if it has stats that we can craft it.


    Also I'm rambling now...

  12. Wonder if we'll get a new Prime Access too with this or not

    Also the armor is gonna have a purpose other than cosmetic right? Otherwise why call it armor? Rather than just...."attachments"?


    If so and it serves a purpose like....additional shield for each piece or something hopefully it'll be able to be built in the foundry

  13. Unless Finishers are an instant-kill? I don't see it helping out too much in higher levels. At least other 4 abilities either kill, slow, or halt enemies entirely.


    Also Teleport should still be a point anywhere to go ability. Not being forced to TP to a hostile. Nova? Can wormhole anywhere she wants. Zephyr/Excalibur? Can jump where they like. Loki? Decoy and Switch teleport anywhere. Could even adjust the animation. Keep the current TP animation when going towards a hostile, when just using it to traverse maybe just have him step and fade out or something

  14. A lot of people have complained about Helios that I'm hoping DE will change it.


    - Make scanning faster, instant for Helios Maybe?

    - Check to make sure you don't already have it so scans aren't wasted is a huge issue that needs addressing.


    Honestly I see it as more of a utility sentinel than a combat one. My dethcube or Wyrm I give my best mods to help fight the good fight. But my Carrier? His shotgun is often the last ability on my roster for him. Hell, half the time I take it off and have him focus on the vacuum and keeping my shields up and such.


    And yes while I've grown to be lazy and let carrier pick my stuff up I can switch out if need be. I dare-say if they make those two changes to Helios so scanning is better implemented/handled I could see him being my new default sentinel.(I like reading through the codex for info :3)

  15. Didn't they mention in one of the dev streams about her voice?


    That they re-recorded all the lines so they could apply filters and such after it instead of during?

    That way random effects/distortion, slight tone changes could be applied to ensure we hardly ever hear a similar sounding transmission. 

  16. Well what about all the agents we always rescue from missions?


    Obviously they were caught somehow. Perhaps they're spies? They'd have info on them which is why they never kill them but rather hold them hostage. We may do the battle but we have groups of normal humans who extract cryopods, cleanup crews for the infested areas, those who pilot the ships we arrive/get away in. There's definitely some grunts below us who handle the little things

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