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Posts posted by (XBOX)ALTBOULI

  1. 7 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    I was more meaning “you” as in anyone reading that thinks it would help. I see no reason why colouring a frame would help and don’t associate this suggestion with anything positive.

    • I would rather have a cosmetic armour piece. That seems like the more sensible suggestion.


    I do not think DE needs to give us one. It sets up the expectation that when this (or similar) happens again we get more cosmetics.

    Not really no, the point of having something dedicated is that it can be used to not just for one particular instance, an anti racism ribbon for example, wouldnt be used for any one particular person or incident but represents the movement as a whole.

    It need not even be something as complex as an armour piece, a regalia for example wouldnt be too difficult for DE to make

  2. 1 minute ago, General-Pacman said:

    Ok, im done. At this point I cant tell if you are serious or just trolling, but either way, you replies are just sad. Another one goes to the ignore list...

    Trolling for correcting you for blatantly lying? Yeah it's probably best you exit this conversation because you clearly dived in without bothering to read a word I said.

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Thats good lets see more of that in all  media of the looters being stopped. Of cops arresting the looters. Of shop owners with their neighbors stopping crime.

    Since i am not at ground zero i can only react to the general information available combined with past history. Whats happening now is again not new.

    I logically can do nothing to stop said riots myself.

    I don't live in a major city. Mass protests and riots don't hsppen here.

    My town has more cows then humans. And my house is in the middle of no where.

    If i ever run into a worst case scenerio in my life. No one is gonna be able to help me in time.


    Perhaps check the media outlets your basing your information on? I'm sure there are plenty of protesters who have been helping, we had protests over here in the UK which were peaceful

  4. 2 minutes ago, General-Pacman said:

    You are kidding, right?


    How wearing an armour is in any way different from what I said? If you really want to make a difference, go and show your support where is actually needed: in the streets, right next to the people that needs it, and stop asking for free stuff in a videogame. You attitude is laughable.

    You said painting you character black inside a video game I asked you for proof, now your trying to change the argument, show me where I said what you originally suggested? 

    Again you need to read more because your making yourself look silly.

  5. 9 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    It’s not like painting your frame a specific colour will do that either. People have had all black (or any other single colour) on frames for ages. I have never considered it a protest against anything. Why do you think it would suddenly change and be universally recognised now? If it make you feel better and doesn’t hurt anyone, just do it.

    • Besides, why not paint your whole body black and walk the streets? That would show your support in real life wouldn't it? I am sure everyone would see it that way...

    Where did I advocate colouring ur warframe a single colour? I'm arguing the opposite hence why I specfically asked for a regalia or armour piece...

  6. 7 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    Perhaps the peaceful protestors should join the business owners and cops and protect the stores and each other. Be on the side of the law.

    Major bussiness are probably insured. But small shops. Baracade your buildings. Together the cimmunityies can work with the shop owners and cops to stop the looters by force if needed.

    I watched a video yesterday of black shop owners stand helplessly as their own people destroyed and ransacked their lifes work. 

    The communitties didn't even try to stop it. And the cops didn't either.

    The cops and government cant do anything without making it worse.   Escslation will continue to create more problems.

    Then you get folks fed up with the looters. And a shop owner just wanting to not get screwed baracades his place gun in hand. If he's forced to defend himself the looters then complain and we get a bigger snowball.

    There are peaceful protesters doing that, Jon Jones (UFC fighter) confronted thugs who were clearly looking to cause damage (hiding among the protesters) and took spray cans away from them.

    Maybe if you stopped generalizing you see such examples...

  7. 5 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

    Why are you assuming I'm against humanitarian movements? I am against people using this situation as some status symbol or FOTM thing to show off all over the internet or as a way to get free stuff. That is just ugly.

    I didnt assume anything I asked you a question hence the question mark?

    You clearly seem to have a very negative view of people fighting for social equality, that's not my problem

  8. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Red Dough Boy said:

    Just saying what would have an effect more than just making your warfame black. 


    It affects me when I can't go anywhere without seeing people bringing up these issues. It's on the news all day, and every show is talking about it. Social media is a storm of people posting about different movements, and showing people protesting as well as rioting. Games are a way to get away from reality, and now they're being taken over for part of a movement. 

    You could play with friends or alone. Someone wearing a specific armour piece to support movements against racism in no way effects your ability to play and enjoy the game, unless you are fiercely opposed to the anti-racism movements...

  9. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    No not all resorted to being criminals.  But those that where peaceful did nothing to stop the looters now did they.

    And this isn't the first time this has happened.

    I made a post on page one and linked some vids. Check them out if you want.

    What are you expecting peaceful protesters to do? Take the law into their own hands? 

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Leyvonne said:

    Because protesting against racism doesn't require some fancypants special armor from DE if you truly wish to show your support ingame.

    Ok please show me how a player can instantly be recognised for showing support against racism?

    Should the harmony ribbon also be removed? Or is it particular justice/humanitarian movements that you are against?

  11. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    But it achieves what? Life will continue to be what it is.  All the ists, isms, izaions, etc. Will continue because they always have utopia doesn't exist.

    What happened to this guy was wrong. But he's not the only person to ever be wronged regardless of ethnicity.

    And resortung yo violence, theft, larsony, etc. Doesn't solve anything.

    So all people who protested resorted to theft, violence? That's a pretty broad brush you got

  12. 2 minutes ago, Helch0rn said:

    If DE Handed out armor for everytime someone was killed for racial reasons we would get a lot of armor in all shapes, sizes and colorations.

    Why would it need to be every time? Give us something so that we can show our support whenever wherever. This recent incident unfortunately wont be the last given the US history...

  13. Perhaps illustrating a warframe + build your not entirely happy with OP so we can critique? 

    It's difficult to make a general statement about a build because all WF's are different, some have little to no use for power strength, while others need a lot of duration etc.

    When I was first starting out I tried to keep a healthy  balance for all the stats and was primarily focused on efficiency (didnt have any arcanes at that point).


    • Like 1
  14. Mentioned this in a previous thread and was ridiculed by some for saying this but the lich system is an artificial grind that has a pretty blatant paywall.

    Firstly you have the grind to get a kuva lich that you want. Then you have spend a great deal of time (unless ur really luck farming for the right words). If you dont have said words then its either buy from someone else or once again grind for them. At the point were u have all the words you then need to determine the order. This can be especially frustrating if the lich decides not to spawn, one of my lichs simply refused to spawn, I had all the words and through trial and error knew the order but when I needed the lich to spawn the most, it simply didnt.

    It took over an hour of running through missions for the lich to finally spawn and I finally managed to get the kuva Bramma.

    Unfortunately the grind had not finished and this is where the paywall starts. You need 5 forma to max each kuva lich weapon. I believe at current there are 16 kuva weapons so that means 80 forma is required. You can farm for forma blueprints but you then have to wait ~24 hours for one to complete.

    Clearly buying a forma bundle is the best option as things stand, however the paywall doesnt end there. Given that you have to level each weapon 5 times to get tha max mastery for it and the fact that it gets more grundy each time means that you will likely need an affinity booster, after all leveling up 16 weapons 5 times each will still be a grind..

    As of right now I have done 4 kuva liches and have maxed out the mastery for all 4. That leaves another 12 weapons, 60 forma and 60 times I have to level up the weapons before I'm done. That's not even factoring that while engaging in this process more kuva weapons might come out...

    Honestly I hate the system as it currently is.

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