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Posts posted by Veemaxt

  1. Thing is, a Hotfix, is exactly that, a FIX, its just called hotfix as it is deployed quickly after the fault is found and online whilst the game is still being played.


    Anyway, Hotfixes dont automatically have additions.

  2. Then we have to do one thing that will work. Lets all give JaysInc a big group hug! :3


    Stop hugging people, it's the direct contact that spreads it you know :) 



    Only kidding. Hug away ......


    What worries me more than Ebola is ISIS ... but thats another story.


    @Dragon. sorry, 1 thing you said is wrong. 20% mortality rate is way too low. It is about 90% 

  3. Just wait until it takes you 8 months to get the parts for Vauban.


    I was the same, Vaub Helmet took AGES, then recently there was an some missions where ALL the Vaub parts were available .... that kinda suxed

  4. Am I not allowed to question a moderation?? I think so! 


    I have moderated forums for the last, hmm, almost 20 years now, and know that a forum is a 2 way game. If my thread is deleted without any sort of notification, I find this highly unusual and request clarification. I'm not having a dig and not questioning anyones authority. Im simply asking what happened :)


    However, I must add, I did actually open a support ticket yesterday to expose my "finds" :) Might have something to do with this. 


    Im sure this happened to me before with another thread though. I just don't think it right to delete content without the Author being informed, and, more importantly, explaining why. As a Mod, I risk the user repeating the thread I deleted if I don't explain why it was deleted in the first place :)


    I will also write a PM.

  5. I carried a semi-noob through a Mars 25 minute survival. I had 550 kills, he had 80.  I'd give him his space and try not to steal kills but he died quite a few times if I gave him too much room.  Still, he seemed to have fun and got plenty of XP :)  Plus, I made him see the beauty of Volt vs. low level Corpus.


    Thats just bragging :) 


    I know what you mean though. You know, I hate it when I am in recruiting chat and you read "Going on Mission XX - High Rankers only!" I think, ok, Rank 11, I can answer that call, and get into a squad and disappear off to a T3Def. After a grueling 20 waves, I cant understand why it was so hard, then the mission is over, the results window comes up, and looky there, little ole me got 500+ kills and everyone else all under 100. 


    So, they needed a high ranker to taxi them through! Fine! I dont mind doing this IF I know beforehand exactly what you want from me, but if it is suggested that only high rankers are being recruited then I think were going for a good long run. Then you end up pulling 3 leechers though.


    I don't mind, just let me know beforehand. It like getting the raw end of a deal, and you only find out once you wasted 30 minutes of play time. 


    Just wanted to add that :)

  6. Hello Forum Admins and Mods,


    just out of interest, why was my thread about what I found on Ebay deleted? 


    It would be nice to receive a small notification when content is deleted. Deleting without saying anything leaves a bad aftertaste and leaves me thinking if there is some sort of censoring going on?. 


    Would you kindly let me know what happened ?



  7. Ich habe auch 1000 Std + aber ich Spiel immer noch gern.


    Über die einzelne Teile des Spiels zu kritisieren oder loben bringt aber nichts mehr. Die Luft ist raus, wie du sagst.


    Ich kann dir nur raten, mach eine lange pause. Komm nach Weihnachten wieder und schau was sich da alles verändert hat. entweder wirds wieder interessant, oder das wars endgültig :)


    Übers Knie brechen kann man das nicht :)


    Wer schon bei 50 Std keine Puste mehr hat, dann ist das nicht sein Spiel. Ist halt so, wir können nicht alles mögen :)


    Edit: Wobei ich sehe, der Beitrag ist von August. Vielleicht ist er schon weg ?


    Wäre cool zu wissen ob er wieder gekommen ist.

  8. da können wir uns drauf einigen :)


    Ich habe das so verstanden: 



    • Beim Void gibt es das Problem nicht



    • Der Keyinhaber ist bekannt





    was ich sagen wollte:




    • keyinhaber bekannt doch Host nicht



    • Es wird immernoch das Zeichen hinter dem Namen des Hosts gebraucht...





    Also haben wir beide irgendwo Recht gehabt und das gleiche gemeint :D

  9. Wurde vor einer Weile mal angepasst, jetzt sind es wimre 2000. Wobei ich mich mit den 1800 für das Cosmic Specter schon schwer tue (andererseits, wann brauch ich das mal?).


    wimre 2000 ? Sorry, hab ich nicht verstanden, aber der Max Conclave Wert ist definitiv höher als 2000





    Wenn Ich Mich Recht Erinnere ??


    Ok ,, aber trotzdem ist es höher als 2000 :)

  10. Aber trotzdem kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das so wenig Leute dabei sind. 


    Dazu noch muss ich sagen, es sind unwahrscheinlich viele Mission nodes leer. Keine Squads vorhanden. Als ob wirklich gerade nur 300 leute überhaupt spielen wurden.

  11. I don't even read update notes ... only yesterday did i actually have a peek at Archwing. 


    Just take it as it comes, and NO, I wont be taking the day off work to play U15 hen it releases! Cant believe I read a post where someone asked when it was being released so he could book a day off work. Come on, thats going OTT and needs psychiatric help. 


    Don't loose grip on real life guys!

  12. I know this probably isnt the right place to ask but it just seems out of place with everything else so it seems like the best place.


    I seem to have this problem forming groups for void missions.


    >Invite 4 players

    >They all agree to mission

    >Start mission

    >Loading screen

    >No one else loads except me so im stuck doing the mission alone




    Sometimes not all the players load and only 2 players in the mission.


    I play on west coast NA if that matters.


    This is the very reason I leave the chat tabs to these players open, so I can see who i invited. No use looking in the Squad Chat as if they are kicked, they leave that chat room :)


    If you have the players chat tabs open, you can reinvite very quickly :)

  13. I seem to get at least 25% drops on boss kills. I thought they were quite often ... but this opens another question ..


    I had 2 marks in a row after killing 2 bosses. Then I got a visit for tea and cake from the stalker. We had a quick natter about life in general, i nicked his kit and he went off sulking.


    Now, does this mean I still have 1 mark left, or are all the makrs gone after 1 visit ?

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