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Posts posted by -Berserk-

  1. Very well thought out post OP, and the discussions here where charged and very insightful, internet points to most, water for the fatally burned.


    I too do worry about what is going to happen for the future, the development teams heart is in the right place, I think they want to succeed, but if all it took was heart to get things done, we would all be speaking German.


    I can think of at least two, early access games off the top of my head(starbound, Rust) that have firmly listed goals like this.


    Melee 2.0

    fix damage 2.0- I do like the complexity, now if only my weapons had more than 5.0% status chance.

    Stealth 2.0-Ninja's, we are suppose to be Ninja's, this implies stealth.

    parkour 2.0- seriously parkour is mad weak and crazy inefficient unless you are a multi fingered lovecraftion horror.

    The big releases of last year turned out to be duds


    BF4: the beta the game, COD Ghost- same COD skeleton, wearing its flayed skin as an over coat, AC:BF- The power of the cloud has the power to destroy your progress.


    That's why I'm playing Warframe as much as I have lately, and I'll bet a dollar its where this huge player influx came from. As of right now nothing really catches my interest, nothing worth paying for anyway. OP said it perfectly, talk with us, let us know so we can give feedback Before they waste time developing a system no one likes. Time is literally running out, COD: black ops 3 Is coming.

  2. While we just got the Tigris, we still don't have a pump action shotgun and why not?


    7 round pump action shotgun built in the chem. lab, because the chem. lab needs some love.

    6 Bio lab weapons, 6 energy lab weapons, and 2 chem lab weapons.


    Moderate damage

    Low crit chance/moderate crit damage

    High status chance


    Innate fire damage hence the chem. lab, think dragon breath rounds in modern shotguns.


    Good for Grineer with corrosive and a high puncture.


    the slow fire rate and small clip size is made up for with fire/gas damage making it decent for infested.


    The low/lack of impact makes it poor for corpus with blast only taking you so far.


    Visually- Single barrel(please) with a heat shield because fire.

  3. Running on the rooftops of run down Favela, Above the twin moons leer at your squad, below dirty yellow lights try to fight through thick smog. Corpus and Grineer propaganda litter every surface with evidence of a poor population wanting nothing to do with them(Sharpie mustaches on posters of Alad V). In the distance a desolate L.A. skyline shimmers with light.


    Found this looking for a relevant image, just imagine this with more future stuff and propaganda.


    Edit* link broken

  4. No need to apologize, some changes where not optimal, and you listened and did your best to fix them, you didn't erase all our information and laugh about it. You guys do good work and I appreciate the sentiment and all the fun I get out of Warframe, don't let the haters and the loud mouths get you down.

  5. I don't mean to necro (no pun intended)


    But after some thought, I must say you are not wrong.


    their should be, at the very least, a way to separate people who are new, and people just trying to farm for parts. despite a lack of story, it does not mean you cant take in what you are doing, which is hard to do when every one has rushed ahead and already killed the boss.


    I wonder how many new people i left to die because I was on my 10th Jackal run that day and just didn't care about them, how many where new players who were turned off by the crappy team mates who left them to die on their first run on a boss?

  6. The people who are content and understand things usually spend their time enjoying the product, while the people who are, less so, come here to gripe.


    there is nothing wrong with griping, but as you said, DE are good people, if only more people who appreciated them would just say so.

  7. Nef Anyo, my first attempt i joined randoms who killed him before i arrived, on the second run, I arrived before, but never actually saw him, just a bunch of shooting and then a command to get to extraction.


    I decided to solo him today, and then promptly beat him to death with my furax, with no understanding of what he even looked like I soloed him, he needs a buff.

  8. Well the release date is rolling up pretty quick. I imagine that U11 will be mostly bug fixes and tile set additions. After that I think we will see more story related things, like quest, being added episodically.

  9. Don't play with random folks.


    solo, I do.


    create a clan, or join one, with like minded play styles


    Use this philosophy, is the front door unlocked? Yes, then you have only yourself to blame. when someone you don't like just walks right in.


    On Rushing itself, every minute you spend on a level is one minute less you have to respond to an Alert, with that thing you always wanted.

  10. So warframe should be like dead space? I guess,that if that is your point, but if i wanted to play dead space, I would play dead space. If I want to play a game about ninjas in the future and in space, I'll play Warframe. Diversity is the spice of life, without it we would all be playing COD, even though I like cod.


    That's not to say we could not use some more sci fi goodness, but as other have pointed out this is a beta, who knows what we will see in another two months.

  11. Enemy beneath a platform? An old issue and an old solving.


    1. Place your Rhino right above him

    2. Press 4



    or use your Mag and her pull

    or use you Banshee and her GTFO sonicBoom

    or use your Vauban and his Vortex

    or use your Nova and her anti-matter drop

    or use your Trinity with her new Link

    or use your Saryn with her Miasma


    or Use or any weapon with Shred installed - probably the most universal soltution in case you're playing any another warframe.


    only Excalibur and no energy, Used the last of it on radial blind to save my team mate, when I thought there would be a solution. 


    Are you using Warframe with Steam? If so, they'll be in your programmes file (x86?) ---> Steam ----> SteamApps ---> Common ---> Warframe ---> Captures.


    Thanks, but I guess I didn't get anything, as no capture folder exist in mine. Oh well if it is an existing issue then i'm sure its getting worked on, I just wanted to do my duty and report any bugs. 

  12. While playing through the Grineer settlement tile set, an alarm was triggered and the only hack station was on a raised platform. Unfortunately a Grineer eviscerator had clipped through the platform and was stuck directly beneath it.


    While this was troubling enough, being an extermination mission, the best part was when he fired his saw blades strait through the platform killing me and my teammate twice, as we were unable to damage him, or escape the area.


    I think I manged to get some screens, I spammed the print screen button but I m unsure if any screenshots where taken, and if they did, how to access, and upload them.


    I'm unsure what to do with this information so I'm posting it here. Hopefully this is something that can be avoided in the future.

  13. I'm sure the graphics artists working on the scarves can totally get a new degree and a few years experience and start fixing bugs as soon as U10 ships.


    Also yes, scarves are a stepping stone to greater customization, let it happen, the future is bearing down on you, always. Best to adapt and overcome, than resist and be crushed anyway.

  14. I've wanted to play warframe when it was still dark sector.


    After finding out that it was still alive in its current state I played for 66 hours before just recently getting hunter and I don't regret it.


    I bought an orokin reactor with my starting plat just to find out what it did, and after becoming a founder, I got the alpha color pack.


    Other than that I'm currently cycling through weapons rather quickly, I think and am this close to building a Rhino, finally.

  15. I think the Tenno are more like small tight nit squads of elite warriors who are all equal, being perfectly in sync with each other. I don't really see them needing a leader.


    Some of the ability ideas sound interesting though. Although you could link basically all of them to an already existing ability.


    Perhaps leader is not the best word for him, I think veteran fits perfectly, not superior but, they where on the front lines well before the others. your second point is also valid, volt and ash come to mind, but that is almost the point a good blend of offence and squad buffs, outside of trinity i cant think of any other Support Frames.




    I was not ware of rhinos "roar" ability, dang that bums me out, while making me want to do more runs on Fosa.

  16. Those are existing warframe abilities...


    Besides, how would one get to this commanding rank and why do they deserve to have extra powers over others? Sounds to vague and meh, imo

    Not additional abilities, a new frame, how did any one get to be a rhino?


    as far as abilities go, the shield is obviously from volt, but the others?

  17. So Tenno are not just random space ninjas, they where a warrior race with a social structure.


    It stands that logically they would have Captains, or veteran Tenno who trained, mentored and led Tenno squads and groups in times of war.


    I have a vision of a Warframe that served that very purpose, a Shogun if you will (best historical analogy I can think of, I know Shoguns are of the samurai and not ninjas, but what would you call a  ninja leader, Ninja master?, lame.)


    Their role would be a mix of support and DPS, being a veteran they would boost fellow Tenno morale and use years of combat experience to bring the enemy's to their knees



    Ignore the names or come up with your own, why not?


    War cry- Boost friendly warframe armor and damage for X amount of time, does not affect "vet"


    Squad Broken-"Fired" in a manner similar to Banshee's sonic boom,  Any enemies caught in the AOE would take slightly more damage and suffer decrease accuracy.


    lead the way- "vet" creates an energy shield(think shield lancer) The vet can move around albeit at a slower pace and at the cost of using weapons. The power cost nothing to cast but constantly drains energy until it is depleted or re-cast, ending the effect. Tenno behind the shield receive a boost in accuracy and fire rate.


    Beast within-  The rage of seeing to many, friends, students and fellow warriors taken is too much for the vet, giving into blind rage. All vet Melee attacks do X more damage, all while taking less.


    I have "tactical" co-op in mind when thinking of the powers, some one who could go it alone, with more risk involved(Squad broken, Beast within) or work to make sure that when the fighting is at its worst you are glad they are there to bring support(War cry, Lead the way)



  18. Power name suggestion in order.




    totem of fear ( I cant do better, bravo)


    Blood money


    shadow fragment


    Power suggestion( why not?)


    (no points for originality)- Necro is downed and re-spawns at his body as a "reaper" in this "reaper form" he deals double melee damage and is immune to damage. However Necro must get a kill in this form to be revived automatically or a teammate can "break his trance" and revive him before the time runs out.

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