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Posts posted by -Berserk-

  1. No. Exploiters will make multiple account and do the alert with all of them and redeem thousands of LCore's, just no.




    From the beginning LCore's were a bad idea, now people get Max. mods with no effort, not to mention the prime parts...


    What is the danger? so they have thousands of max serrations to sell? Saturation of the market would see price drops eliminating the only threat I can see, and I use the word threat lightly

  2. I don't see why not, it's not like they were earned like a wraith weapon. Could someone explain how this breaks the game at all? So you can max serration, and sell it? I'm not seeing the problem outside traders getting upset that everyone can have access to great mods without paying some dude with more time.

  3. A couple of streams ago it was mentioned that with Melee 2.0 update, XP sharing was going to be nerfed, as in no more simply ranking up weapons just by having them equipped?


    Was it implemented early and removed or is it still on the horizon?


    With Prime access ending the 25th, should we be power leveling our undesirable weapons out the door before this drops?

  4. I feel like I get cheated when I skip over that Forma BP at wave 30, and when wave 35 roles around and the team can't take it, I get something completely irrelevant, What's worse is the new Endless defense for Void.


    Too many times I skipped over the much desired Braton Prime receiver, for the good of the team, to receive another prize not as great. It's a punishment, sticking by your team and fighting the good fight.


    I understand it's a gamble and part of the RNG, but maybe you could wager the prize. Rewards would stack as long as you don't go down or achieve x amount of headshots.

  5.  The Format could be a little neater I'm having a hard time understanding what is what. My biggest take away is, what will she do when she is on  a space ship?

    I think it could be changed from a "Earth" theme to a "Matter control" theme.  That way no matter what environment she is in, she will always have control of something from her surroundings and you can keep the genral idea of your powers.

  6. Emergency- Similar to Volts Speed


    Chain of Power- Volts Shock is also very similar


    Execution- Ash Blade storm does the same thing but with stabbing


    Apocalypse- is interesting, but friendly fire is too troll-y with no way to fight back no one would want an Enyo in the squad.


    Not bashing you, just letting you know the powers could use some more work.

  7. The Concept art is very good, major props. The beast state dormant state idea is cool, but it makes things too complex, you have work within the confines of the game. I would love character based mechanics, but things like this just make every other Frame look, lacking in terms of complexity.


    Heavy leap- similar to Zypher's dive bomb, Rhino Charge, and Excalibur's slash dash, the only difference being it cost HP.


    Emanation- Rhino Iron skin, Saryn miasma, both do pretty much the same thing. The reflect damage aspect is interesting, that alone could be a power.


    Lacerate- Banshee's sonic boom is very similar unfortunately.


    Inner beast-  Valkyer hysteria is also similar in allot of the same ways.


    It's impossible to convey tone over the internet I just want you to know I'm only telling you like it is, so you can make it better.

    His design is sick but his powers are lacking. On top of that having a ton of armor is currently next to pointless, Rhino gets by on his Iron Skin alone and poor Valkyr is only just barely viable, or so I hear.


    Give him some shields, bring down his health and armor to a moderate amount and try and shake up his powers, to what  I wish I could give some useful suggestions but that is proving to be more difficult as more Frames are made.

  8. 1.5 speed ! It's a lot compared to the others frames


    Yes, after a cursory look at the wiki to get some generalization, I thought I would just add a wee bit more and over did it. After more Feedback I will request an edit to fix.





    Thanks! I agree there should be no offence boost on TP and I wanted to make it activated on dodge to avoid Ash cloning.

    Void Step  would only really be relevant for downed team mates and using a console.


    While it's true not many people dodge, I don't, but for a brief few seconds of extra shields to revive a downed team mate with that Lvl.60 napalm right next to him, you just might hit that dodge button. I also don't think there should be knock back immunity, that's unique to Rhino and could make things a little too crazy.

    Lumbering doesn't necessarily mean tough, Nova, Mag, Trinity all caster are fast with weak armor. Slowing him down keeps him close to his lore while making him squishy keeps him in the same category of caster. Spot on, Middle of the road shield and health with good power, low armor and what I thought was low speed, Koolen Is right I will make adjustments after more feedback.



    Thanks, I got the name from Resident Evil so I cant take the credit there.

    The percentage should make the damage increase relevant on all levels 15% of 5,000HP should be noticeable.

    Not sure on the remove shroud on repeat casts, you want to be able to use it often just not spam it, like a cool down timer or high power cost.

  9. Haos of the Abyss

    Of the Void Born Tenno, some fell further into the blinding night than others. Haos connection to the ravenous dark grants him power over the crushing shadows of the Abyss. Feedback, critique, and suggestions needed.







    Health- 100- 300

    shields- 100- 300


    Power- 125- 200

    Sprint Speed- 1.0

    stamina- 80

    Polarity- 4x power, 2x utility and 1x utility polarity slot



    1; Bane- Projectile, seeking. Affected enemies  take more damage from all sources based on a percentage of their health.  5/10/15% for 4/7/10 seconds 

    (boss hunting and high priority targets)

    power strength- percentage of damage increase

    power duration- duration of effect


    2; Shroud- AoE. Once activated Haos and squad members gain a second shield - shroud duration; 3/6/10. Shroud health 200/400/600, Cooldown 5/10/15


    power duration- Duration of second shield

    Power Range- Radius of effect.


    (Void step replaced with Shroud, Teleport mechanic could prove problematic, keep it simple stupid.)


    3; Wild hunt- Projectile, seeking . Random status on effected units, as well as taking more damage from all sources. Orb count ; 10/15/25, Effect duration 10/15/20, Damage increase 10/15/20%

     Power strength- Percentage of damage increase

    power duration- duration of effect


    4; Ebony Maw- Projectile, seeking. If the target is killed the projectile seeks out a new target with its damage increased based on a percentage of the last victims health at time of death. With each kill the mass picks up speed seeking out enemies until none are in range or it fails to kill an enemy 600/800/900 starting damage. 15/25/30% damage increase on kill.


    Power strength- damage at cast

    Power  range- How far the orb will travel to seek out new targets


    Haos is a lumbering support Frame his powers focus on a fire and Forget Mentality, and supports his team by crippling the enemy and synergizing with his team mates. Between Sonar, War cry, Chaos, and Roar, a team supported with Haos can decimate the enemy.



    Bane- Haos allows potent void energy into real space, the inky black mass is set loose like a mad dog hunting for a target to smother in crushing darkness.


    Shroud- Haos unleashes a cloud of void dust creating a shroud of protective energy around himself and his team.


    Wild Hunt- There is no satiating the hunger of the Abyss, only placating it. The wild hunt sets loose a pack of Bane orbs to devour the enemies of the Tenno.


    Ebony Maw-  Haos serves as a conduit for the jaws of oblivion, Ebony Maw Hunts and consumes matter with freighting zeal, becoming stronger after every victim.



    He should look emaciated and gaunt, not infected or diseased like Saryn but like a great burden wares on him, he is not psychologically or physically well. In terms of size He would be closer to Volt and Loki than Excalibur or Ash, but not the skin and bones of Nekros.


    The theme of his appearance, would be of a monk or priest of a religious order. The organic metal look of Loki, Frost, and Excalibur has allot of potential for some Lovecraft inspired motifs, so think future space Pope of the Flesh Metal Ninja Cult.


     I want to capture that Haos is in control of the ravenous Abyss, keeping it from devouring everything. A black inky core, surrounded by the Tenno Power color of choice.


    Gif representing Bane, Wild hunt Orbs




    Sketches removed, they did not properly convey his theme, I found the image above to help show what I'm thinking.


  10. Stay out of the void for now unless you have friends. Host a game and look for help in the recruiting tab on chat.


    I wouldn't call void "End game" but it's not for low leveled players as weapons you will need to excel in the void; Soma, Ogris, synapse, penta, are not unlocked until much later in mastery progression.

  11. they could do like... I don't know - Scale the enemies' size depending on their level???


    Idk about that Corpus Techs are freakishly huge with no explination. Somewhere on here people are wondering if they are place holders, I think they should be scaled to regular size at the very least


    The only level difference I can relate to is that Grineer Elite Lancers got a tiny bit of different armor than normal Grineer Lancers.. 


    And yes, put that art team to work!


    true, but i'm refering to enemy level, I.E. the difrence between grineer on mercury vs Eris

  12. What separates a level 14 Corpus crewman from a level 50 Crewman


    At the moment absolutely nothing, other than health, shield, and damage values.


    Enemies of a higher level should have some visual cue that shows they aren't just run of the mill, fodder enemies. Something like battalion badges or company logos, different colors and patterns, anything that says, the reason this Grineer butcher is taking so many head shots is because, his armor style conveys he is not a run of the mill butcher.


    The Halo series did this perfectly, there were only five enemy types, but there where hundreds of different enemies, because of its color system. You knew the Alien in gold armor was way more dangerous than the one in blue. It made since, they are the same alien but the gold one takes more headshot, why? Because it has gold armor.


    The best part about that is that it worked. I felt like I was fighting a way more diverse fighting force, rather than just the same five enemies, re-skinned with different attack/defense values, but it worked and it can work for Warframe too.


    The art team has talent, put them to work.

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