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  1. Can you share your Loadout picture here so we others can try the samething and perhaps what you replace 4th? for what ability? I honestly want to see if i can get this "bug" to occur... otherwise it can be something as an Account issue (something happened on your end) and its not occur for others. I tried chroma and with my build replaced the mentioned = Result A. Nothing (host), B. (non-host) still giving accurate element "tried heat, cold, toxin" What are we missing? you using an Chroma-Only Mod or something (new mod from Event Jade Light) ?? you added something new perhaps we not aware of that is indirect causing this to circut out and "break" somehow?
  2. Im supprised this Epileptic trigger crap (1) on Baruuk has not been fixed... can you rework its effect as an (snake skin) effect just rotating him instead... No Blurry.... pulsating stuff that causes one to have epileptic attack from Just see another player using it Or misstakenly activating it yourself (forgot to helmith over)
  3. A new weapon should never start with a high Riven Dipo, it is best if it starts low and builds up overtime. You seem to be the crying one over this and u want Dipo 4-5 right away, Makes no sense Primes are "beefier" they have a little more Stats when then come out compared to its "origin" part. Again why should a prime start with higher Riven Dipo? its counts as a NEW weapon. If we are to bypass the riven system then it doesnt fill its function, its partly so more ppl can obtain its riven dou course time and not start of like 4000pl+ This is somwhat happened once before and thus the change was made.
  4. Thank you for pointing out exactly what i just mentioned and explained. - You just made yourself look bad
  5. No i did not miss the point. When you Mentioned "new weapons has riven dipo 1" - as i mentioned its because about all in the community is currently "obtaining" the new weapon, leveling it for MR and adding formas. This how it always has been and are not changing its weap Dipo until its been out for atleast 4 Months.
  6. @CoNsTaNt1nE-UK1 I hope i explained it good enough
  7. Here is an Example of an (4-modded) Riven = More Stats = less Strength PER "bonus/negativity" ------------------------------------------------------------- Consider "Weapon" to have Riven Disposition of 5/5 # Heat 155% # Ammo Maximum 120.6% # Cold 155.8% # Slash -85.8% ------------------------------------------------------------- Now Consider the "Weapon" to be used by about 75% of the Community, Riven Dipo 1/5 ------------------------------------------------------------- Consider "Weapon" to have Riven Disposition of 1/5 # Heat 62% # Ammo Maximum 48,2% # Cold 62,32% # Slash -34,3% ------------------------------------------------------------- This is the following stats it would be if it was at it's weakest "Riven Power State" As i mentioned (Weapons Strength) is based only for purpose of RIVEN. And does not mean its "Crap, Bad, Horrible, useless" or whatever nonsense people say. Weapons are still as good without an Riven, Sure you may miss out on the (CRIT, Crit-Dmg, Element) as some example an riven can provide. A purpose of a RIVEN MOD is basicly to make 3 to 4 "Current mods" into ONE. basicly squeezing in MORE power in a small lovely but expensive Riven. Take this to heart as an explanation of how and what an RIVEN DIPO actully means. - Some weapons will nowdays (as seems) never go stronger then +2 or +3, because it becomes an Genré "must have, must use".... some people may even call it "Its Meta, must use and always best"... this is somewhat a lie though as Weapons are made in so many ways to SUITE each and every persons liking. Some hate Snipes... some hate Shotguns... some hate Bows... Some hate Auto-shooting weapons. This is why Warframe has so many choices, Find what you love, Like and enjoy and use it!
  8. Riven Dipo is based on "Currently Used weapons by community", If a Certain None-Prime / Prime version being used by ALOT of players This will drop a % of Dipo and thus after enough ppl lets say 60-70% using almost the same (especilly new or fairly new that ppl still need to get MR) These weapons drops about 4 of 5 of its depo and becomes 1-star depo. This only COUNTS if you using an RIVEN for the weapon, If you using the weapon disgard of the Riven Dipo, (no riven equiped) does NOT mean it is "dying or garbage" - Riven Disposition only affect the strength of the Riven mod itself, less ppl use the weap = stronger an riven is on that weapon.
  9. dude you basicly do it, Select the Duplication stack (undraw one) and Convert to ENDO (i hope for godsake you are not making it into credits!) Another thing i hope your doing is the Transmute to get new mods from Duplicates if your new player or still missing a few. (Wiki can explain what mods can or Nay be Transmuted) @Silversaber225 This guy (Kadlis12) just explained how u do...
  10. Well DE was alot more active on forums earlier and actully "fixed" bugs within max 2hours from release. And this is kinda a MAJOR bo-Bo... Design flaw!
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