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Posts posted by (PSN)jockhotty

  1. Please do not dare remove Kahl missions, maybe ill help make a video to show how fun and useful they can be.Hint.     Addittionally, perhaps a bump in the quality of shards available or a bump in the random chance that the one you buy will be enhanced.....in this manner maybe that will encourage people to explore more and actually see what these areas are all about and how they carry better parts of the NEW war through.

  2. That is a very annoying thing, the first time i got that i just incredibly" picked the right ones in the right order and it opened and i thought it was a NICE glitch figuring it didnt matter if it ever happened again. Never again did i select the right order when it has happened. It has happened more common than it should but it also seems to NOT happen to EVERYONE in your same squad so others can rescue the glitch if they pay attention. Another point is I have never found a single commonality to why it might trigger.

    I also use playstation, it would be interesting to see what might happen in a mixed platform squad, maybe it is only a playstation thing, .....or specifying your detail of that experience might provide useful to the devs

  3. This is my segment where i spontaneously randomly insert a cryptic like comment about something I think has been done extremely well. Setting of the warframes on the horse has been done so cleverly effective its amazing( granted I just realized  i havent tried Yareli or gyreskirt yet) But to be spontaneous,  Ive high hopes already.  GREAT JOB!

  4. LAst but not least...will the next prime frame be able to demolish a corpus cleaning drone. At least to make up for past humor. This K-Horse needs like 6 appearance slots for ambitious players super soon and really ought to join the main  arsenal menu system.

    • Like 1
  5. Nihil's Oubliette is such an amazing looking decoration. Any chance the new team leadership would allow owning more than one, my dormizone is pleading for it. There must be at least one other person who thinks this is a cool thing too.

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  6. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

    After that intro for TNW, I would be a bit surprised if Nakak didn't try making a mask based on Erra!


    More customization the better, either way :)


    Yum yum, that looks awesome. On this same note, I have been yearning for some Ballas looks for my operator.

    • Like 1
  7. On 2021-10-05 at 3:58 AM, (PSN)Refugee said:

    Warframe has two types of updates:
     - Updates that can be delivered by launching the game and downloading some data
     - Updates that require updating the application installation on the console ("Title Update")

    This update is the first type.

    The second update requires approval from the console manufacturer (in this instance Sony) before it is approved for release.  This process takes time and is not inside DE's control. "Cert" is short for "certification" as the update requires certification from the manufacturer before it can be distributed.

    Im sorry you wrote all that, I thought it was an obvious joke based on their somewhat recent reasoning for not using that word in the future announcements and how the 'people ' responded to it. It was meant to be funny, even for DE. Anyway I thank you for being helpful. It is admirable.

  8. On 2021-10-05 at 11:34 AM, (PSN)FirstAidSprays said:

    How about a fix for the hanging freeze/lag when a friendly Lich or Sister spawns in to help another player on PS4?

    I think it will be a bit, because it is not reproducible on will. Although, when I play solo it is there quite often, but when squaded up it doesnt seem to happen much at all but I am always too busy to see who is hosting. Nevermind that the last three days have been the buggiest in internet history in my side of the country. (I assume facebook is scrubbing routers)

  9. 1 minute ago, Lotus-123 said:

    Reading this thread has stunned me. Just realized how close I was to being "capped". I rely on Nightwave for Nitain, Reactors and Catalysts. I don't think that I have the skill to get these any other way. So yeah, this does feel a bit like "pay to win".

    It is definitely not pay to win, but we must keep after them to voice our needs and what starts to feel unfair.Everyone is busy with the new stuff so we have to help them stay on top of what is needed by Talking about it!

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, (NSW)Taipan20 said:

    imagine if they weren't restricted by the actual internal 25.9gb free space on switch they could make the total GB size as big as they wanted to


    Buy the power invested in me, I demand a nextgenPro Switch console to be created and released (Effective immediately) Limitations shouldnt be a thing.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, (PSN)Bean_Consumer7 said:

    So like we get some of the cosmetics worn by kuva liches to purchase, will we get some of the Granum liches cosmetics for purchase? I really want the boots from the Granum liches, like hi-tech space kicks. Pls let warframes wear shoes.

    I was thinking along the same 'line' for some cool bonus stuff. It seems that they will have a supporter bundle by the way they marked down the deimos supporter bundle 'to make room' I hope they give more details and prices ahead of the launch. It is important to know how many lunches to skip so one can afford the best stuff in the game.

    • Like 1
  12. 6 hours ago, (PSN)xBellikx said:

    I don't even know what you're talking about in some of those sentences, maybe you're just being goofy on purpose?

    Anyway, Hydroid's issues comes from him being slow and clunky, anything he does another frame can do way better and faster, by the time you manage to make him work, everyhting is already dead and your team his way ahead of you.

    - His passive is useless considering that anything dies fast enough that you don't need a tentacle getting in the way, also tentacles instead of flailing enemies around they should  hold them in place so you can deal with them as you please

    - His one and 4's charge mechanics should not be a thing, DE said so in Zephyr's rework notes, his 1 augment got "nerfed" when corrosive stopped stripping armor by itself, so they should either change the damage type other than impact, or rework impact altogether.

    - His 2 (Tidal Surge) could use some QoL changes such as being able to control the way you're moving and not be just a straight line, kinda like Lavos' Vial Rush.

    - The damage and range of his 3 could use some work too, as it stands now you need to be sitting there with enemies for a long time (even in low levels) for it to do anything, and that's boring as hell, another factor that makes his kit slow, they could also improve his energy economy a bit.

    There are some other ideas I've got but aren't worth bringing up.

    Ok, thanks for your reply. My hydroid is fast so maybe it is mod choice that makes him effective for me. I was trying to be goofy w some imagery, but you can ignore it, I thought it was funny and mood lightening. I would use #three just to slow the barage like in front of a mobil defense type situation, but actually I use 4 for that scenario. The 3 really could do alot more damage, what would you say to being able to move his three while you are in it as well as doing more damage over time?

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