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Posts posted by Veemaxt

  1. LOL Doch, du hast es oben geschreiben mit dem Latainisch ...  °° :)


    Ich denke das Problem ist die ständig wechselnden rooms. Mit IRC machst du join #room und drin bist du, aber in Warframe, jeder Mission wäre quasi ein eigene room, die erst beim beginn der Mission aufgebaut wird und bei beendigung wieder geschlossen wird. Kann mir schon vorstellen das es da nicht einfach wäre mit IRC, aber vorallem, wurde es keinen Sinn machen.

  2. every one starts some where

    Firstly, i'd highly recommend you check out this link:http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ember_(Warframe)

    Once you've done that, just understand that ember simply does AoE fire damage of varying degree with pretty much all her abilities.



    Oh, feel silly now, I realise Ember is a frame, but when you said Pull and Ember, I thought you were refering to a weapon/mod called ember which Mag uses.  THATs the missing Link I mentioned :)  Thanks for clearing that up :)

  3. At the risk of sounding very noobish, but i do need to ask. Can you explain for example the Pull + Ember. Ok, the pull bit I understand, but im not sure I understand the mechanics of the Ember bit. What would I need for it and how is it used ? I seem to think im missing something here.


    thanks, sorry to be putting such nooby questions down.

  4. Something crops to mind as I read this. I use a GMX email account, and over the last 18 months I have had quite few emails saying, "welcome to this game!" For some reason people use my email adress to log into their game. I ask myself why? They wont recieve any verification mails, I get them. I usually write to the admins of the games and getthem to either delete the account or I use the "forgot password" option, log into the game and change the email myself. I had this with an Origin account, Ogame, some online Tank game (not world of Tanks) and a couple of other things. I wonder if something similar has happened to you.


    Im not saying it is done on purpose, I sometimes think that there is a mix up in the email domain ending. I use (for example) xxx@xxx.de and people using xxx@xxx.com accidentally get ported to me. I have had quite a few mails from vendors to me when they actually meant the .com version.


    Just a though,

  5. Ok I follow you. I do have pull on max, not got any focus mod though. So you suggest getting a longer range melee with higher damage to use the pull more effectivly? At the moment, when I get in a tight spot I use the pull and crush option.

  6. I am a new (dont like to say noob) Mag player. I wasn't even aware there was such a thing as a Mag hater. Anyway, a lot of the stratergies you are talking about are not availalable to me as I dont have the tools to do a lot of what is being suggested, so my question is, what is probably the most efficient way to get my Mag all rambo?


    I have Mod level 30, (cant find that potatoe, and I play for free and yes, I spent all my initial Plat on crap :( ) got a Braton on mod level 60 with mods like seration and hellfire on it with a few others which i dont exactly recall right now. I run around with Aklato and duel Zoren and use the death cube sentinal. Pull and crush are sorted, I didnt load the other powers as I needed mod slots for health and vitality, and I have flow fitted.


    So, whta advice can you give me ?


    Thanks in advance guys.

  7. Ah now we have a time continuum problem. How can you got back/forward in time without manipulating the time space around you.


    If you jump into the future, you will see the destruction left behind by your fellow players. Your fellow players will just see you dissapear, and reapear much later in the mission. They fought theier way through and you just time jumped to extraction. Bit unfair :)




    You go back in time. You would do half the mission, realise you forgot to grab the datamass, drop back in time to get it and BANG, the grandfather paradox , you would see yourself at the start point, meaning the other players would suddenly see 2 of you.


    Tough one :)


    Grandfather Paradox in Wikipedia



    Time continuum Wikipedia


  8. 3960 und 3962 sind vorgegeben, lassen sich aber tatsächlich ändern.


    und wenn das nicht geht versuch das mal hier:


  9. Das wurde ich auch gern, aber irgendwann ging es einfach nicht weiter. Ich brauch ganz dringend mein Goldene Kartofel ! :) Ich war am Anfang leider nicht darüber informiert worden das es sinn macht ein Orokin Reactor zu kaufen und hab mein Platinum alles ausgegeben für Müll! Jedenfalls alleine kam ich einfach nicht mehr weiter. Langsam geht es doch wieder vorran.

  10. LOL, ja hört sich seltsam an. Ich bin gerade nicht zuhause und habe mein Clan vor ca 2 oder 3 Wochen gegründet, und seid dem geh ich zwar rein aber mach das ganze nur so aus Spaß. Aber ich bin mir sicher, ich hab mein Clan Fanta4 genannt weil eine Flashe Fanta gerade da stand und da nur 4 Leute in eine Mission rein kann nahm ich einfach der Nummer 4 :) Ist blöd aber erfüllt sein Zweck :)


    Ah, ich dachte das ein abgerissene Raum eventuell bedeutet das meine Resources weg sind, gut zu wissen :) Da kommt eine Kreuzung hin, dann bin ich auf der sichere Seite LOL.


    Danke für die Begrüßung.

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