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Posts posted by Veemaxt

  1. I also think the chat needs a bit of a rework ... what I feel is missing, is the information of my contacts sessions. What I mean is, I see my freinds, right click and select join mission, only to see then the message, session is full, or end of mission, or whatever. Would it not be possible to add this information to the contacts list then I can see straight away whos session I could join, rather than painfully clicking through them all.

  2. 40 and haven't heard of Lore? Is it something that just exists in games?

    Sorry for the "stupid answer"?

    Possibly. I consider myself to be well educated, have travelled the world, served with the forces for 12 years, gained my diploma in aeronautical engineering, lived in many foreign countries, been married (and divorced), had children, planted a tree, ride a motorbike too fast on the German autobahn and ususally manage to get to the 64000€ question on "Who wants to be a millionair?" without using all my jokers, BUT, never heard of the word Lore :)

    However, we are not stupid and can reserch, but even good old Wikipedia doesn't help much, telling me that a Lore is the following:

    Lore may refer to:

    So, yes, I do apologise for being 40 and never heard of Lore in the sense that is meant in the world of gameplay. I presume it is derived from Folklore, whicht has the closest meaning as far as I can see and interpretate :)

    Ps. I'm old enough to remember that Clannad Album too oO (actually liked it too!)

    PPs. I meant this posting to be light hearted, even though the content is all true :)

    PPPs. I lied, I'm actually 41, but what is a year amongst freinds :)

  3. Im not even going to get involved in this one, but I cant help visualise these poor wives, slaving over a hot stove, hoovering, wasing up, minding the child and serving the guy on the pc with his eveneing meal so he needn't get up and can complete his 100 missions ... but thats all just fictitious of course :)

  4. what are all these abreviations? Im over 40 and enjoy playing PC Games, have been doing so for 20 years, but I get lost in the gargon sometimes. Can someone explain what this all means ,,






    ect ect ... there are loads more but I dont even remember the letter lol


    Is there a list of these somewhere. Im sorry for being a dummy, but someone once said to me, there are no stupid question, only stupid answers. Im hoping that will fall true here too :)



  5. Neptun farmen geht auch, nur nicht so einfach wie der Boss kill Hyena (Mission Psamathe, Europa)

    Raptor ist auch Europa, aber der Mission Naamah, meist wird hier Nova teile gedroppt, aber hier sind die Module auch zu finden, aber meine Meinung nach ziemlich rar.


    sonst, wie oben steht, Void Missionen.


    Viel Glück.

  6. I did this event for the Corpus weapons and the Corpus Weapons only, just to find out that Ive wasted time because the two sides were unbalanced in how many people were supporting which.


    Not really, either corpus wins and you get the Detron, or Corpus looses and you get the BP which will get you the detron (albeit you dont get the weapon slot) .. donÄt see how thats a waste of time if you really want it, either way you get it. Or have I missed out on something ?

  7. Personally im glad it doesnt move, firstly, when stationary other members of your team can get behind it and stay shielded even if you move away, secondly, i dont like shooting through it, I cant see anything through the pink glare :) I tend to set the shield up and shooot round the right side of it. My field of vision is clear and still have a high protection. It things get too hot I whack another shield up. Sometimes I put 4 up in a square and stay inside it :)

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