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  1. Merged my PS5 account into PC with PC set as primary. My PC account had 100% star chart completion. Now most of the star chart is locked like I've never done it yet I can still access steel path, arbitrations, and excavators on all planets. Quest progress stayed the same so I'm assuming it's just some sort of visual glitch on the starchart.
  2. This is the issue. Everyone keeps spouting the same basic troubleshooting stuff. Oh update your drivers, reinstall. That would make sense if you were having issues with the PC in general across other games. It is literally only Warframe. When I can run cyberpunk, dead space and starfield on highest settings with a 4090 with no crashes then this game should have zero issues. And it is being reported. I've seen many posts talking about increase in crashes since the newest patc Most of these posts also say they've done all of this already same with me. I keep drivers up to date and this is a fresh install of windows 11 and Warframe. These steps are pretty obvious and most people would have done that. As far as hardware. When you've run stress tests, have zero issues on anything else it's usually safe to say the problem lies with something specifically from the game itself. Whether it's an actual game issue, settings, or something else related.
  3. This is the issue. Everyone keeps spouting the same basic troubleshooting stuff. Oh update your drivers, reinstall. That would make sense if you were having issues with the PC in general across other games. It is literally only Warframe. When I can run cyberpunk, dead space and starfield on highest settings with a 4090 with no crashes then this game should have zero issues. And it is being reported. I've seen many posts talking about increase in crashes since the newest patch.
  4. Same thing happening for me. People will keep telling everyone it's your PC or whatever but this is the only game that is super unstable. Everything else plays perfectly. Something is clearly not right on this game.
  5. I usually get that report crash message from Warframe that eventually gives you number after you submit. WAR-3832614. is the only one I recorded idk if they're all the same or not. I Googled the code before but couldn't find anything. As far as the event viewer, I tried sifting through all the events after a crash but couldn't find anything that meant anything to me.
  6. I have been experiencing issues with this game on my new pc. The screen occasionally flickers in the UI and during gameplay(this isn't invasion flickering like stalker), it's very brief glitchy flicker. I have tried directx 11 and 12(seems like flicker is mostly on 12 but crashes happen on both). The crashes are occasional but enough to be a problem. Usually the screen freezes for a few minutes before the game hard crashes. I have windows 11 a 4090 and i9 13900k and the game is on an SSD. No issues with other games and have run stress tests with no issues so unlikely it's hardware. I have my settings on max for pretty much everything, could it be a setting issue? Does anyone know if some settings cause instability? My old PC didnt have this issue but also was running windows 10 so not sure if that's the issue.
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