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Posts posted by -Berserk-

  1. So I solo'ed a void exterminate mission,I had done it before and like to plod along at my own pace, taking in the sights, looking for treasure without being pressured to make it to the extraction point because everyone else has places to be apparently.


    For the longest time though, it felt as though I was alone, the only indication otherwise being the objective marker letting me know whee the enemies would be.


    I came into a large room and was promptly zapped by a trap I had never seen before, I revived into absolute chaos.


    Dozens of corrupted came pouring out the doors in front of, and Behind me, the room that was barren not two second ago. After exhausting all of my Revives, a daring escape, almost being surrounded and stun locked to death, I Sparta'd my way to victory.


    I'm not complaining, it was exhilarating, but I have a feeling that it was not suppose to go down like that, has this happened to any one else?


    and by 'this' I mean all* of the enemies suddenly and randomly spawn and attack you.


    (* 137 enemies, after Thermopylae'ing a group I had gotten around half of that with the rest hanging back to be drawn back to my choke point.)

  2. One day hopefully, I love customizing my characters and anything to help distinguish myself from my fellow Excaliburs would be great


    All this hate for scarves is crazy, they have to start somewhere, small steps, and interestingly enough, you don't have to use them if you don't want to.

  3. Everything else about him is cool, his powers are shaping up nicely from what I have read. But those thigh handles, what is that about? 




    I'm not trying to put the design down, or even suggest that it be changed. I just want to know if I'm the only one who is looking at him funny, and not even "haha" funny, like, what purpose could that Possibly serve? funny.


    I don't hate them, but does any one look at them and think, Yes I'm glad that those are there?


    If you do, good for you, I just want to know if I am alone in this.





  4. Could it be androgynous? Sexless in design, for the unaware. Wide feminine hips, with narrow shoulders with bulky masculine arms like pop eye, with a torso built in a way that they could be hiding breast or perhaps the armor is just thick? I think it would match the Warframe Bio Mechanical feel and i would like to see something more insect and downright alien-Esq, something both genders could play and feel like they could be hard wired inside somewhere. 

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